
时间:2022-04-07 17:07:13

I am lucky to be an admin of a server, but I have no idea how many versions of sql server on this server. When I opened the file Microsoft SQL Server, there are files called 80, 90, 100, 110. And I have only found SQL Server 2012 setup, so what's the relationship between the files names like 80, 90, 100, 110 with sql server versions like 2008, 2012?

作为服务器的管理员,我很幸运,但是我不知道这个服务器上有多少个sql server版本。当我打开Microsoft SQL Server文件时,有一些文件叫做80、90、100、110。我只找到了SQL Server 2012的设置,那么像80,90,100,110这样的文件名称与SQL Server版本之间的关系是什么,比如2008,2012?

1 个解决方案



The mapping is:


 80 = SQL Server 2000    =  8.00.xxxx
 90 = SQL Server 2005    =  9.00.xxxx
100 = SQL Server 2008    = 10.00.xxxx
105 = SQL Server 2008 R2 = 10.50.xxxx
110 = SQL Server 2012    = 11.00.xxxx
120 = SQL Server 2014    = 12.00.xxxx
130 = SQL Server 2016    = 13.00.xxxx

However, just because you have a folder with one of these identifiers, does not mean you have a SQL Server instance of that version installed - some folders are laid down by newer versions for backward compatibility reasons, visual studio, and other tools.

但是,仅仅因为您有一个带有这些标识符的文件夹,并不意味着您已经安装了该版本的SQL服务器实例——一些文件夹是由较新的版本为向后兼容原因、visual studio和其他工具而设置的。

To see what you actually have installed, go to your start menu, and go to the highest version of "Microsoft SQL Server 20xx" that you have. Under that menu, go to Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager. In the SQL Server Services tab, sort the data by Service Type, and for each line item with the type "SQL Server" (not blank, or "SQL Agent", or any other), right-click the SQL Server portion and select Properties. On the Advanced tab, scroll down, there will be a field called Version, and the number there will map to one of the patterns in the 3rd column above.

要查看您实际安装了什么,请转到“开始”菜单,并转到您拥有的“Microsoft SQL Server 20xx”的最高版本。在该菜单下,转到配置工具> SQL Server配置管理器。在SQL Server Services选项卡中,根据服务类型对数据进行排序,并为每个行项使用“SQL Server”类型(不是空白,也不是“SQL Agent”或其他类型),右键单击SQL Server部分并选择Properties。在Advanced选项卡上,向下滚动,将有一个名为Version的字段,其中的数字将映射到上面第三列中的一个模式。

Sorry, I had to blur a couple of things in my screen shot, but hopefully it gives you the idea:





The mapping is:


 80 = SQL Server 2000    =  8.00.xxxx
 90 = SQL Server 2005    =  9.00.xxxx
100 = SQL Server 2008    = 10.00.xxxx
105 = SQL Server 2008 R2 = 10.50.xxxx
110 = SQL Server 2012    = 11.00.xxxx
120 = SQL Server 2014    = 12.00.xxxx
130 = SQL Server 2016    = 13.00.xxxx

However, just because you have a folder with one of these identifiers, does not mean you have a SQL Server instance of that version installed - some folders are laid down by newer versions for backward compatibility reasons, visual studio, and other tools.

但是,仅仅因为您有一个带有这些标识符的文件夹,并不意味着您已经安装了该版本的SQL服务器实例——一些文件夹是由较新的版本为向后兼容原因、visual studio和其他工具而设置的。

To see what you actually have installed, go to your start menu, and go to the highest version of "Microsoft SQL Server 20xx" that you have. Under that menu, go to Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager. In the SQL Server Services tab, sort the data by Service Type, and for each line item with the type "SQL Server" (not blank, or "SQL Agent", or any other), right-click the SQL Server portion and select Properties. On the Advanced tab, scroll down, there will be a field called Version, and the number there will map to one of the patterns in the 3rd column above.

要查看您实际安装了什么,请转到“开始”菜单,并转到您拥有的“Microsoft SQL Server 20xx”的最高版本。在该菜单下,转到配置工具> SQL Server配置管理器。在SQL Server Services选项卡中,根据服务类型对数据进行排序,并为每个行项使用“SQL Server”类型(不是空白,也不是“SQL Agent”或其他类型),右键单击SQL Server部分并选择Properties。在Advanced选项卡上,向下滚动,将有一个名为Version的字段,其中的数字将映射到上面第三列中的一个模式。

Sorry, I had to blur a couple of things in my screen shot, but hopefully it gives you the idea:

