git提交后的消息“重写...(90%)”是什么意思? [重复]

时间:2022-05-28 16:56:27

This question already has an answer here:


When git does a commit it rewrites binary files with something similar to rewrite foobar.bin (76%). What is that %? Is it percent changed or percent retained from the older file. I know that git uses a binary delta for files, but I just don't know how much of a rewrite the % represents and it doesn't seem to be in the help page for git help commit.

当git执行提交时,它会重写二进制文件,类似于重写foobar.bin(76%)。那是什么 %?是旧文件中的百分比更改还是保留百分比。我知道git对文件使用二进制增量,但我只是不知道%代表了多少重写,而且似乎没有在git help commit的帮助页面中。


3 个解决方案


Its a measure of the similarity index. The similarity index is the percentage of unchanged lines. git thinks your file is text.

它是相似性指数的衡量标准。相似性指数是未改变线的百分比。 git认为你的文件是文本。


I believe Martin is correct, that number is the similarity index. From the git-diff man pages:


The similarity index is the percentage of unchanged lines, and the dissimilarity index is the percentage of changed lines. It is a rounded down integer, followed by a percent sign. The similarity index value of 100% is thus reserved for two equal files, while 100% dissimilarity means that no line from the old file made it into the new one.


First time I saw the number I thought my binaries were changing dramatically!.



It is attempting to rewrite CRs and LFs into a consistent format. That is, it doesn't see your binary file as binary. To force git to do this properly put the following line in .gitattributes:


*.bin -crlf -diff -merge

From this page that means:


all files with a [.bin] extension will not have carriage return/line feed translations done, won't be diffed and merges will result in conflicts leaving the original file untouched.



Its a measure of the similarity index. The similarity index is the percentage of unchanged lines. git thinks your file is text.

它是相似性指数的衡量标准。相似性指数是未改变线的百分比。 git认为你的文件是文本。


I believe Martin is correct, that number is the similarity index. From the git-diff man pages:


The similarity index is the percentage of unchanged lines, and the dissimilarity index is the percentage of changed lines. It is a rounded down integer, followed by a percent sign. The similarity index value of 100% is thus reserved for two equal files, while 100% dissimilarity means that no line from the old file made it into the new one.


First time I saw the number I thought my binaries were changing dramatically!.



It is attempting to rewrite CRs and LFs into a consistent format. That is, it doesn't see your binary file as binary. To force git to do this properly put the following line in .gitattributes:


*.bin -crlf -diff -merge

From this page that means:


all files with a [.bin] extension will not have carriage return/line feed translations done, won't be diffed and merges will result in conflicts leaving the original file untouched.
