
时间:2023-01-23 18:09:18


waterflood; deluge; flood; flowage; Niagara;


city urban



Some had begun to build adjacent strips of shops, which they filled with
boutiques in an attempt to re-create urban shopping districts.

corruption and distrust


They will become increasingly intolerant of corruption, pollution, and lawlessness.




league 联盟
frat 兄弟会 狂欢
fart 屁
Q4.has there ever been a fossil fart found?
A clown's job is to amuse the spectators.

It was a comedy, full of jokes to amuse the audience.
It was ridiculous, but those were the kind of things you did to amuse

之前是雪兰莪的蕉赖康乐花园,但以前给setia alam的夜市取代了~~

Grief is a relentless predator
behalf behalf


crew lists


Isn't this an already saturated market? 饱和


real[英][rɪəl][美][ˈriəl, ril]









I say what I think, "he tells me, while warily eyeing my fall roasted root vegetable salad with petite lettuce, goat cheese, duck confit, figs, apple, and carrot vinaigrette."


A candlelight vigil was held in beijing.

visitant 贵宾




direct[英][də'rekt][美][dɪˈrɛkt, daɪ-]
director[英][də'rektə(r)][美][dɪˈrɛktɚ, daɪ-]
directory[英][dəˈrektəri][美][dɪˈrɛktəri, daɪ-]

triticum aestivum;
fructus tritici

wheat[英][wi:t][美][hwit, wit]
triticum aestivum
fructus tritici

garment shop 服装店
vortex 旋窝


retro 复古 怀旧


See the reverse as well as the obverse of things.




You may have heard the proverb silence is golden.



average[英][ˈævərɪdʒ][美][ˈævərɪdʒ, ˈævrɪdʒ]

"A very able buccaneer"--"a sinister force"--"an old pirate"--"schlock, just like his papers are schlock."


A fantastic tale of adventure
TV play; teleplay; TV drama; TV serial;

korean drama
Korean[英][kə'rɪən][美][kəˈriən, kɔ-, ko-]



series [英][ˈsɪəri:z][美][ˈsɪriz]
serial [英][ˈsɪəriəl][美][ˈsɪriəl]


eventuate 结果

In pudong, you have a store that mimics the 5th avenue ny store, with its iconic location.


Here's a souvenir for you. I bought from beijing.


vary[英]['veərɪ][美][ˈvɛri, ˈværi]


imposed cracking illegal smuggling
depute 委派给。。。
deputy 代表
repute 名誉
dispute 争议

the panel report 小组报告

Garments, garments
garment[英]['ɡɑ:mənt][美][ˈɡɑrmənt] 服装
, handicrafts,




ranch 大牧场
branch 分支

reach 达到
breach 不达到 违反

region 区域
municipality 直辖市 市政

veteran 经验丰富 老兵

the victory of China's Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression




counter 柜台 反击反驳
vail 价值
countervail 补偿

devalue 贬值
evaluate 评估
prevail 盛行

inexpensive inexpensive[英][ˌɪnɪkˈspensɪv][美][ˌɪnɪkˈspɛnsɪv]

gasoline gasoline[英][ˈgæsəli:n][美][ˈɡæsəˌlin, ˌɡæsəˈlin]

undervalue 低估

wander 漫步 游荡

vague 含糊不清 暧昧



英语中per-和 pre-有什么区别,per- 是每个的意思 pre-是提前、预先的意思

Investigations into terrorist finance, sanction evasion and money-laundering have traditionally been in the remit of the manhattan district attorney.

satellite beach
taxi got stuck

vac ation
vacation 度假 假期

devoid 空虚 缺少 缺乏

Life breeds both plenitude and void, exuberance and depression.

exuberance 繁荣
depression 萧条
shrinking 收缩

afraid fear dread

1、fear第一词性为n,而后为v dread第一词性为v,而后为n
2、dread是指great fear因此比fear的程度高
3、用法: v: dread to do;dread doing;dread
afraid程度轻很多,而且多用在恐怕的意思上,I‘m afraid……

budge 让步
dogma 信条
But the republicans will not budge from their dogma.

vain 空虚 徒劳的
vanish 消失


vacuum 真空 空白
We don't live in a vacuum

wages 工资 salary

allowance allow ance

bid bid[英][bɪd][美][bɪd]
bed bed[英][bed][美][bɛd]
bird bird[英][bɜ:d][美][bɜ:rd]

compensation 补偿
astonishment 震惊

potential 潜在的 潜力
protein 蛋白质

willingness 乐意 意愿
screening 筛选 播放

pace 步伐

the Silk Road Economic Belt 丝绸之路经济带

the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 21世纪海上丝绸之路

implication 暗示 蕴含
regional 区域
bloc 集团
especially 尤其特别是
special 特殊的

vi.与…一致; 想法、意见等相同; 相符; 极为类似;


it could have deep economic implication for the regional trading bloc,
especially as it coincides with a renewed push from international companies and commodity producers in Southeast Asia,
Central Asia, Middle East and East Europe,"

But the implication remains that wives and whores are--if not exactly like coke and pepsi--something akin to champagne and beer.

For one, all that excess liquidity is helping to drive up commodity prices.

Commodity prices have started to decline.

Handsets are becoming a commodity with shrinking margins.

Meeting that demand is a different task from meeting the demand for almost any other commodity.

Commodity prices collapsed last year.

quality 质量

quantity 数量

construct 构造
contractor 承包商
contact 接触 联系

tract 大片土地 一段时间
contract 合约 协议 收缩 约束

It's a contract, a commitment. " 这是个契约 是个承诺

emerge 出现
emerging 新兴的 展露 形成
emerging market 新兴市场
episode 集 next episode 下一集
programme 节目
logistics 后勤 物流 组织工作

statement 声明 表现 申请
revenue 岁入 国定收入 税收
Annual 年度
coastal 沿海
negotiating 谈判 协商

eager to 热衷于
n.合作,协作; 通敌,勾结;
huge outlays 巨大的支出

revenue income 区别
Revenue:收入,对应的是支出 Expenses。

income 比较口语,即可指公司也可指个人,指公司往往指net profit。income "所得"的意思 .income 一般是个人收入
income在会计上的狭义含义指一个会计期的企业营业收入超过营业支出,即“盈利”,与经济学上的profit同义。广义是指“收入”、“所得”,可以用于指企业营业收入(revenue)、个人收入或个人所得(personal income)。
income n 收入, 收益, 进款, 所得. 这个一般是指 正常的 持续的来源 其实对于一般人来说就是工资。income主要指个人、家庭等收入

rivals 竞争对手 匹敌的

renovate 翻新

be tried 被审讯 经受考验
tested positive 检测呈阳性
marijuana 大麻
admitted 被认为
be deemed

leisure 休闲
crude oil 原油
heating oil 民用燃料
gasoline 汽油
natural gas 天然气

barrel 一桶之量

ambargo 禁运

ultim 最终 终于
ultimate 极限 极大 顶点
ultimatum 最后通牒
One side cannot put an ultimatum to another.

penultimate 倒数第二

tailender 倒数第一
Thailand[英]['taɪlænd][美]['taɪlænd] 泰国
countdown 倒数 计数器

antepenultimate 倒数第三

I live in the last house but three 倒数第4
it was fourth from bottom 倒数第4

dairy dairy[英][ˈdeəri][美][ˈderi]
daily daily[英][ˈdeɪli][美][ˈdeli]
diary 日记

仙女在日记中写到, 日常的饮品是牛奶场的产品
The fairy wrote in his diary, daily drink is the dairy products

flagship 旗舰
admiral 海军上将

pepper powder 胡椒粉

curry 咖喱

umbrage 树荫 愤怒 不快

adumbtate 预示 前兆 ,勾画出...的轮廓
That was a somber january day
somber 阴郁
penumbra 半影 边缘 外围

lung 肺

content 内容
contract 合同
contact 接触 联系
contact information 联系方式
Please leave your contact information
This is my contact information.

