C#对象空引用异常 - 不确定如何设置数组值

时间:2022-01-26 16:53:52

I guess I'm not setting the array correctly or something, but this throws a "nullreferenceexception" when it gets to the line where it actually sets the new array value to the color_table array (should be the 7th and 12th lines of what you see below). How should I write this so that it works?


public int[] colors = new int[] { 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255 };

private int[][] color_table;

public void setcolors()
    this.color_table[0] = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
    for (int i = 1; i <= this.precision; i++) {
        int r = (((this.colors[1] - this.colors[0]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[0]);
        int g = (((this.colors[3] - this.colors[2]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[2]);
        int b = (((this.colors[5] - this.colors[4]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[4]);
        this.color_table[i] = new int[] { r, g, b };

I've heard something about that you MUST initialize an array with its length before using it, but a) I don't know how to do that and b) I'm not sure if it's problem. The issue there is that I don't know what the array length is going to be. I tried this to no avail:


private int[this.precision][3] color_table;



2 个解决方案



this.color_table has not been initialized. Hence you can't assign values to it.


Did you mean something like this:


public void setcolors()
    color_table = new int[precision + 1][];
    for (int i = 1; i <= this.precision; i++)
        int r = (((this.colors[1] - this.colors[0]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[0]);
        int g = (((this.colors[3] - this.colors[2]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[2]);
        int b = (((this.colors[5] - this.colors[4]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[4]);
        this.color_table[i] = new int[] { r, g, b };



try to use list if you don't know the length of your array


    List<int[]> color_table = new List<int[]>();
    color_table.Add(new int[] { r, g, b });



this.color_table has not been initialized. Hence you can't assign values to it.


Did you mean something like this:


public void setcolors()
    color_table = new int[precision + 1][];
    for (int i = 1; i <= this.precision; i++)
        int r = (((this.colors[1] - this.colors[0]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[0]);
        int g = (((this.colors[3] - this.colors[2]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[2]);
        int b = (((this.colors[5] - this.colors[4]) * ((i - 1) / (this.precision - 1))) + this.colors[4]);
        this.color_table[i] = new int[] { r, g, b };



try to use list if you don't know the length of your array


    List<int[]> color_table = new List<int[]>();
    color_table.Add(new int[] { r, g, b });