
时间:2022-09-04 18:01:27

I am trying to add id property to my node. Its value is properly saved to neo4j database, which i can confirm with webadmin app. But if I later try to access it or serialize to json this property is set with the value of neoId.

我正在尝试将id属性添加到我的节点。它的值被正确保存到neo4j数据库,我可以用webadmin app确认。但是如果我稍后尝试访问它或序列化为json,则使用neoId的值设置此属性。

I would really need this property and I've read before that I shouldn't use neoId as a way to identify objects.


Do you have any idea how to get desired effect?


I should have mentioned that I am using Neo4j.rb with Rails.


1 个解决方案



You shouldn't set the id as a new property. Nodes and relationships always have an identifier property by design. Its value is automatically generated by Neo4j. If you want your own kind of identifier, you can't name it "id".




You shouldn't set the id as a new property. Nodes and relationships always have an identifier property by design. Its value is automatically generated by Neo4j. If you want your own kind of identifier, you can't name it "id".
