
时间:2021-07-12 18:03:26

I am currently working on a vertx.io application and wanted to use the provide mongo api for data storage. I currently have a rather clunky abstraction on top of the stock JsonObject classes where all get and set methods are replaced with things like:

我目前正在研究vertx.io应用程序,并希望使用提供的mongo api进行数据存储。我目前在库存JsonObject类之上有一个相当笨重的抽象,其中所有get和set方法都替换为:


This is all well and good for now, but it won't scale particularly well. it also seems dirty, specifically when using nested arrays or objects. For example, if I want to be able to fill fields only when actual data is known, I have to check if the array exists, and if it doesn't create it and store it in the object. Then I can add an element to the list. For example:


if (this.backingObject.getJsonArray(KEY_LIST) == null) {
    this.backingObject.put(KEY_LIST, new JsonArray());

I have thought about potential solutions but don't particularly like any of them. Namely, I could use Gson or some similar library with annotation support to handle loading the object for the purposes of manipulating the data in my code, and then using the serialize and unserialize function of both Gson and Vertx to convert between the formats (vertx to load data -> json string -> gson to parse json into pojos -> make changes -> serialize to json string -> parse with vertx and save) but that's a really gross and inefficient workflow. I could also probably come up with some sort of abstract wrapper that extends/implements the vertx json library but passes all the functionality through to gson, but that also seems like a lot of work.

我曾考虑过潜在的解决方案,但并不特别喜欢它们。也就是说,我可以使用Gson或一些带有注释支持的类似库来处理加载对象以便在我的代码中操作数据,然后使用Gson和Vertx的序列化和反序列化函数来转换格式(vertx到加载数据 - > json string - > gson将json解析为pojos - > make changes - > serialize to json string - >使用vertx解析并保存)但这是一个非常粗糙和低效的工作流程。我也可能想出一些扩展/实现vertx json库的抽象包装器,但是将所有功能传递给gson,但这看起来似乎也很多。

Is there any good way to achieve more friendly and maintainable serialization using vertx?


5 个解决方案



I just submitted a patch to Vert.x that defines two new convenience functions for converting between JsonObject and Java object instances without the inefficiency of going through an intermediate JSON string representation. This will be in version 3.4.


// Create a JsonObject from the fields of a Java object.
// Faster than calling `new JsonObject(Json.encode(obj))`.
public static JsonObject mapFrom(Object obj)

// Instantiate a Java object from a JsonObject.
// Faster than calling `Json.decodeValue(Json.encode(jsonObject), type)`.
public <T> T mapTo(Class<T> type)

Internally this uses ObjectMapper#convertValue(...), see Tim Putnam's answer for caveats of this approach. The code is here.

在内部,它使用ObjectMapper#convertValue(...),请参阅Tim Putnam对这种方法的警告的回答。代码在这里。



Not sure if I've understood you correctly, but it sounds like you're trying to find a simple way of converting POJOs to JsonObject?


So, we have lots of pojos that we send over the EventBus as JsonObjects


I've found the easiest way is to use the vert.x Json class which has loads of helper methods to convert to / from Json Strings

我发现最简单的方法是使用vert.x Json类,它有大量的辅助方法转换为Json Strings /从Json Strings转换

JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(Json.encode(myPojo));

Sometimes you need to add some custom (de)serializers, but we always stick with Jackson - that is what Vert.x is using so they work out of the box.

有时您需要添加一些自定义(de)序列化程序,但我们始终坚持使用Jackson - 这就是Vert.x正在使用的所以它们开箱即用。

What we actually do, is provide an interface like the following:


public JsonObjectSerializable {
    public JsonObject toJson();

And all our pojos that need to be sent over the EventBus have to implement this interface.


Then our EventBus sending code looks something like (simplified):


public <T extends JsonObjectSerializable> Response<T> dispatch(T eventPayload);

Also, as we generally don't unit test Pojos, adding this interface encourages the developers to unit test their conversion.


Hope this helps,





I believe Jackson's ObjectMapper.convertValue(..) functions don't convert via String, and Vert.x is using Jackson for managing JsonObject anyway.


JsonObject just has an underlying map representing the values, accessible via JsonObject.getMap(), and a Jackson serializer/deserializer on the public ObjectMapper instance in io.vertx.core.json.Json.


To switch between JsonObject and a data model expressed in Pojos serializable with Jackson, you can do:


JsonObject myVertxMsg = ... MyPojo pojo = Json.mapper.convertValue ( myVertxMsg.getMap(), MyPojo.class );

JsonObject myVertxMsg = ... MyPojo pojo = Json.mapper.convertValue(myVertxMsg.getMap(),MyPojo.class);

I would guess this is more efficient than going via a String (but its just a guess), and I hate the idea of altering the data class just to suit the environment, so it depends on the context - form vs performance.

我猜这比通过String更有效(但它只是一个猜测),我讨厌改变数据类只是为了适应环境的想法,所以它取决于上下文 - 形式与性能。

To convert from Pojo to JsonObject, convert to a map with Jackson and then use the constructor on JsonObject:


JsonObject myobj = new JsonObject ( Json.mapper.convertValue ( pojo, Map.class ));

JsonObject myobj = new JsonObject(Json.mapper.convertValue(pojo,Map.class));

  • If you have implied nested JsonObjects or JsonArray objects in your definition, they will get instantiated as Maps and Lists by default. JsonObject will internally re-wrap these when you access fields specifying those types (e.g. with getJsonArray(..).