suburb 市郊

replace 代替
displace 取代
displaced 取代

第二是用法有点不一样,当说代替某人作什么的时,也就是..sb/sth..as sb/sth的时候,
displaced persons = 难民

tenant 房客
n.房客; 佃户; <律>占用者; 占有者;

landlord 房东
owner 拥有者

collapsing 衰败 衰退 折叠
the risk of tenant default 租户违约风险

default 未履行,拖欠 默认

devaluation and default. 贬值 和 违约

colspan 合并单元格
span 跨度 共轭 一段时间

sketch 草图 素描 简述
sketching 草图

usage 用法 惯例
priority 优先级 重点

usury 高利贷
Lenders 银行 债主
usurp 霸占

cause[英][kɔ:z][美][kɔz] 原因 起因
case[英][keɪs][美][kes] 案例 例子

mouthwash 牙刷

ban 禁止
enjoin 命令 要求
enjoin from 禁止
inhibition 抑制 阻止


Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.


Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages.


The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations.

The union has imposed a ban on overtime.

forbid 指绝对禁止,希望人们能遵守*的意愿.

The new law forbids smoking in offices.

The doctor forbids him smoking and drinking.

forbid sb. to smoke

forbidsb. the house

Parking forbidden !
禁止停车 !

Cameras are forbidden!


utile 有用的
inutile 无用的 无益得
tile 麻将 瓷砖片瓦片 空心砖
title 标题

utilize 利用
util 跑龙套

utility 有效实用的

utensil 器具 厨房用品

peruse 研读
perusal 审阅

bone 骨头
bonze 和尚

misuse 滥用 误用
abuse 滥用
disabuse 解惑 释疑

flagrant 公然

cious ????

precious[英]['preʃəs][美][ˈprɛʃəs] 宝贵的 矫揉造作 、可爱的人
precise precise[英][prɪˈsaɪs][美][prɪˈsaɪs]

exact; accurate; meticulous; pinpoint; precise ;

urge 督促

Worst militant attack on French soil in decades
avenged the prophet
Prophet Muhammad
causing fury across the Muslim world.
Danish daily Jyllands Posten
a satirical newspaper
joking about

In September 2012, Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of a naked Muhammad as violent protests took place in several countries over a low-budget film, Innocence of Muslims, which was made in the United States and insulted the prophet.

recession 经济衰退

let's drink a toast to sb.
lose one's temper
keep one's temper
tally 吻合 比分
tally of tiger 虎符
taboo 禁忌
Family planning is no longer a taboo.
titanic 钛
titan 巨人 成就巨大的人

stir v搅拌 移动 苏醒 骚动
turb 搅动
turbine 汽轮机 涡轮机
disturb 打扰了
perturb 混乱 不安
troublous 使苦恼的 不安的
turbulent * 湍流
turbulent crowd 骚动的人群

default 默认 未履行的
source 消息 资源 采购

victims 受害者
satirical 讽刺
Prophet 先知

morning morning[英][ˈmɔ:nɪŋ][美][ˈmɔ:rnɪŋ]
mourning mourning[英][ˈmɔ:nɪŋ][美][ˈmɔ:rnɪŋ] n.悲痛,哀悼; 戴孝; 服丧期;

jihad 圣战
jihadis 圣战
warfare 战争中 冲突中

plaza 广场
France's Bastille and the enormous Republique plaza.
pizza 意大利薄饼

worship 爱慕 崇拜
Downing Street 唐宁街
The Guardian in London 卫报
vow 誓言
landmark 界标 里程碑 纪念碑

ambassador 大使
former Chinese ambassador to Valenzuela 中国驻委内瑞拉前大使

in return 作为回报
headwinds buffeting 逆风震荡 不利冲击

completely 完全
complement 补充 互补
the economies are complementary, despite difficulties 经济是互补的,尽管困难重重

ceremony 典礼 仪式 客气
And the "launch" was the sacred, 1000-year-old coronation ceremony to be held in westminster abbey.


nap 打盹 小睡

sniper 狙击手
mingle 混入
turboprop 涡轮

vulnerability 脆弱性
rear 后
eco-friendly 环保
margins 利润率

junk 废弃物
substandard 不合格

inflation 通胀
monetary easing 货币宽松
fiscal deficit 财政赤字
anti-corruption campaign 反腐运动
constrained 限定 约束

depriving 剥夺 使丧失

to cut benchmark deposit rate 下调基准存储利率
deposit withdraw
financial vehicles 金融工具
trillion 兆

bullish 乐观的 牛市

ax 斧子

suspected 可疑
terrorists *

niqab 呢库布
extremism *

dine 餐 dine[英][daɪn][美][daɪn]
dinner 晚餐 dinner[英][ˈdɪnə(r)][美][ˈdɪnɚ]

stampede 踩踏
laser 镜头

meant meant[英][ment][美][mɛnt] 意味着
meet meet[英][mi:t][美][mit]
meat meat[英][mi:t][美][mit]

investigation 侦查研究

coupon[英][ˈku:pɒn][美][ˈkuˌpɑn, ˈkju-]
n.优惠券; 息票,通票; 试样,试件; 配给券;

despite 尽管

definetly 肯定的

occupation 职业 工作 占有 占领 使用(建筑)

spouses 婚嫁对象

counterparts 同行 相对
dramatic 明显的 巨大的 戏剧性的

commute 通勤 上下班
sets off 出发
setting out 启程 开始
funeral 葬礼
mourning 哀悼 悲伤

Not giving in 不屈服 不放弃

blaspheme *

pension 养老金
Israel 以色列
Syria 叙利亚
Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔
suspect 嫌犯 怀疑

cyber 网络

diplomatic 外交
rhetoric 雄辩术 修辞学

tolerance 容忍
graft 贪污受贿
corruption 腐败
anti-graft work
urge 极力要求
a matter of life or death for sth.

Discipline 纪律
Inspection 检察
tipoff 有可能
purify itself 清洁自己

vanished 消失了
temptation 诱惑

sincere 真诚的

your sincerely

skeleton 骨骼 骨架 骨瘦如材的人
siren 警笛 汽笛 女妖 塞壬

slogan 标语 口号

scenery 风景

quarrel[英][ˈkwɒrəl][美][ˈkwɔ:rəl] 争执 反目 争吵

quite 相当 quite[英][kwaɪt][美][kwaɪt]
quiet 安静 quiet[英][ˈkwaɪət][美][ˈkwaɪɪt]
equity 资产

acquittance ; 解除 偿清

revealed 启示
reveal 透露 揭示

discomforts 不满

board secretary 董事局秘书
strike spreads 罢工 蔓延
protest 反对 *
protect 保护
This combination of factors led to the strike
factors 要素 因子 系数
combination 结合 联合体

出租车司机 cabbies[英]['kæbɪz][美]['kæbɪz]
defy 违抗
the strike

smashed. 粉碎

franchise 特许经营权
get relegated to 被安排到

share 股
shareholders 股东

Internet-based taxi-hailing services
hail 打招呼 呼叫


controversial 有争议的
exclusive 独家
Worldly success and practising buddhism are not mutually exclusive.

