在哪里可以找到Microsoft SQL Server 2008的Northwind数据库?

时间:2022-10-12 18:03:37

I'm trying to find and create/import the Northwind database to practice my Linq-fu.


I cannot find it for the life of me, searching just turns me to this page, which in turn tells me to find it on the official page which isn't there.




Where can I find the Northwind database?


3 个解决方案



Northwind doesn't come installed with SQL Server 2008. You can instead:

Northwind没有安装SQL Server 2008。你可以:

They come in SQL Server 2000 format / compatibility mode. Microsoft seems to have stopped using these 2 in favour of the new sample database for SQL Server 2008: AdventureWorks.

它们采用SQL Server 2000格式/兼容模式。微软似乎已经停止使用这2个支持SQL Server 2008的新示例数据库:AdventureWorks。

You can download AdventureWorks 2008 R2 SR1.

你可以下载AdventureWorks 2008 R2 SR1。

Microsoft has its SQL Server Product Database samples at CodePlex.

微软在CodePlex上有它的SQL Server产品数据库样本。



Try this for a step by step tutorial on how to find the download and install the Northwind and Pubs databases for Sql Server 2008.

对于如何查找并安装Sql Server 2008的Northwind和pub数据库的逐步教程,请尝试使用此方法。

northwind database sql server 2008

北风数据库sql server 2008



For any edition of SQL SERVER. You can create the database yourself using Northwind database creation script.

适用于任何版本的SQL SERVER。您可以使用Northwind数据库创建脚本创建数据库。

Download Northwind.sql.zip from this site https://northwinddatabase.codeplex.com/downloads/get/269239


then create a database called Northwind in your Sql Server then. Unzip / decompress the file then open the sql file in Sql Server Management Studio select all code (ctrl+a) then press execute.

然后在Sql服务器中创建一个名为Northwind的数据库。解压/解压文件,然后在sql Server Management Studio中打开sql文件,选择所有的代码(ctrl+a)然后按execute。



Northwind doesn't come installed with SQL Server 2008. You can instead:

Northwind没有安装SQL Server 2008。你可以:

They come in SQL Server 2000 format / compatibility mode. Microsoft seems to have stopped using these 2 in favour of the new sample database for SQL Server 2008: AdventureWorks.

它们采用SQL Server 2000格式/兼容模式。微软似乎已经停止使用这2个支持SQL Server 2008的新示例数据库:AdventureWorks。

You can download AdventureWorks 2008 R2 SR1.

你可以下载AdventureWorks 2008 R2 SR1。

Microsoft has its SQL Server Product Database samples at CodePlex.

微软在CodePlex上有它的SQL Server产品数据库样本。



Try this for a step by step tutorial on how to find the download and install the Northwind and Pubs databases for Sql Server 2008.

对于如何查找并安装Sql Server 2008的Northwind和pub数据库的逐步教程,请尝试使用此方法。

northwind database sql server 2008

北风数据库sql server 2008



For any edition of SQL SERVER. You can create the database yourself using Northwind database creation script.

适用于任何版本的SQL SERVER。您可以使用Northwind数据库创建脚本创建数据库。

Download Northwind.sql.zip from this site https://northwinddatabase.codeplex.com/downloads/get/269239


then create a database called Northwind in your Sql Server then. Unzip / decompress the file then open the sql file in Sql Server Management Studio select all code (ctrl+a) then press execute.

然后在Sql服务器中创建一个名为Northwind的数据库。解压/解压文件,然后在sql Server Management Studio中打开sql文件,选择所有的代码(ctrl+a)然后按execute。