  • Because JsonObject is freeform and you're converting to a static type, you may get some unwanted UnrecognizedPropertyException to deal with. It may be useful to create your own ObjectMapper, add the vertx JsonObjectSerializer and JsonArraySerializer, and then make configuration changes to suit (such as DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES in Jackson).

    因为JsonObject是*形式的并且您正在转换为静态类型,所以您可能会遇到一些不需要的UnrecognizedPropertyException来处理。创建自己的ObjectMapper,添加vertx JsonObjectSerializer和JsonArraySerializer,然后进行配置更改(例如Jackson中的DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES)可能很有用。



Try this:


io.vertx.core.json.Json.mapper.convertValue(json.getMap(), cls)



I think that using Gson as you described is the best possible solution at the current time.


While I agree that if a protocol layer was included in Vert.x it would indeed be first prize, using Gson keeps your server internals pretty organised and is unlikely to be the performance bottleneck.


When and only when this strategy becomes the performance bottleneck have you reached the point to engineer a better solution. Anything before that is premature optimisation.


My two cents.




I just submitted a patch to Vert.x that defines two new convenience functions for converting between JsonObject and Java object instances without the inefficiency of going through an intermediate JSON string representation. This will be in version 3.4.


// Create a JsonObject from the fields of a Java object.
// Faster than calling `new JsonObject(Json.encode(obj))`.
public static JsonObject mapFrom(Object obj)

// Instantiate a Java object from a JsonObject.
// Faster than calling `Json.decodeValue(Json.encode(jsonObject), type)`.
public <T> T mapTo(Class<T> type)

Internally this uses ObjectMapper#convertValue(...), see Tim Putnam's answer for caveats of this approach. The code is here.

在内部,它使用ObjectMapper#convertValue(...),请参阅Tim Putnam对这种方法的警告的回答。代码在这里。



Not sure if I've understood you correctly, but it sounds like you're trying to find a simple way of converting POJOs to JsonObject?


So, we have lots of pojos that we send over the EventBus as JsonObjects


I've found the easiest way is to use the vert.x Json class which has loads of helper methods to convert to / from Json Strings

我发现最简单的方法是使用vert.x Json类,它有大量的辅助方法转换为Json Strings /从Json Strings转换

JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(Json.encode(myPojo));

Sometimes you need to add some custom (de)serializers, but we always stick with Jackson - that is what Vert.x is using so they work out of the box.

有时您需要添加一些自定义(de)序列化程序,但我们始终坚持使用Jackson - 这就是Vert.x正在使用的所以它们开箱即用。

What we actually do, is provide an interface like the following:


public JsonObjectSerializable {
    public JsonObject toJson();

And all our pojos that need to be sent over the EventBus have to implement this interface.


Then our EventBus sending code looks something like (simplified):


public <T extends JsonObjectSerializable> Response<T> dispatch(T eventPayload);

Also, as we generally don't unit test Pojos, adding this interface encourages the developers to unit test their conversion.


Hope this helps,





I believe Jackson's ObjectMapper.convertValue(..) functions don't convert via String, and Vert.x is using Jackson for managing JsonObject anyway.


JsonObject just has an underlying map representing the values, accessible via JsonObject.getMap(), and a Jackson serializer/deserializer on the public ObjectMapper instance in io.vertx.core.json.Json.


To switch between JsonObject and a data model expressed in Pojos serializable with Jackson, you can do:


JsonObject myVertxMsg = ... MyPojo pojo = Json.mapper.convertValue ( myVertxMsg.getMap(), MyPojo.class );

JsonObject myVertxMsg = ... MyPojo pojo = Json.mapper.convertValue(myVertxMsg.getMap(),MyPojo.class);

I would guess this is more efficient than going via a String (but its just a guess), and I hate the idea of altering the data class just to suit the environment, so it depends on the context - form vs performance.

我猜这比通过String更有效(但它只是一个猜测),我讨厌改变数据类只是为了适应环境的想法,所以它取决于上下文 - 形式与性能。

To convert from Pojo to JsonObject, convert to a map with Jackson and then use the constructor on JsonObject:


JsonObject myobj = new JsonObject ( Json.mapper.convertValue ( pojo, Map.class ));

JsonObject myobj = new JsonObject(Json.mapper.convertValue(pojo,Map.class));

  • If you have implied nested JsonObjects or JsonArray objects in your definition, they will get instantiated as Maps and Lists by default. JsonObject will internally re-wrap these when you access fields specifying those types (e.g. with getJsonArray(..).


  • Because JsonObject is freeform and you're converting to a static type, you may get some unwanted UnrecognizedPropertyException to deal with. It may be useful to create your own ObjectMapper, add the vertx JsonObjectSerializer and JsonArraySerializer, and then make configuration changes to suit (such as DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES in Jackson).

    因为JsonObject是*形式的并且您正在转换为静态类型,所以您可能会遇到一些不需要的UnrecognizedPropertyException来处理。创建自己的ObjectMapper,添加vertx JsonObjectSerializer和JsonArraySerializer,然后进行配置更改(例如Jackson中的DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES)可能很有用。



Try this:


io.vertx.core.json.Json.mapper.convertValue(json.getMap(), cls)



I think that using Gson as you described is the best possible solution at the current time.


While I agree that if a protocol layer was included in Vert.x it would indeed be first prize, using Gson keeps your server internals pretty organised and is unlikely to be the performance bottleneck.


When and only when this strategy becomes the performance bottleneck have you reached the point to engineer a better solution. Anything before that is premature optimisation.


My two cents.