Worldly 世俗的
practising 虔诚信奉
practice 实践
buddhism 佛教

deputy 代理 副的

budget 预算

iron 烫平 铁质的 含铁的

a "prominent indicator" of its intentions

prominent 突出的

indicator 指标

intentions 意图

simultaneously 同时

court 法院
contain 包容 克制 牵制

Reuters 路透社

surveillance 盯梢 侦查
surveillance aircraft,
Global Hawk 全球鹰
Osprey 鱼鹰 鹗
Aegis 庇护 神盾
hedging 对冲

banned 查封 禁止

Boyhood 少年时代
Vegetarian 素食主义

implies 意味着

adj.行动迟缓的,反应慢的; 不机警的; 懒散的,不活泼的; 无精打采的;

A sluggish recovery looks more probable.
probable 过程
mitigating 减轻 减缓
participants 参与者
geopolitical 地缘政治·

ice box;


n.气候; 氛围; 状况; 局势;

adj.悲观的,厌世的; 悲观主义的;

mute 缄默 屏蔽 哑然

minor 次的
major 主的

influence[英][ˈɪnfluəns][美][ ˈɪnfluəns]
n.影响; *; 有影响的人(或事物); [占星学]星力;
vt.影响; 感染; 支配; 对…起作用;

flu 流感

n.婴儿,幼儿; 未成年人; 初学者,生手;
adj.婴儿的,幼儿的; 幼稚的,幼小的; 初期的; 未成年的;

n.步兵; 步兵部队;

italic 斜体 古意大利

ambit 境界 范围
ambition 追求 抱负 夙愿 夙兴夜寐

tranisent 短暂 过境客 片刻
transition n.过渡,转变,变迁; [语]转换; [乐]变调;
transit 经过穿过

initiate 开辟 发起 开始

idio 个人的 独特的

Basketball gas shortage

The eight wonders
wonders 奇观
mausoleum 陵墓
stampede 用脚踩踏 捣碎
compensation 补偿

pasture 牧场
bonuses 奖金
bonus 奖金
decline 下降 婉拒 衰落

This demonstrates the frustration employees feel about their low annual bonuses

candidate 候选者
privacy 隐私

vetting 审查
Have the courage to seize opportunity.

seize 抓住 逮捕 俘获 捉拿

Weslie 喜洋洋
roast mutton
inflicted unintended harm on sb.
villain 反面
Phrases 词组短语
psychologist 心理学家
instincts 本能 天性

equities 股市
shares 股
stock 股票 库存

Is private equity simply a geared bet on equities,
offering higher returns but also higher risks?

Is my accent my unique asset?
accent 口音 腔调
asset 资产 优势

symmetry 对称 匀称
A new embryo starts as a single cell with perfect symmetry.
embryo 胚胎

interfere 干涉 干预


transportation 运输

centric 以某某为中心的
Mba students are often labelled the most "me"-centric group on the planet.

pepper 辣椒
green pepper 青椒
sweet pepper 甜椒
pepper powder 胡椒粉

abortion 流产
abort 取消
carried out 实施 惯例
distribution 分配 分布

condo 各户有独立产权的公寓
I told the detective that it was the refrigerator that blew up my condo

surgery 手术 外科手术 诊断
A famous professor of surgery died and went to heaven.

consequences 重要性 结果 后果
hese reforms had further consequences.

sterility 不育

a press briefing 新闻发布会

globalise 全球化
portfolios 业务量 公文包
tycoon 巨头 大亨

conglomerate 集团

retail 零售
detail 。。。

red-hot 炙热的

bureau 办事处 局

domestic 国内 内部
luxury 豪华 奢侈品
1 Growth decline in domestic luxury market for the first time

worst-hit 最坏的打击 最沉重的打击
slump 萧条
worst-hit in this slump.

brick-and-mortar 实体 具体的 (砖和水泥)
Ordering online can't replace the brick-and-mortar experience completely

emerge 暴漏 拜托 浮现
emergesing 新兴

woo 争取 求爱
But then it is up to you how to woo them and make them love you

reshuffles 重新洗牌

Collaborate 合作
collaborative 协作的
cargo 货船
ascends into 荣登

masses 集体

ignite 点火
underbelly 腹部 物体的下方
igniting 点燃 比如点燃热情 点燃矛盾
That he was igniting a war between species. 他点燃了种族见的战火

creeping into 爬入 蔓延

cemented 巩固
reputation 声誉
If the bid flops, he will have cemented his reputation as a failed dealmaker.

sustainable 可持续的
instigated 煽动 鼓动
phenomenon 现象 奇迹 非凡的人

outlined to 概述
disrupt 扰乱 打断 混乱
norm 规范
normal 正常的 标准
drenched 湿透了 浸透
tide 涨潮
12/ 14 Mumbai, india: people get drenched by a large wave during high tide

But that is because marriage is disappearing as a norm.

consumption 消耗 肺病 耗尽
Another concern is energy consumption

AirBnB 网上的租赁房屋网站

incurable 不治之症 无可救药
degenerative 退化
disease 疾病
inhuman 不人道的

To put an incurable dying man away may not be inhuman.
You know what an incurable romantic I am anyway. 浪漫的无可救药

The study focused on cats that were born deaf, so it is unclear
if those with degenerative hearing would experience the same neurological shift.

lift 起重机 * 举起
lifting 提升 解除
lifting the oppression 解除压迫
oppression 沉闷 苦恼
pressure 压力
laid 奠定

credible 可信的
But was this election credible? 选举可信吗
incredible 难以置信的
sustainable 可持续

cumbersome 繁冗 笨重 累赘
Laptops and pcs have been too cumbersome for the job. 膝上电脑和PC用来看书太笨重
lease 租约 租赁物 出租
please 乐意 请
terms 条款 条件 时期 说法 任期

pant 喘气
pant 裤子 短裤
planet 星球
plant 植物

rigid 刚性的 死板
reluctant 不情愿的
She convinced a reluctant union to agree to a pay-for-performance system.

excessive exploitation and worsening pollution.过度开发和严重的污染
deepen rural reforms 深化农村改革

rural 农村
Highlighting 强调

the prerequisite 先决条件
a yawning gap 巨大的间隙

Heathrow Airport

But since then, Chinese companies have changed course and
are now bidding for contracts to use the UK's infrastructure sector
as a springboard to demonstrate their technical expertise and expand globally.

