
时间:2021-10-12 18:03:29

I'm working on a page with some API instructions. I make efforts to use proper HTML code, whenever possible, but I'm kind of stumped as to what to use for the word GET (as in this is a GET request, not a PUT request) in the instructions. It isn't a big deal, but it does make me feel like I do my job just a bit better.


It's not something that the user types, so <kbd> doesn't really seem relevant. <samp> doesn't seem to fit, either, as it's not something that would be output to the screen. I considered <code>, but that just doesn't sit right.

这不是用户输入的内容,因此看起来并不真实。 似乎也不合适,因为它不会输出到屏幕上。我考虑过,但这并不恰到好处。

A lot of the websites that give API instructions don't seem to care much about semantics.


Any recommendations?

1 个解决方案



From the code element:


The code element represents a fragment of computer code. This could be an XML element name, a filename, a computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognize.


So <code> is the right element to represent an HTTP method (since that is a "string that a computer would recognize). You can even add a class.


<code class="http"><code class="method">GET</code> <code class="Request-URI URI">/</code> <code class="version">HTTP/1.1</code></code>



From the code element:


The code element represents a fragment of computer code. This could be an XML element name, a filename, a computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognize.


So <code> is the right element to represent an HTTP method (since that is a "string that a computer would recognize). You can even add a class.


<code class="http"><code class="method">GET</code> <code class="Request-URI URI">/</code> <code class="version">HTTP/1.1</code></code>