
时间:2021-06-09 18:04:42

I am learning graph databases using Neo4J and my first approach to categorize my nodes was creating an attribute type in all nodes.


After some research, I found that I can use labels to categorize the nodes, but I did not found if there is an advantage of using labels to this task.


Are there any differences between using an attribute or a label?


2 个解决方案


Yes, Labels is a grouping mechanism for nodes. For faster retrieval of the data we should use labels instead of property to the node.


Here is the some difference in the performance of implementation of the both labels and property



Example - If your graph has 1000 nodes and in which 100 nodes and containing information of student, so you have set type = student to those nodes

示例 - 如果您的图表有1000个节点并且其中包含100个节点且包含学生信息,那么您已将type = student设置为这些节点

Now while searching for particular student you need to execute query like this


WHERE n.type='student'and n.student_name = 'satish'
return n

This query will check all 1000 nodes and return results to you.


But if you apply labels while creating the node then


MATCH (n:student)
    WHERE n.student_name = 'satish'
    return n

This query will travel with in only 100 nodes and return the result.


Conclusion- It is better to use labels to the node rather than type property.

结论 - 最好在节点上使用标签而不是类型属性。


The main difference is that a property is a key-value-pair. Labels are more like a tag (think of tagging an email in Gmail).


Labels are self-indexed, getting an iterator over all nodes carrying a certain label is a cheap operation.


Also labels are stored directly with the node (unless you use too much labels per node). Accessing a property instead is a second I/O (or cache) access.

标签也直接与节点一起存储(除非每个节点使用过多标签)。访问属性是第二次I / O(或缓存)访问。


Yes, Labels is a grouping mechanism for nodes. For faster retrieval of the data we should use labels instead of property to the node.


Here is the some difference in the performance of implementation of the both labels and property



Example - If your graph has 1000 nodes and in which 100 nodes and containing information of student, so you have set type = student to those nodes

示例 - 如果您的图表有1000个节点并且其中包含100个节点且包含学生信息,那么您已将type = student设置为这些节点

Now while searching for particular student you need to execute query like this


WHERE n.type='student'and n.student_name = 'satish'
return n

This query will check all 1000 nodes and return results to you.


But if you apply labels while creating the node then


MATCH (n:student)
    WHERE n.student_name = 'satish'
    return n

This query will travel with in only 100 nodes and return the result.


Conclusion- It is better to use labels to the node rather than type property.

结论 - 最好在节点上使用标签而不是类型属性。


The main difference is that a property is a key-value-pair. Labels are more like a tag (think of tagging an email in Gmail).


Labels are self-indexed, getting an iterator over all nodes carrying a certain label is a cheap operation.


Also labels are stored directly with the node (unless you use too much labels per node). Accessing a property instead is a second I/O (or cache) access.

标签也直接与节点一起存储(除非每个节点使用过多标签)。访问属性是第二次I / O(或缓存)访问。