Nuclear energy, high-speed rail and commercial business parks

stake in the consortium, with Areva taking another 10 percent.

stake in the consortium
stake 股份 份额
consortium 财团

Davos Summit in Switzerland

inaugurated 宣誓就职

tangible 切实
take tangible measures to 采取切实措施
scholar's 学者
allegations 指控

tanning in your sunray 沐浴在你的阳光里

itinerary 航线

consumer 消费
retains 保持
gossip 流言 碎语

conglomerate 财团

acquisition 获得购置
promotion 提升

inquiry 探究

Coroutine 协程

mutex 互斥

Quotient 商数

compensation 补偿

the Ar* Nights 天方夜谭
ordeal 严酷的考验 折磨

campaign 战役
standoff 避而不谈
standoff 对峙
bonus 奖金 红利

be intrigued by 好奇
markdown 减价
glyph 符号

originally 最初的



envious 妒忌

unsustainable 不可持续

thrust 推力

propulsion 推进

orbit 轨道

cajole 哄骗 勾引

bravery 勇敢
shameful 可耻的
glossing 掩饰 注解

determination 决心 测定
behalf 利益 维护 支持

Variant 变异

transient 候鸟变迁 临时旅客 临时的 短暂的
decomposition 腐烂分解
composition 组成 作文 构图

concrete 使固结

motion 运动 请求

contradiction 矛盾

Cooperation should always be greater than contradiction


agenda 议事日程

domestic 国内

embrace 拥抱 怀抱

graft 腐败的
corruption 腐败

suspected 怀疑
fugitives 逃犯
allegedly 据称

reproach 责骂责备
convicted 定罪
inadequate 不充足 不适当

Reputation 声誉 名望
offshore 离岸的

concludes 达成 决断
sincere 真诚的

deaf 聋子

classy and fabulous 优雅和美丽

trilateral 三方

initial consensus 初步共识

"undermine" 破坏
an apology 道歉
issued in 发出

Ties have also been strained by territorial rows as China and Japan
are disputed over uninhabited islets in the East China Sea,
known as Diaoyu Islands; and South Korea and Japan
both claim ownership over islands that lie between their mainlands,
called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese.

been strained by 致使紧张由于
territorial rows 领土争端
are disputed over 有争议的
uninhabited 无人居住的
islets 胰岛

surge 冲击
assets 资金 力量 财富

warehouses and logistics 仓库 后勤服务

bladder 膀胱

graft 贪污 嫁接受贿
bribery 贿赂

vacant 空缺
commission 委员会

unattainable 不可实现的
applicable 适用的
rival 竞争对手
transactions 交易

speculation 推测 投机

sheer 偏离

megacity 大都市
mega 巨大
rumors 谣言
rally 团结
lockup 锁住
prudent monetary policy 稳健的货币政策
problematic 存在问题

addict 瘾君子 使沉溺其中
dean 院长 副主任

deposit rate 存款利率
benchmark 基准
definite 肯定 确定
vigilant 高度警惕 警觉
demand 需求
ripe 成熟了

decline 下跌
stake 关系到 绑定 柱子
protracted 冗长的

ratio 比
rate 比率 等级
trolley 电车
axis 轴线
v.痒,发痒; 渴望,极想;
n.渴望,热望; 痒; 疥疮;

remorse 懊悔 悔恨 自责 同情

Xi recognizes Kissinger as 'trailblazer' 开拓者

manner and grasp 方式和把握

Some friction has emerged recently, 出现磨差
particularly with 特别是

sharp criticism

specific issues do not undermine 具体问题 不会破坏
the overall relationship. 整体关系

consider to compensate it.

municipal 市政
upcoming 即将到来的

Measures to fight smog, for example,
include shifting the coal-burning boilers and industrial furnaces to clean fuels,
transforming power generators to reduce their emissions,
phasing out high-polluting vehicles and putting in place further
control on dust at construction sites.

sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫
nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物
volatile organic 挥发性有机

emissions 发射 排放

portion 一部分

geographic 地理

a big gap between the rich and the poor 贫富差距巨大
optimistic 乐观的

emerge 出现 暴漏 出头
innovation 发明 改革
Strong men embraced each other with tears. 拥抱 而泣 相拥而泣

are being embraced by 被接纳
embrace 拥抱

thunder 打雷

hold back foreign consumers from buying 妨碍了...做...

hamper 阻碍了 大篮子 是困累
deputy 副 代理

mature 成熟 使成熟
sophisticated 复杂

Recursion 递归

represent 表现 象征 代理

* (asterisk)
Another way to get a pointer is to use the built-in new function


genuine 真正的

roll out 开展 展开 运行下去

slain 被杀 杀死 杀戮

Afghan president attends funeral of slain brother 参加葬礼
militant 激进分子

concurrently 同时
go routines 联合

scratch 从头开始 公平比赛

kicked off 开球者 拉开序幕

dramatically 喜剧性的

sophisticated 是迷惑 复杂 深奥的

diplomat 外交官

sincere and pragmatic 真诚务实

taking history as a mirror and looking forward to the future,

maritime 海上 海事
maritime emergency contact
mechanism 机制
high-level negotiations over maritime issue.
negotiations 谈判

China-Japan ties
are frayed
due to the territorial dispute as well as historical issues.

unilateral 单方面的
technology giant 技术巨头
could eliminate 可以消除 结束
redundant 冗余 备用

shareholders 股东

facilities 机构 器具
lay off 裁员
Laid off, but it won't be for long 解雇,但不远了

Underperforming 表现不佳
vis-a-vis 面对

corporate streamlining 企业精简

unprofitable 亏损
centers 中心 根源


comeback 卷土重来

burgeoning 迅速扩展

guaranteed 保证 担保

presence 面前 表现

panic 恐慌
Panic 潘神

Council 委员会 理事会
venture 冒险
spur 刺激

kick-start 强力启动

docker 码头工人
garnered 获得了

hailed for diplomatic pragmatism

inspiring 鼓舞
Bilateral 双边
orthodoxy 正统的
intimacy 亲密
Singaporean 新加坡人
inspect 检测 检察
He wanted to give his son a hug.
hug 拥抱 一个拥抱
a bear hug 熊抱
banned 下令禁止
user-friendly 用户友好话
Special Drawing Rights 特别提款权
Association 学会 联合
infrastructure 基础建设
infra 基础

urgently 紧迫的
Eager to 急于
sufficient, 足够 十分 严密的
open and transparent policy-making.

Buddha 佛 佛教

manipulate 操作 操纵
multiplicative 乘法 多倍

rune 符文 北欧文字

interpreted 解释演绎

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB

inclusive 包括 范围

urging 督促
proposed 提议
hesitating 吞吞吐吐 犹豫不决

gained wide recognition 获得广泛的赞赏
regional interconnectivity 区域联系

labor 苦力 劳力
imbalance 失衡的
exclusive 独享 排他的
abrupt 突然
spillover 溢出.
entrepreneurial 创业
intellectual 知识

friendly registration and legal facilities,
intellectual property rights protection
and angel funds for startups,
is critical.

algorithm 算法
Portable 便携式
explode 扩大 爆炸
overlapping 重叠

operand 操作数
syntax 语法
escaped strings 逃脱字符 转义字符

Urban-Rural 城乡
conjunction 结合联合
Why should we struggle so?

revamp 改进 革新 修改
Benchmark 基准 指标

represents 代表 展示
present 礼物 面向
guarantee 担保 保证
Can you guarantee me that I will like this product?

Germanwings 德国之翼
airlift 空运 空运补给线

descent 下降
Lufthansa 汉莎航空

oblivious 忘却 健忘

trolley 小车
ingredients 混合物原料

Weedkiller 除草剂

epoch 时代
distinguish 分辨区别
Purge 净化
paid tribute 致敬

ruthlessly quashed. 无情镇压

consumption 消费量

prominent 突出的

premature 过早的

Participant 参与者

Citing anonymous insiders

Citing 援引

relinquish China's veto power. 否决权

relinquish 放弃 弃而不用
China and russia would veto any resolution in the security council.

bilateral or multilateral 双边或多边

diverse 丰富 五花八门

aspirations and vision 愿望和设想

Purge 净化
The Bully Pulpit 讲坛

Immunity 免疫力
stimulations 刺激

demand 需求
locked out cockpit 锁定驾驶舱

smash 粉碎 撞
investigator 调查人员

adopt 采取采用
a skilled immigrant policy.

china Merchants bank

permanent residency 永久居住权

messier 烦乱的

Go was really designed for scalability and concurrency, 可扩展 和 并发
without too much hassle.

tooling 加工 用工具修整

recalibrates 重新校正
undergone trials 经受考验

inland 内地

co-pilot 副驾驶

conspicuously 显眼

debate 辩论

stance 态度,立场; 站姿

cowrite ???

excessively 过度地; 过分地; 极度地;

be resident board members 常驻董事会成员

appropriate 盗用 侵吞 合适的

formulate 用公式表示 构想

concrete 实际的 凝固 混凝土

monopoly penalties


penalties 反对 制止

Such views are all biased 片面的
underscoring 下划线 强调
underscoring their shared destiny and opportunities 命运共同体的重要

keynote speach 主旨演讲
overcapacity 产能过剩
plagued 麻烦 纠缠 瘟疫

concurrency 并发
prematurely 过早
come across 偶遇 偶然发生
nontrivial 非平凡的
Canonical 权威的做法 按照规定
silly 蠢

Conclusion 解决
sling 悬索 吊索

evacuate 撤离

donned 披着
They easily get bored with simple, regular movements 无聊

underestimate 低估

curious 奇怪
nursing homes 需要护工家庭
nowadays 先下 如今
entertain 消遣 娱乐自己

envoy 特使

innovation 改革 创新

Revel 沉溺

potential rival 潜在对手

China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

misgivings 担心 疑虑

straightforward 直截了当

clarity’s 清晰的
sake 目的

bandwidth 带宽

Conclusion 结局结论

lawsuit 诉讼案

filing 归档

litigants 诉讼当事人

Council 委员会

revenue 岁入

deflat 收紧

minister 大臣

pledge 保证 誓言

juror 陪审员 评委

show courage and guts

start off 开启
ubiquitous 无处不在 非常普遍
orchestrates 编排 管弦

This system also made it super easy to deploy frequently,
since we just pulled in our changes to a git repo hosted on the prod server,
ran the migrations and database seeds and voila,
we were done deploying. No nasty production surprises.

chops 排骨
giggles 咯咯地笑
wrangling 争吵
critique 评论 批判

mutated 突变
hyped 炒作
recursion 递归
diagonally adjacent 对角相邻
prematurely 过早的
mutable 易变的

magnitude 级数广大

Until next time, stay sassy Internet 下次 保持酷点的互联网

domestic violence shelters 家暴庇护所

impress 印象
impressed 给..印象

clarify 澄清
arbitrary 任意 随性

myriad 五花八门

significant 重大的


confusion 扑朔迷离

Traverse 贯穿

reverse the epidemic. 逆转疫情

outbreak 爆发

largest-ever 有史以来最大规模

combat 斗争

sustain the efforts, 效力支持

commission 定制
Renewed pledge 后续保证

to do everything in its power to help 竭尽所能去帮助

the international community. 国际社会

post-Ebola era,后埃博拉时代
hailed 欢呼
exemplary 楷模

patients 病人 病例

desperate 绝望

letup 停止
withdrawal 撤离
medallist 得主
anticipated retirement prolonged 预期退役拖延
sponsors 赞助商

notable 显著的
vivisected 活体解剖
recruitment 招聘
Buddhism 佛教

congested 拥堵


chronic 慢性的 漫长

relieve the traffic burden 解决交通负担

commute 改判


extradition 引渡

witnessing 见证

underscored 强调

adhere 依附

mutual 相互

taking a tangible step forward 采取明确的步伐

docking 对接

anniversary 周年 纪念的

laid a wreath 铺设 一个 花圈

Tomb 墓

uphold mutual interests

accused 被告

briefing 简报
shelters 庇护
meteorological forecasting 气象服务
vessels 海运
typhoons 台风

sovereignty 主权

It is beyond reproach, 无可非议
reproach 责备 谩骂
the US Navy 7th Fleet, 第七舰队
adheres 粘附 采取 附件
emphasized 强调
wire harnesses 线束

communities 社区

spending 花费

municipal or provincial bonds

burden 负担 债务

municipal 市府 自治州

surge 洋溢

renowned 大名鼎鼎

bowel 脏腑

mattress 床褥

await 期待

soar 腾 涨

comparison 对比

sweeping health reforms 全面医疗改革

rural 田园

China's choking air pollution. 令人窒息的空气污染

obesity 肥胖

carcinogen 致癌物

remission 缓解

seek sought sought 寻找
sought out 找出
quest 追求

commerce delegation 商务代表团

carbon dioxide emissions to peak by 2030 or earlier. 二氧化碳排放量
tackle climate change. 应对气候变化
low-carbon economy 低碳经济

give incentives to China‘s sluggish imports 鼓励中国低迷的进口

undermine 破坏

Saudi Arabia 沙特

dispatched 出动
denounced 谴责

deadlock 弄僵

concerns 关注

legitimate 合法的
plunge 跳入
profound calamity 深深的灾难
spill over to 波及

will not only plunge the people in Yemen
into profound calamity but also spill over to affect the entire region

inclusive 包容性的
humanitarian 人道主义
abstained 弃权
obligations 义务

Hijacked 劫持

Sniff 鄙视 嗅
transparency 透明

strive to be 奋斗去
The motto of the bank set by him is "lean, clean and green".
versus 与。。比较 对比
elect 已当选
resume 履历
an experienced, savvy, pragmatic guy
negotiating 协商
persuaded 劝说
to relinquish 拱手相让

shareholdings 股权

lending and repayment. 借贷 和 还贷

counterpart 竞争对手 同行
he Great Patriotic War 卫国战争
Soviet Union 苏联
the anti-fascist war 反法西斯战争

Indent 缩进

consumption 消耗量
emissions 排放
be phased out 被淘汰

The industries are
paper making,
nitrogenous fertilizer,
nonferrous materials,
and dyeing,
and sideline products processing,
the manufacture of drug substances,
leather making,
agricultural chemicals
and electroplating.


basins 盆地

boost 促进
bolster 撑腰
Corridor 走廊
Uygur *

hub 中心

Strait of Hormuz 胡木兹海峡

lure 吸引
physician 医师
incentives 奖励
Coastal 海岸

has a good reputation among foreigners 有良好的声誉
prestigious universities 久负盛名的大学

Ongoing 一直 持续

Ongoing reform in politics, the judiciary, business and
talent recruitment policy has also provided the opportunity
and the environment for talented people to start their
own businesses or perform innovative work.

unsubscribe 退订
subscribe 订阅

eyeing perpetual 细处 永恒

evacuate 疏散
anticipated 预期

cooked 烹饪熟 烹饪过的
ripe 成熟 或时机成熟
muture 成熟的

agenda 议程
For his part, Sharif reiterated:
'The Pakistan-China friendship is
higher than mountains,
deeper than oceans,
sweeter than honey,
and stronger than steel.'

stimulate 激发
exemption 豁免
presided 主持
responsible 有责任的

lackluster 乏善可陈
Streamlined 流线型的

Xi upholds spirit of cooperation 秉持 合作精神
solidarity 团结

tacitly 默认
assumed 假装

tilde 波浪号
plus 做加
pivot 转置矩阵



expressways 高速公路
relief supplies
varying degrees 变化的度数
upper hand 占上风
evident shaking 明显的 震动
bagging the contract 套装合同

dumping 倾销
albeit without any basis 尽管没有任何证据

excerpt from 摘录

high plateaus, mountains, plains and deserts.
mutual trust 相互信任

validity 合法性的

Benchmarks 基准
present 现在
versatile 多才多艺

delimiter 界定符
sequential 连续的

wound 伤害
unwound 展开的 未卷绕的
consecutive 连串的 随后的

idiomatic 习语 符合语言习惯

imperatively 势在必行

envoy 大使 使节
parade 游行
debris 废墟
relief 缓解
evacuated 疏散
stranded 搁浅
chilly weather 严寒的天气
sporadic rain 零落的雨
tourists and trekkers 游客和远足者

snow and landslides 雪崩

Tariffs 关税

curb 遏制
smuggling 走私
boost consumption, sustain growth and restructure the economy.
agendas 日程
detained 拘捕
interpol 国际刑警
accused of graft, including embezzlement, abuse of power, bribery and corruption,

Zero tolerance 零容忍
irrespective 不管

confiscate their ill-gotten funds 罚没非法所得

illegal money-laundering
assets 资产

suspects 嫌犯

mass affluent 大量富人

emerging 新兴 [iˈmɜ:dʒ]
respondents 受访者
responsible 负责的
rapped for stance 斥责立场

urged 督促
rehousing of victims 安置灾民

abortions 流产
illegal fertility agencies 非法代生
clinics 诊所
itinerant physicians. 江湖 游医

pave the way for 铺平道路 为....
UK votes in most unpredictable election in decades
unpredictable 预测

significant 标志性 重大的
proposed 提议 倡导
Initiative 初步 倡导
docking 对接
a government think tank
economist 经济学家
Belarus 白俄罗斯
desperately 绝命 亡命
its field hospital was like a light in the darkness for the locals.
After consulting with the Nepal Red Cross 经过向...咨询


Nearly 20 doctors, including experts in emergencies,
respiratory diseases,
pediatrics and gynecology,
worked at the field hospital,

diminish 减少
accommodate 适应 容纳
concrete 具体的实际的 混泥土

primitive 原始的
ambiguous: now we can’t distinguish 模糊的我们无法区分

notation 符号

profound 深厚的 海洋
surged to 飙升

comprehensive 全面 博大的

are good for broader collaboration, 大面积合作
witnessed 见证
pragmatic 务实的

Patriotic 爱国

heartfelt apology 衷心的道歉

conscience良心 衷心
deep remorse 深深的悔恨 悔恨
aggression 侵略 盛气凌人

brothels *
tenacious defender 强烈反对
Constitution 宪章
facilitate 导致
revised 修订

"Hence, keeping Japan's pacifist Constitution intact is of paramount importance."
referendum 公民投票
Murayama believes this is such a high hurdle that
the LDP will have difficulty crossing it.

pacifist 和平主义
peace 和平
Cannes and Monaco 加纳 摩洛哥
vast 绝大多数
vast majority 巨大广泛的

Interceptor 拦截
parcelable 打包的
vowed to bring the policeman to justice 誓言...

An investigation is underway. 调查 暗访
petition * 请愿
foster 培养 培育
prospect 展望
Given 特定 设定
collaboration 合作
isolation 隔断

incorporate 合并

procedure 过程
resides 驻留
fingerprint 指印

setup 安装
teardown 拆除

denotes 意味着
overlays 覆盖物
populate 填充 移民
self-explanatory 自我说明
trackball 轨迹

longitude 经度
latitude 纬度
emulator 模拟器
arrange 安排布列

inflater 充气
tabular 表格式的
mess with 胡搞
android:gravity 重力

proportion 权重

explanatory 说明

Spinner 微调 蜘蛛
demonstrate 示范

Analogclock And Digitalclock 模拟时钟 数字时钟

simulate 模仿
substantial 丰硕
conclusion 结论
ceremony 典礼
counterparts 副本

retrieve 恢复

motion 活的
recurring 经常性
derive 派生

moderately realist. 适度 现实主义
footages 片段
surplus 盈余

Contemporary 同时代
contradictions 矛盾抵触

utmost 莫大的 极大的
ceremony 仪式 典礼

banquet 晚宴
Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑
ceremony 仪式 典礼

surnamed 姓
add fuel to 添加燃料
recurring 经常性的

transparent 透明 澄清

pursues a diploma at Informatics & Telecommunications Engineering;
追求 文凭
curious 好奇

mind-sharpening 头脑敏锐

accompanied by 陪伴 伴随
mutual 相互benefit
facilitate 便利
inject new vigor into 注入新活力
badminton 羽毛球
When the iconic Lin Dan sealed the victory with a powerful smash
"The competition is fiercer than expected. I fought to the end and I did it, " said Lin Dan, the dual Olympic champion.

detracting 减损
Brasilia 巴西利亚

aviation 寒天
imperative 实在必行的
concessions 优惠
soybeans 黄豆
Despite a slight decrease 尽管 有轻微的下滑

Neutral 中性的 暗淡的

hierarchy 阶层 等级

clip 夹

hydroelectric 水电
dam 水坝

The Brazilian side is willing to cooperate with China in
energy, resources, metallurgy, aviation and aerospace and agriculture,
with an emphasis on infrastructure and industrial capacity, she said.

superstition 迷信

'it's certainly violating the harmony

recommended 推荐

gravity 重力 权重
Threshold 阈值

manipulated 操作

inflater 打气筒 充气

logic 逻辑
logistics 后勤 物流
span 跨度

President Xi urges solidarity for national rejuvenation
urges 督促
solidarity 军队
rejuvenation 复兴

pledged to bring 承诺

"Fears that Chinese companies could systematically move acquired assets and related jobs back to China have not materialized,"

mutual benefits 相互利益
Pending 等待 未定

backdrop 幕后
hailed 欢呼
mutual 相互的

diplomatic 外交

constitute 构成

Sunflower seeds 葵花子

latitude 纬度
longitude 经度

Coordinates 坐标

Incorporating 结合

Consumption’s 浪费
Myanmar 缅甸
Bangladesh 孟加拉

engagement 订婚

thesis 论文
precomputation 预算

interpolated 插值

shrimp 小虾

admires 尊崇

the Pentago 五角大楼

red carpet 红毯

Monument 纪念碑
reefs 珊瑚礁
islets 小岛

China has described the work as totally within its sovereign rights,
while US officials accused China of being provocative and changing the status quo.

Digest 摘要

preferred 优先
encapsulating 封装
Generics 仿制品

cornerstone 基石
embarks 从事

deceased 死亡者
adjacent 附近
polygons 多边形

Quadratic 二次
Consecutive 连续

Derivatives are Continuous 导数是连续的

curvature 曲率

computation 计算

Expansion 扩展 膨胀

knots 结

Assume four knots spline 假定四个节点样条
(two boundary knots and two interior knots),
also X is one dimensional.

one dimensional 一维的
piecewise 分段

federal 联邦
fraying 磨损
Memorandum 备忘录
breakthroughs 突破

which are aimed at promoting understanding, boosting trust and enhancing cooperation.

