
时间:2022-12-22 17:20:45

Is it possible to run JUnit tests from inside my java application?


Are there test frameworks I can use (such as JUnit.jar?), or am I force to find the test files, invoke the methods and track the exceptions myself?


The reason why I am asking is my application requires a lot of work to start launch (lots of dependencies and configurations, etc) and using an external testing tool (like JUnit Ant task) would require a lot of work to set up.

我之所以要问的是我的应用程序需要大量的工作来启动启动(许多依赖项和配置等),并且使用外部测试工具(如JUnit Ant任务)需要大量的工作来设置。

It is easier to start the application and then inside the application run my tests.


Is there an easy test framework that runs tests and output results from inside a java application or am I forced to write my own framework?


6 个解决方案



Yes, you can. I was doing it couple of times to run diagnostic/smoke tests in production systems. This is a snippet of key part of the code invoking JUnit:


JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
Result result = junit.run(testClasses);

DON'T use JUnit.main inside your application, it invokes System.exit after tests are finished and thus it may stop JVM process.


You may want to capture JUnit's "regular" console output (the dots and simple report). This can be easily done by registering TextListener (this class provides this simple report).


Please also be aware of several complications using this kind of method:


  1. Testing of any "test framework", including so small one, although is quite simple may be confusing. For example if you want to test if your "test framework" return failure result when one of the tests fails you could (should?) create sample JUnit test that always fails and execute that test with the "test framework". In this case failing test case is actually test data and shouldn't be executed as "normal" JUnit. For an example of such tests you can refer to JUnit's internal test cases.


  2. If you want to prepare / display your custom report you should rather register your own RunListener, because Result returned by JUnit doesn't contain (directly) information about passed tests and test method (it is only "hardcoded" as a part of test Description).

    如果要准备/显示自定义报告,则应该注册自己的RunListener,因为JUnit返回的结果不包含(直接)有关传递的测试和测试方法的信息(它仅作为测试的一部分“硬编码” )。



As documented in the JUnit FAQ:

如JUnit FAQ中所述:

public static void main(String args[]) {



The reason why I am asking is my application requires a lot of work to start launch (lots of dependencies and configurations, etc) and using an external testing tool (like JUnit Ant task) would require a lot of work to set up.

我之所以要问的是我的应用程序需要大量的工作来启动启动(许多依赖项和配置等),并且使用外部测试工具(如JUnit Ant任务)需要大量的工作来设置。

You need to remove these dependencies from the code you are testing. The dependencies and configurations are precisely what you are trying to avoid when writing a test framework. For each test, you should be targeting the smallest testable part of an application.


For example, if you require a database connection to execute some process in a class you are trying to test - decouple the database handling object from your class, pass it in via a constructor or setter method, and in your test use a tool like JMock (or write a stub class) to build a fake database handling object. This way you are making sure the tests are not dependent on a particular database configuration, and you are only testing the small portion of code you are interested in, not the entire database handling layer as well.

例如,如果您需要数据库连接来执行您尝试测试的类中的某个进程 - 将数据库处理对象与类分离,通过构造函数或setter方法传递它,并在测试中使用像JMock这样的工具(或编写存根类)来构建虚假的数据库处理对象。这样,您可以确保测试不依赖于特定的数据库配置,并且您只测试您感兴趣的一小部分代码,而不是整个数据库处理层。

It might seem like a lot of work at first, but this kind of refactoring is exactly what your test framework should be fleshing out. You might find it useful to get a book on software testing as a reference for decoupling your dependencies. It will pay off a lot more than trying to bootstrap JUnit from inside your running application.




According to the JUnit API, JUnitCore has several methods to execute tests inside Java.

根据JUnit API,JUnitCore有几种在Java中执行测试的方法。

Thanks to Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic for pointing it out.

感谢Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic指出它。





In JUnit 5 you can use Launcher API for this goals.

在JUnit 5中,您可以使用Launcher API实现此目标。

    final LauncherDiscoveryRequest request = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()

    final Launcher launcher = LauncherFactory.create();

    final boolean pathContainsTests = launcher.discover(request).containsTests()
    if (!pathContainsTests) {
        System.out.println("This path is invalid or folder doesn't consist tests");

    final SummaryGeneratingListener listener = new SummaryGeneratingListener();

    launcher.execute(request, listener);

    final TestExecutionSummary summary = listener.getSummary();

    final long containersFoundCount = summary.getContainersFoundCount();
    System.out.println("containers Found Count  " + containersFoundCount);

    final long containersSkippedCount = summary.getContainersSkippedCount();
    System.out.println("containers Skipped Count  " + containersSkippedCount);

    final long testsFoundCount = summary.getTestsFoundCount();
    System.out.println("tests Found Count  " + testsFoundCount);

    final long testsSkippedCount = summary.getTestsSkippedCount();
    System.out.println("tests Skipped Count  " + testsSkippedCount);



Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(classes);

See http://junit.sourceforge.net/javadoc/org/junit/runner/JUnitCore.html#runClasses(java.lang.Class...)

请参阅http://junit.sourceforge.net/javadoc/org/junit/runner/JUnitCore.html#runClasses(java.lang.Class ...)



Yes, you can. I was doing it couple of times to run diagnostic/smoke tests in production systems. This is a snippet of key part of the code invoking JUnit:


JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
Result result = junit.run(testClasses);

DON'T use JUnit.main inside your application, it invokes System.exit after tests are finished and thus it may stop JVM process.


You may want to capture JUnit's "regular" console output (the dots and simple report). This can be easily done by registering TextListener (this class provides this simple report).


Please also be aware of several complications using this kind of method:


  1. Testing of any "test framework", including so small one, although is quite simple may be confusing. For example if you want to test if your "test framework" return failure result when one of the tests fails you could (should?) create sample JUnit test that always fails and execute that test with the "test framework". In this case failing test case is actually test data and shouldn't be executed as "normal" JUnit. For an example of such tests you can refer to JUnit's internal test cases.


  2. If you want to prepare / display your custom report you should rather register your own RunListener, because Result returned by JUnit doesn't contain (directly) information about passed tests and test method (it is only "hardcoded" as a part of test Description).

    如果要准备/显示自定义报告,则应该注册自己的RunListener,因为JUnit返回的结果不包含(直接)有关传递的测试和测试方法的信息(它仅作为测试的一部分“硬编码” )。



As documented in the JUnit FAQ:

如JUnit FAQ中所述:

public static void main(String args[]) {



The reason why I am asking is my application requires a lot of work to start launch (lots of dependencies and configurations, etc) and using an external testing tool (like JUnit Ant task) would require a lot of work to set up.

我之所以要问的是我的应用程序需要大量的工作来启动启动(许多依赖项和配置等),并且使用外部测试工具(如JUnit Ant任务)需要大量的工作来设置。

You need to remove these dependencies from the code you are testing. The dependencies and configurations are precisely what you are trying to avoid when writing a test framework. For each test, you should be targeting the smallest testable part of an application.


For example, if you require a database connection to execute some process in a class you are trying to test - decouple the database handling object from your class, pass it in via a constructor or setter method, and in your test use a tool like JMock (or write a stub class) to build a fake database handling object. This way you are making sure the tests are not dependent on a particular database configuration, and you are only testing the small portion of code you are interested in, not the entire database handling layer as well.

例如,如果您需要数据库连接来执行您尝试测试的类中的某个进程 - 将数据库处理对象与类分离,通过构造函数或setter方法传递它,并在测试中使用像JMock这样的工具(或编写存根类)来构建虚假的数据库处理对象。这样,您可以确保测试不依赖于特定的数据库配置,并且您只测试您感兴趣的一小部分代码,而不是整个数据库处理层。

It might seem like a lot of work at first, but this kind of refactoring is exactly what your test framework should be fleshing out. You might find it useful to get a book on software testing as a reference for decoupling your dependencies. It will pay off a lot more than trying to bootstrap JUnit from inside your running application.




According to the JUnit API, JUnitCore has several methods to execute tests inside Java.

根据JUnit API,JUnitCore有几种在Java中执行测试的方法。

Thanks to Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic for pointing it out.

感谢Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic指出它。





In JUnit 5 you can use Launcher API for this goals.

在JUnit 5中,您可以使用Launcher API实现此目标。

    final LauncherDiscoveryRequest request = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()

    final Launcher launcher = LauncherFactory.create();

    final boolean pathContainsTests = launcher.discover(request).containsTests()
    if (!pathContainsTests) {
        System.out.println("This path is invalid or folder doesn't consist tests");

    final SummaryGeneratingListener listener = new SummaryGeneratingListener();

    launcher.execute(request, listener);

    final TestExecutionSummary summary = listener.getSummary();

    final long containersFoundCount = summary.getContainersFoundCount();
    System.out.println("containers Found Count  " + containersFoundCount);

    final long containersSkippedCount = summary.getContainersSkippedCount();
    System.out.println("containers Skipped Count  " + containersSkippedCount);

    final long testsFoundCount = summary.getTestsFoundCount();
    System.out.println("tests Found Count  " + testsFoundCount);

    final long testsSkippedCount = summary.getTestsSkippedCount();
    System.out.println("tests Skipped Count  " + testsSkippedCount);



Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(classes);

See http://junit.sourceforge.net/javadoc/org/junit/runner/JUnitCore.html#runClasses(java.lang.Class...)

请参阅http://junit.sourceforge.net/javadoc/org/junit/runner/JUnitCore.html#runClasses(java.lang.Class ...)