
时间:2022-01-17 08:29:22

I have following - jquery Isotope based filter implemented in my code, its filtering n displaying - filtered content, based on BUTTON click:

我有以下 - 基于jquery同位素的过滤器在我的代码中实现,其过滤n显示 - 过滤内容,基于BUTTON点击:

    function getHashFilter() {
    // get filter=filterName
    var matches = location.hash.match( /filter=([^&]+)/i );
    var hashFilter = matches && matches[1];
    return hashFilter && decodeURIComponent( hashFilter );

    $( function() {

    var $container = $('.isotope');

    // bind filter button click
    var $filterButtonGroup = $('.filter-button-group');
    $filterButtonGroup.on( 'click', 'button', function() {
    var filterAttr = $( this ).attr('data-filter');
    // set filter in hash
    location.hash = 'filter=' + encodeURIComponent( filterAttr );

    // bind filter on select change
    $('.filters-select').on( 'change', function() {
    // get filter value from option value
    var filterValue = this.value;
    // use filterFn if matches value
    filterValue = filterFns[ filterValue ] || filterValue;
    $container.isotope({ filter: filterValue });

    var isIsotopeInit = false;

    function onHashchange() {
    var hashFilter = getHashFilter();
    if ( !hashFilter && isIsotopeInit ) {
    isIsotopeInit = true;
    // filter isotope
    itemSelector: '.offer-type',
    layoutMode: 'fitRows',

    // use filterFns
    filter: filterFns[ hashFilter ] || hashFilter
    // set selected class on button
    if ( hashFilter ) {
    $filterButtonGroup.find('[data-filter="' + hashFilter + '"]').addClass('is-checked');

    $(window).on( 'hashchange', onHashchange );

    // trigger event handler to init Isotope

    //@ sourceURL=pen.js

Button code:

        <div id="filters" class="button-group filter-button-group">
        <div class="my123"> 
        <button class="button" data-filter=".a1">Red Apples</button>
        <button class="button" data-filter=".b1">Green Apples</button>

I am trying to change display value of following code, based on same button click. Means additional function, other than filteration.


 Value to be changed on each button click

Tried so many things , but nothing worked. Help please.


1 个解决方案



var $filterButtonGroup = $('.filter-button-group');
$filterButtonGroup.on( 'click', 'button', function() {
  var filterAttr = $( this ).attr('data-filter');
  // set filter in hash
  location.hash = 'filter=' + encodeURIComponent( filterAttr );
  $("blockquote p").html("The value of data attr on button is" + filterAttr);

PS : You should definately use an id or class name for your blockquote's paragraph and also if you are using data attribute you can directly access it without attribute i.e



works same as





var $filterButtonGroup = $('.filter-button-group');
$filterButtonGroup.on( 'click', 'button', function() {
  var filterAttr = $( this ).attr('data-filter');
  // set filter in hash
  location.hash = 'filter=' + encodeURIComponent( filterAttr );
  $("blockquote p").html("The value of data attr on button is" + filterAttr);

PS : You should definately use an id or class name for your blockquote's paragraph and also if you are using data attribute you can directly access it without attribute i.e



works same as

