Effective Modern C++ Item1 模板类型推导详解

时间:2023-01-10 16:59:27



template<typename T>
void f(ParamType param);


f(expr);     // call f with some expression

在编译期间, 编译器会使用expr推导出两个类型: T 和 ParamType.通常来讲,这两个类型是不同的,因为ParamType往往带有其它的修饰符, 举例如下:

template<typename T>
void f(const T& param); // ParamType is const T&

这里的ParamType类型是 const T&.

假如我们以一个int变量去调用这个函数 :

int x = 0;
f(x); // call f with an int

T会被推导为int, 而ParamType 会被推导为const int&.



  • 形参(上面的ParamType)是一个指针或引用, 但不是所谓的通用引用(即Scott Meyers书中的universal reference, 在这里可暂且理解为右值引用的模板类型: ParamType&&).
  • 形参是通用引用(universal reference, 即ParamType&&).
  • 形参即不是指针,也不是引用.

Case1: 形参声明为指针或引用,但不是通用引用

这是最简单的一种情况, ParamType是一个指针或引用, 但不是ParamType&& 类型的引用.在这种情况下,T的类型推导的规则为:

  1. 如果expr的类型是引用, 则忽略引用的成分.
  2. 比对expr和ParamType的类型,来推导出T的类型.

1.1 形参为T&类型


// this is our template,
template<typename T>
void f(T& param); // param is a reference

// and we have these variable declarations,
int x = 27; // x is an int
const int cx = x; // cx is a const int
const int& rx = x; // rx is a reference to x as a const int

// the deduced types for param and T
f(x); // T is int, param's type is int&

f(cx); // T is const int,
// param's typeis const int&

f(rx); // T is const int,
// param's typeis const int&


1.2 形参为const T&类型

上面的例子中, 模板函数f()的形参是左值引用,实际上当f()的形参是右值引用时,f()接受的实参必须为右值,但上面的类型推导方法依然生效.

如果我们把f()的形参类型从T&改成const T&, 则T的推导结果会有写不同.这种情况下,其实我们已经声明param的类型是一reference-to-const,所以在推导T的类型时,就没有必要再将const属性作为T的一部分了, 所以这种情况下推导出的T是没有const属性的.


template<typename T>
void f(const T& param); // param is now a ref-to-const

int x = 27; // as before
const int cx = x; // as before
const int& rx = x; // as before

f(x); // T is int, param's type is const int&
f(cx); // T is int, param's type is const int&
f(rx); // T is int, param's type is const int&



template<typename T>
void f(T* param); // param is now a pointer

int x = 27; // as before
const int *px = &x; // px is a ptr to x as a const int

f(&x); // T is int, param's type is int*
f(px); // T is const int, param's typeis const int*

Case2: 形参声明是通用引用(T&&)


  • 如果expr(实参)为左值, 则TParamType都会被推导为左值引用.
  • 如果expr(实参)为右值, 则Case1的规则生效


template<typename T>
void f(T&& param); // param is now a universal reference

int x = 27; // as before
const int cx = x; // as before
const int& rx = x; // as before

f(x); // x is lvalue, so T is int&,
// param's type is also int&

f(cx); // cx is lvalue, so T is const int&,
// param's type is also const int&

f(rx); // rx is lvalue, so T is const int&,
// param's type is also const int&

f(27); // 27 is rvalue, so T is int,
// param's typeis therefore int&&

- T会保留实参的constness属性.
- 当传入的实参为左值时,T的类型是左值引用, 当传入的实参为右值时, T的类型是右值引用.

Case3: 形参既不是指针也不是引用

当ParamType既不是指针也不是引用时, 那么我们要处理的实际是pass-by-value的问题.这就意味着,param是copy来的,是一个新的对象.这种情况下,T的类型推导规则为:

  • 若传入的expr为引用,则忽略其reference-ness属性.
  • 忽略expr的constvolatile属性.


template<typename T>
void f(T param); // param is now passed by value

int x = 27; // as before
const int cx = x; // as before
const int& rx = x; // as before

f(x); // T's and param's types are both int
f(cx); // T's and param's types are again both int
f(rx); // T's and param's types are still both int
