如何将SQL Server localDB升级到更新版本?

时间:2021-10-28 17:17:39

Is it possible to upgrade SqlServer localDB from 2012 to 2014?

是否可以将SqlServer localDB从2012升级到2014年?

We currently use version 11 from SQL Server 2012. I need to upgrade to version 12 from SQL Server 2014.

我们目前使用的是SQL Server 2012的版本11.我需要从SQL Server 2014升级到版本12。

I would like to be able to do it without losing my tables and data.


I installed a new localDB but I then I don't have my data. It also has another name and I can't really change the config files since it's a team project.


I tried using the command line sqlLocalDB tool to create a 2014 version called v11.0 but it created it in the old 2012 version any way.


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn>sqllocaldb create v11.0
LocalDB instance "v11.0" created with version 11.0.3000.0.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn>sqllocaldb create v12.0
LocalDB instance "v12.0" created with version 12.0.2000.8.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn>sqllocaldb create aaaaa
LocalDB instance "aaaaa" created with version 12.0.2000.8.

Why would naming it v11.0 change which version was used?


How can I upgrade the existing v11.0?


3 个解决方案



As stated in this link from MSDN (Not too well chosen title...) the conversion should be triggered somewhat just double clicking on the .mdf file... This didn't happened in my case (maybe because it's necessary to have the Sql Server Management Studio software or something similar for this to be truth).

正如MSDN中的这个链接所说的那样(选择不太好的标题......)只需双击.mdf文件即可触发转换......这种情况在我的情况下没有发生(也许是因为有必要Sql Server Management Studio软件或类似的东西是真实的)。

So, here is an alternative procedure:


  • Open the "Server explorer" in Visual Studio

    在Visual Studio中打开“服务器资源管理器”

  • Click on the "Connect to database" icon on the upper left corner


  • Chose "Microsoft SQL Server" in the list and press Next

    选择列表中的“Microsoft SQL Server”,然后按“下一步”

  • Write this as the Server Name: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB

    将其写为服务器名称:(LocalDB)\ MSSQLLocalDB

  • Select "Attach a database file" in the options below and browser to your .mdf file


  • Proceed and this should show a dialog asking you to trigger the conversion or not


And that's it. Not very intuitive at all, but effective. I haven't found any documentation on it other than te link mentioned before, all the other steps were pure intuition but worked for me, I hope for you too.




To target a specific version of LocalDb, use 12.0 or 11.0 as a parameter. For instance:


sqllocaldb create "mydb" 12.0


The reason your command failed was because you were referencing the version incorrectly. This isn't all too clear in the -? info.

您的命令失败的原因是您错误地引用了该版本。这一点在 - ?信息。

Using "v12.0" as the first parameter merely sets the instance name. If no second version parameter is given, the default version is used.




It seems that v11.0 is a special name for the LocalDB 2012 automatic instance. And it is strictly tied to this version. While 2014 and 2016 versions share the same MSSQLLocalDB name for that purpose.

似乎v11.0是LocalDB 2012自动实例的特殊名称。它与此版本严格相关。虽然2014和2016版本为此目的共享相同的MSSQLLocalDB名称。

More about LocalDB instances




As stated in this link from MSDN (Not too well chosen title...) the conversion should be triggered somewhat just double clicking on the .mdf file... This didn't happened in my case (maybe because it's necessary to have the Sql Server Management Studio software or something similar for this to be truth).

正如MSDN中的这个链接所说的那样(选择不太好的标题......)只需双击.mdf文件即可触发转换......这种情况在我的情况下没有发生(也许是因为有必要Sql Server Management Studio软件或类似的东西是真实的)。

So, here is an alternative procedure:


  • Open the "Server explorer" in Visual Studio

    在Visual Studio中打开“服务器资源管理器”

  • Click on the "Connect to database" icon on the upper left corner


  • Chose "Microsoft SQL Server" in the list and press Next

    选择列表中的“Microsoft SQL Server”,然后按“下一步”

  • Write this as the Server Name: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB

    将其写为服务器名称:(LocalDB)\ MSSQLLocalDB

  • Select "Attach a database file" in the options below and browser to your .mdf file


  • Proceed and this should show a dialog asking you to trigger the conversion or not


And that's it. Not very intuitive at all, but effective. I haven't found any documentation on it other than te link mentioned before, all the other steps were pure intuition but worked for me, I hope for you too.




To target a specific version of LocalDb, use 12.0 or 11.0 as a parameter. For instance:


sqllocaldb create "mydb" 12.0


The reason your command failed was because you were referencing the version incorrectly. This isn't all too clear in the -? info.

您的命令失败的原因是您错误地引用了该版本。这一点在 - ?信息。

Using "v12.0" as the first parameter merely sets the instance name. If no second version parameter is given, the default version is used.




It seems that v11.0 is a special name for the LocalDB 2012 automatic instance. And it is strictly tied to this version. While 2014 and 2016 versions share the same MSSQLLocalDB name for that purpose.

似乎v11.0是LocalDB 2012自动实例的特殊名称。它与此版本严格相关。虽然2014和2016版本为此目的共享相同的MSSQLLocalDB名称。

More about LocalDB instances