Extrapolation 外推
arbitrary 任意

"casting our eyes to the far horizon".

linear algebra 线性代数
equations 方程
Elimination on Column-Augmented Matrices 消除增广矩阵
Pivoting 旋转

Pursuit of that goal was driving China's financial overhaul, 追求 全球利益 翻翻
Pursuit 追求 在意
overhaul 翻翻
divergent 发散的 不同的

Illicit 违法的

obstacle 障碍
reliable 可靠的

Cockroach 蟑螂

help lift China’s sluggish exports,

sluggish 疲软的

initiative 主动 倡议

Critiques 评论
alternatives 选择

pension fund 养老金

topology 拓扑
artifact 人工品 神器

Stateless interaction 无状态影响
principles 规则上

summarizes 概述 综述

jersey 球衣
nosedive 俯冲鸟瞰
wiping out 抹去
spillover 溢出
Mutable 可变的

China nominates Jin Liqun AIIB's president-designate
nominates 提名
designate 候选人
fierce 激烈
We could not carry the fallen, they were left to rot 不能下葬 开始腐烂
maggots 蛆

bloodiest battles of WWII in China 最血腥的战斗于二战时的中国

Their sobs and wails filled the air
that ill-fated day

China's fierce resistance prevented Japan from attacking the Soviet Union

Mitter highlights the vital part China's resistance against Japan played in WWII.

fresh perspectives. 新观点
Collaborate 合作
In a circular 在通知里

podcast 博客 视频

brocast 广播

prototype 榜样 样机 原型

the best way to get to know the technology is to build a prototype with it
I am pretty damn satisfied with Jersey

damn 该死 的
Composite 相对指数
buoyant 欣欣向荣
vowed to forge a closer economic partnership 誓言 结成紧密的经济合作
urged 督促
pragmatic 实用的
prospects 前途

passivate 钝化
deprecation 弃用
optimize 优化

dazzled 眼花缭乱

blame 怪 责怪
contrast 对比
discount 折扣
distinguishing 区别
prediction 预测

myriad 无数的
adoption 采用

versus 与

encompasses 包括
perspective 透视 远景
majority 大多数
confusing 扑朔迷离
nifty 俏皮的 纤巧
infamous 臭名昭彰
guarantee 保证
orphaned state data consuming precious 孤立状态的数据 消耗 宝贵的...

facto 事实
ideal 理想
utilize 利用
encapsulate 封装

Simply put 简单的说
conversation 谈话
conductor 指挥 导体
fares 费 车票

distinguishing 不同 区别
behalf 利益 支持

fire-and-forget 射后不理
For the duration 在这段时间
solitaire 纸牌
biographical 传记

bona 伯纳
especially massively multiplayer online role-playing games ( MMORPG s)

analogy 类比 比喻

scalability 可扩展性
Retention 保留 滞留
concrete 具体 有形
residing 居住 定居 驻扎
tuning 调音 调谐
horribly 极度恐怖
squirreled 松鼠

clustering 集合 簇聚
prematurely 过早的
concurrency 并发性
souped-up 提高效率 加快

reliably 稳定
retrieve 恢复 取回 挽回
deceptively 魅惑的
pitfalls 意想不到的困难 陷井
turtle 龟

durable or nondurable 继续 或者 不继续

crosscutting 横切
scenes 场景 幕后
merely 仅仅只是
specified 特定 指定
specify 规定说明
respectively 各自 分别的

essence 精华 精髓 本质
seamlessly 无缝的
First and foremost 首要

consult 请教商议 查阅

consult with the documentation 查阅文档

credentials 凭证 证书

concentrate 精选 专注
harmless 无伤大雅 无害的

qualified 合格 有资格的
underpinned 依托 加固
rebound 回弹 反弹

pledged to 保证...

devaluation 贬值
considers 考虑
discourage 阻碍

ran aground 搁浅

Reef 礁
beef 牛肉

demonstrated 证明

Retention 保留 保持
Nashorn 犀牛
broker 头寸 经纪人 中间人

gross 总额

receipts 收据
surpassing 优越的 骄人的

debuted 首次亮相

vulgarity, vanity and money worship 低俗 浮华 拜金
profit-driven and depraved, provoking public criticism 利益驱动 堕落 抨击公共
positive and inspiring 积极 鼓舞人心

drug taking, whoring or drunk driving, 毒 嫖 酒驾

CompositionRoot 组成 根

Deficit 赤字
liquidity 流动性 液体
domestic 国内
spokeswoman 女发言人

argue 争论
climate 气氛

Gradient 梯度

Ellipse 椭圆
Semitransparent 半透明

Constraints 约束

shrink 缩小 缩水

intercept 拦截

casino and retail Philippines

sentenced 判刑
Netizens 网友
narrative 叙述了
National Bureau of Statistics 国家统计局
victims 遇害者

tweaking 调整

Announcing 宣布

contrast 对比

Privileged 特权
eligible 资格

Coalescing 凝聚

Duration 持续时间

Interpolator 补差器 校正 分类机

Perspective 透视

clip 剪掉

inclusive 包容

Accordion 可以折叠的

axis 轴
blend 混合

Rectangle 矩形

implicit 含蓄 盲从
explicit 明确的

geometry 几何

alignment 对齐

Qualifier 合格的
Decorator 装饰

exert 发挥

vehement 慷慨激昂
subordinates 下属

petroleum 石油
headwind 顶头风
optimistic 乐观
significant 显著的

take revenge on sb 向 xxx 复仇

cyberattacks 网路攻击
cyber 网络

warfare 战

classified documents 机密档案
vice-versa 反之亦然

Displacement 位移
Reverse 反转

Glowing 发光

simulates 模拟
Gradient 梯度

shuffle 拖拽

Shear 剪断
tile 瓦片
prefer 优先的

ozone 臭氧
Sulfur dioxide has dropped by 28.6 percent, and PM2.5-particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 2.5 microns
-fell by 31.9 percent, the monthly report said.
硫 二氧化
microns 微米

particulate 颗粒

smoggy 雾霾

emission 排放 发射

photochemical 光化学

Pearl River Delta regions 。。。。流域

toxic 有毒的

warehouses 仓库
highly poisonous sodium cyanide 剧毒 氰化物
potassium nitrate, 硝酸钾
inflammables 易燃物
including calcium carbide 碳化物
and sulfur, 二氧化硫
and sodium cyanide. 氰化物

tangled 纠结
prescribed 规定
Vital 至关重要

giants 巨大
manoeuvring 策略
guarantees 担保

slumped 萧条
the National Bureau of Statistics 国家统计局

velocity 速率

victory Parade 阅兵
veterans 退伍军人
Guerrillas 游击队
invasion 入侵
Aggression 侵略
corps 军团
ballistic 弹道的
missiles 导弹


stuck 被缠身 脱不了身 卡住了

facilitate 促成

contract 简约 承包
concrete 实际的
intuit 直觉

offspring 后裔 子孙
calligraphy 书法 墨宝

companionship 友谊

Colleague 同事
colleage 大学

mock 仿制 愚弄 不重视

friction 摩擦力
gravity 重力

discern 辨别

Legibility 易读性
Scales 秤

skew 斜 偏斜
Linear Algebra 线性代数
circle 圆

Reduce coupling, increase cohesion.

