
时间:2021-09-20 18:02:54

I am using Jersey 1.19 to implement a rest api and Jackson to provide JSON support. My resource entities are deeply nested and I want to flatten them out before sending them over. I also want to provide support for filtering based on query params. Example GET /users/1234 returns the whole user resource while GET /users/1234?filter=username,email will return the user resource with only the given fields included.

我使用Jersey 1.19实现rest api和Jackson提供JSON支持。我的资源实体是深度嵌套的,我想在发送它们之前将它们变平。我还想提供基于查询解析的过滤支持。例如GET /users/1234返回整个用户资源,而GET /users/1234?过滤器=用户名,电子邮件将返回只包含给定字段的用户资源。

The approach I have currently taken is a subclass of JsonSerializer which flattens the hierarchy, but cannot handle parameter based filtering as it is independent of the request/response cycle. Google search pointed me to MessageBodyWriter. Looks like what I need but the writeTo method which handles the serializing doesn't take any parameter that would let me access the request, and hence the query params. So I am confused how to access those params in this method.


Any ideas are welcome


2 个解决方案



So I am confused how to access those params in this method.


You can inject UriInfo with @Context into the MessageBodyWriter. Then call uriInfo.getQueryParameter() to get the params. For example


public class YourWriter implements MessageBodyWriter<Something> {

    @Context UriInfo uriInfo;

    public void writeTo(Something t, Class<?> type, Type type1, Annotation[] antns, 
            MediaType mt, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> mm, OutputStream out) 
            throws IOException, WebApplicationException {

        String filter = uriInfo.getQueryParameters().getFirst("filter");

Another option is to use a ContextResolver and use preconfigured ObjectMappers for different scenarios. You can also inject the UriInfo into the ContextResolver. For example




You should be able to pass a list in and/or you can expose the Request object if you want to go that route.


Try ...


UriInfo uriInfo;
HttpServletRequest request;

or try altering your Rest method to something like...


public <whatever type you are returning> myMethod(List<String> filterByList) ...



So I am confused how to access those params in this method.


You can inject UriInfo with @Context into the MessageBodyWriter. Then call uriInfo.getQueryParameter() to get the params. For example


public class YourWriter implements MessageBodyWriter<Something> {

    @Context UriInfo uriInfo;

    public void writeTo(Something t, Class<?> type, Type type1, Annotation[] antns, 
            MediaType mt, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> mm, OutputStream out) 
            throws IOException, WebApplicationException {

        String filter = uriInfo.getQueryParameters().getFirst("filter");

Another option is to use a ContextResolver and use preconfigured ObjectMappers for different scenarios. You can also inject the UriInfo into the ContextResolver. For example




You should be able to pass a list in and/or you can expose the Request object if you want to go that route.


Try ...


UriInfo uriInfo;
HttpServletRequest request;

or try altering your Rest method to something like...


public <whatever type you are returning> myMethod(List<String> filterByList) ...