
时间:2022-04-21 16:56:33

So I came across some code of mine from an old VSTO project, and noted this little bit:


Excel.Worksheet sheet = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Worksheets["Unique Hits Per URL"];
        Dictionary<int, string> ids = new Dictionary<int, string>();
        object[,] cellRange = (object[,])sheet.get_Range("E:E").Cells.Value;
        for (int i = 1; i < cellRange.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
            if (cellRange[i, 1] != null)
                ids.Add(i, cellRange[i, 1].ToString());

What does specifying [,] on a datatype mean? Looking at the code it appears to function as a matrix, but honestly I thought c# matrices were handled with notation like object[ ][ ].

在数据类型上指定[,]意味着什么?看看代码它看起来像一个矩阵,但老实说我认为c#矩阵是用object [] []这样的符号来处理的。

4 个解决方案



object[,] refers to a rectangular array, that means it's a grid.
Then you have object[][] which is a jagged array, an array of array.

object [,]指的是一个矩形数组,这意味着它是一个网格。然后你有object [] []这是一个锯齿状数组,一个数组数组。

The main difference is that object[,] will always have fixed dimensions, while with a jagged array (object[][]) all arrays can have different sizes.

主要区别在于object [,]将始终具有固定的维度,而对于锯齿状数组(object [] []),所有数组都可以具有不同的大小。

This is an example that clearly shows the difference in usage (both do the same):


// Create and fill the rectangluar array
int[,] rectangularArray = new int[10, 20];
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
    rectangularArray[i / 20, i % 20] = i;

// Next line is an error:
// int[][] jaggedArray = new int[10][20];
int[][] jaggedArray = new int[10][]; // Initialize it

// Fill the jagged array
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
    if (i % 20 == 0)
        jaggedArray[i / 20] = new int[20]; // This size doesn't have to be fixed
    jaggedArray[i / 20][i % 20] = i;

// Print all items in the rectangular array
foreach (int i in rectangularArray)

// Print all items in the jagged array
// foreach (int i in jaggedArray) <-- Error
foreach (int[] innerArray in jaggedArray)
    foreach (int i in innerArray)

Warning, this code above is not real production code, it's just the clearest way of doing it as example.
The intensive use of divisions through / and % makes it much slower. You could better use a nested for loop.




There are two different types of "multidimensional arrays" in C#.


T[,] is a Multidimensional Array. T[][] is a jagged array.

T [,]是一个多维数组。 T [] []是一个锯齿状的数组。

The main difference is in how they are stored. Multidimensional arrays are stored as a single, contiguous chunk of memory. Jagged arrays are effectively an array of arrays. As such, multidimensional arrays only need a single allocation, and every "row" and "column" will be the same size (they're always IxJ).


In a jagged array, the "second" array elements can all be a different length, since they're individual arrays. It's storing an array of references, each of which can point to a separate array of elements.


That being said, contrary to common expectations, jagged arrays, even though they take more memory (to store the extra array references) and are not stored contiguously in memory, often perform better than multidimensional arrays due to some optimizations in the CLR.




object[,] refers to an object array with two dimensions.

object [,]指的是具有两个维度的对象数组。

In general 2 dimensional arrays can be seen as tables where the one dimensions represents the columns and the other index represents the rows.


int[,] numbers = new int[3, 2] { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };

    0  1
0 | 1  2
1 | 3  4
2 | 4  6

Checkout the part about multidimensional arrays here:




It is a matrix or a two dimentional array.MSDN doc here

它是一个矩阵或二维数组。这里是MSDN doc



object[,] refers to a rectangular array, that means it's a grid.
Then you have object[][] which is a jagged array, an array of array.

object [,]指的是一个矩形数组,这意味着它是一个网格。然后你有object [] []这是一个锯齿状数组,一个数组数组。

The main difference is that object[,] will always have fixed dimensions, while with a jagged array (object[][]) all arrays can have different sizes.

主要区别在于object [,]将始终具有固定的维度,而对于锯齿状数组(object [] []),所有数组都可以具有不同的大小。

This is an example that clearly shows the difference in usage (both do the same):


// Create and fill the rectangluar array
int[,] rectangularArray = new int[10, 20];
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
    rectangularArray[i / 20, i % 20] = i;

// Next line is an error:
// int[][] jaggedArray = new int[10][20];
int[][] jaggedArray = new int[10][]; // Initialize it

// Fill the jagged array
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
    if (i % 20 == 0)
        jaggedArray[i / 20] = new int[20]; // This size doesn't have to be fixed
    jaggedArray[i / 20][i % 20] = i;

// Print all items in the rectangular array
foreach (int i in rectangularArray)

// Print all items in the jagged array
// foreach (int i in jaggedArray) <-- Error
foreach (int[] innerArray in jaggedArray)
    foreach (int i in innerArray)

Warning, this code above is not real production code, it's just the clearest way of doing it as example.
The intensive use of divisions through / and % makes it much slower. You could better use a nested for loop.




There are two different types of "multidimensional arrays" in C#.


T[,] is a Multidimensional Array. T[][] is a jagged array.

T [,]是一个多维数组。 T [] []是一个锯齿状的数组。

The main difference is in how they are stored. Multidimensional arrays are stored as a single, contiguous chunk of memory. Jagged arrays are effectively an array of arrays. As such, multidimensional arrays only need a single allocation, and every "row" and "column" will be the same size (they're always IxJ).


In a jagged array, the "second" array elements can all be a different length, since they're individual arrays. It's storing an array of references, each of which can point to a separate array of elements.


That being said, contrary to common expectations, jagged arrays, even though they take more memory (to store the extra array references) and are not stored contiguously in memory, often perform better than multidimensional arrays due to some optimizations in the CLR.




object[,] refers to an object array with two dimensions.

object [,]指的是具有两个维度的对象数组。

In general 2 dimensional arrays can be seen as tables where the one dimensions represents the columns and the other index represents the rows.


int[,] numbers = new int[3, 2] { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };

    0  1
0 | 1  2
1 | 3  4
2 | 4  6

Checkout the part about multidimensional arrays here:




It is a matrix or a two dimentional array.MSDN doc here

它是一个矩阵或二维数组。这里是MSDN doc