concerns 内聚
molasses 废蜜 糖浆

Acknowledgments 致谢

declarative 公布
detached 超然的 分开的

dissecting 解剖


Essentials 要点 要素

scratch 挠 抓 划痕


scratch 草稿
sketch 草图

Brokers 经纪人

broke 打破了

curiosity h好奇心

Sensors 传感器或灵敏原件


prototype 原型

recommend 推荐

pin 针

analogue 模拟计算机的

resistor, capacitor, inductor, transistor

preceding 上述

light-emitting diode

assume 承担假定

semicolon 分号

contrast 对比 比较

Thermostat 恒温调节器
Magnetic 磁性
Carpet 毯子

Esplora 树墙 墙状树

contrast 对比

pretending 假装

curly brace signifies
卷 紧 大括号 预示

tilt switches. 倾斜 开关

verbose 冗长的
premade 预先做的
right away 马上
drain 排水
accurate 精准
valves 真空管 阀
diode 二极管
Isolating 单独 独立

scatter 驱散 散布

boroughs 行政区

vibrant 震天响的 热情的
superfluous 多余的
concatenates 把一连串的事联系起来

plotting 绘制

breakdowns 统计分析 衰减

primer 初级读本 底漆

stroke 描边

magnitude 巨量的

diurnal 日常

scatter graphs 散布图

mean 平均数 预计 愿意

assessment 评估 估定

Invocation 祈求神助

expose 曝光

Errata 勘误 排错

shuffle 搬动 洗牌

Metrics 韵律学 作诗

trait 特征 少许


swear 发誓

spawn 大量生产

notoriously skinny 恶名昭著 消瘦

guarantee 保证 担保
guarantees 担保物

Rhino 犀牛
Nashorn 犀牛

Chrono 计时

infers 比量 推断

mutate 变种

pruning 剪修

underlying 底层

redundant 冗余

Veto 投反对票

decorator 修饰 用于修饰的 油漆匠

Interception 中途掠夺 拦截

Anatomy 解剖

concrete 具体 混凝土

Qualifier 预选赛

exactly 确切的

Retention 保留

distinguish 辨别 区分

Alternative 选择性 备选 替代 替代品

trigger 触发

Producers 生产者 生产商

duration 期间

pseudo 假拟

wizard 向导

identifier 认同 标识符

transient 瞬态 短暂

Despite 尽管

isolate 孤立 孤立的

specific 具体的 特性

Prioritizing 优先考虑

concerns 关心

inventory 库存 存货清单

prone 易于; 倾向于; 易发 俯卧

duplication 重复 反复

Composition 构图 组成

versa 反之亦然 亦然

criteria 标准 准则

orchestrate 精心编排 策划

elementary 初级 元素

primitive 原生的 原始的 原始人

Embeddable 可嵌入

compound 复合

efficient 高效

concerned 关心 烦恼的 顾虑 涉及

supercede 转嫁

deemed 认为 断定

transient volatile 瞬时 挥发

elegant 优雅的

Orphan 孤儿

detach 分离 使超然

bulk 量 块 大量 散装

Constrains 约束 强迫 迫使

volatile 易变的 爆炸性的

evict 驱逐 除去

Optimistic 乐观
Pessimistic 悲观
assumption 假设 承担
permissive 许可 容许 *

reinforces 加强 强力
consistency 一致性

especially 尤其 格外

orchestrate 编排

concluded 得出结论 总结

mature 成熟

ambitious 有野心的 雄心勃勃

Passivation 钝化 保护层

tweak 捏 苦恼 扭曲 调整

consumption 消费 居民消费

we can extract oil from shale.
extract 提取 抽取

demarcation 划分 界定

exclusive 独家的 单独的 高级 专用

Asynchronous 异步
synchronous 同步

reliability 可信 可靠
legitimate 合理 合法 正规

simultaneously 同时
coherently 相干

cumbersome 麻烦的 冗长的
Simplicity 简化的 卑贱

expose 使曝光

correlation 相关性

evolved 进化 演变
interoperability 互用性

geographical 区域 地理

surged 汹涌 冲击

concrete 具体 实际 混凝土

pruned 裁减 精简
contract 合同 协议

marshal 元帅

isolation 隔离 独立状态

tedious 乏味的 冗长

plumbing 水管装置

Extracting 提取 萃取

enact 制定 通过
Invocation 祈求 调用
innovations 创造

interoperability 协调

retrieve 恢复 检索

Please inform me of your date of departure 何日启程,盼告

verbose 详细 冗长

acknowledged 公认 已承认

prolonged 延长

primitive 原始的 原生的
forth 向前
Max zips back and forth across the living room.

Reliability 可靠

durable 持久 耐用 永久

eliminate 减少 消除

bandwidth 带宽

artifacts 史前古物 神器
Replicator 复制

soiled 脏的
solid 固体
spin 旋转

detergent, bleach, or fabric softener 洗涤剂 漂白剂 织物柔软剂

encapsulate 封装

Nevertheless 尽管如此 但是
facade 门面模式
buggy 古怪的
atomic 原子
prone 易于 倾向于
decorator 装饰
resolve 决议 决心

exclusive 排外
inclusive 包容

generic 泛型 通用

legacy 遗留
variant 变体
mutative 变化的

transient 瞬态 过渡

gestation 妊娠
pregnancy 怀孕

assorted 各式各样 什锦

briefly 简单的
anonymous 匿名

verbose 冗长的 啰嗦的

priority 时序 优先次序

simultaneously 同步 一齐

contrast 对照 对比
indefinite 不固定的
postponement 推迟 延期
starvation 饥饿
illegal 非法

cycles 循环
reveal 揭示
inverse 逆

multiple 倍数 复杂 多功能
assume 假设
resume 简历 恢复

derived 获取 得到

confused 困惑 confused with
unfused 未溶化的
refused 回绝
defused 拆除
diffused 普遍 扩散的
effused 泄出 流出
perfused 灌溉 奖
semifused 半溶化的
mutual 相互

liveness 活性

postponement 延期
pathological 病理 病态的

impractical 无用的 不切实际的

accomplish 完成

indomitable 百折不回 不可战胜

mutual 相互性的
exclusion 排斥
inclusion 包含
solves 解决

concerning 关注 关心

arbitrary 随意的 独断的

leverage 杠杆作用 举债经营

pseudocode 伪代码

pseudo 伪 伪君子

I think any sport involving animals where the animals do not have a choice is barbaric and uncivilized.

involving 涉及 关于


handy 方便 附近 手巧

ongoing 正在进行的

sufficiently 充足的

deprecate 不赞成 反对

primitives 原始人 原始的 单纯的 单元

hazard 使受危险 冒险
reliance 依赖 信赖
significant 显著的 明显的

semaphore 信号量

alternative 选择性 替代

analogous 类似 可比拟的

cyclic 循环 周期

simulate 模拟

Latches 锁存器

permits 许可证


mutexes 锁

barging 驳运

acquire 获取 获得

drain 排干 流出

fairness 公平

phaser 移相器 相位

intrinsic 本征 原有 固有

Reentrant 可重入

entrant 新到者 进入 参赛

acquisition 收购 获取 购置物

implicit 隐性的

semantics 语义 词义

disposed to do 有倾向于... 有意于...

deposit 存款

suffers from 受损害 受累于 冲浪

retain 保留

scenario 场景

irresponsible 不负责任的

intrinsic 内在

efficient 高效 有效

account 账户
accounted 占

contrast 对立 反面
contract 联系

compensate 补偿
massive 宏大的 巨大的

halves 减半 对半
recursive 递归

verbose 冗长 复杂
overhead 开销 费用

Eventually 最后 最终
boost 增加 提高 向上推

Versus 与
cater for 适合
adopted 采用 通过

realistic 实现
disadvantages 不利 缺陷 缺点

Vendor 供应商
Variation 变化

misaligned 未对准的
abandoned 被遗弃
partition 分页

Miscellaneous 五花八门 杂

appleal 呼吁 上诉

flip 翻转

direct 直接

compact 是紧凑

approach 接近 方法

scatter/gather 分散/集中

radiologists 放射科医生
demands 要求

filled and drained 填充 和 排放

implications 含蓄 卷入 暗示

remaining 剩下的

duplicate 重复

concerned 有关联的
contiguous 连续的

shuttling 穿梭 时刻关注

eligible 合适的 有资格的 抢手的

paradigm 范例 典范

overhead 花销 日常消费 额外负担

conduit 管道 中转

draconian 严厉


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