
时间:2021-05-30 17:10:07

I have created an NSScrollView in interface builder that has a variable number of semi-unique NSViews that can be programmatically added and removed from it. When I add subViews to the documentView, they appear in the lower-left hand corner instead of the upper-left hand corner. I see that you can check the isFlipped bool to figure out if the view's coordinate system is flipped, but I cannot find a way to set it as flipped.

我在界面构建器中创建了一个NSScrollView,它具有可变数量的半唯一NSView,可以通过编程方式添加和删除它。当我将subViews添加到documentView时,它们出现在左下角而不是左上角。我看到你可以检查isFlipped bool来判断是否翻转了视图的坐标系,但我找不到将其设置为翻转的方法。

Anyone know what I'm missing?


3 个解决方案



In your NSView subclass, override the isFlipped method:


isFlipped Returns YES if the receiver uses flipped drawing coordinates or NO if it uses native coordinates.


- (BOOL)isFlipped

- (BOOL)isFlipped

Discussion The default implementation returns NO; subclasses that use flipped coordinates should override this method to return YES.




For anyone wishing to do this in Swift here's how you override in your custom class:


class FlippedView: NSView {
    override var flipped:Bool {
        get {
            return true



The idea is that each individual view has its own way of drawing itself (for example, using human-calculated paths) that might get really wonky if you suddenly flip its coordinate plane (rasters might be fine while paths might draw upside-down, calculations might place things off-screen, etc.). So it's not settable, but subclasses can specify isFlipped because they should definitely know how the view is drawn.


Subclasses can also make it settable, but then they must expect it to change at any time.


As for code, here's Jay's answer in Swift 3:

至于代码,这里是Jay在Swift 3中的答案:

class FlippedView: NSView {
    override var isFlipped: Bool { return true }



In your NSView subclass, override the isFlipped method:


isFlipped Returns YES if the receiver uses flipped drawing coordinates or NO if it uses native coordinates.


- (BOOL)isFlipped

- (BOOL)isFlipped

Discussion The default implementation returns NO; subclasses that use flipped coordinates should override this method to return YES.




For anyone wishing to do this in Swift here's how you override in your custom class:


class FlippedView: NSView {
    override var flipped:Bool {
        get {
            return true



The idea is that each individual view has its own way of drawing itself (for example, using human-calculated paths) that might get really wonky if you suddenly flip its coordinate plane (rasters might be fine while paths might draw upside-down, calculations might place things off-screen, etc.). So it's not settable, but subclasses can specify isFlipped because they should definitely know how the view is drawn.


Subclasses can also make it settable, but then they must expect it to change at any time.


As for code, here's Jay's answer in Swift 3:

至于代码,这里是Jay在Swift 3中的答案:

class FlippedView: NSView {
    override var isFlipped: Bool { return true }