SQL Server文件版本号:我在哪里可以找到引用?

时间:2022-06-09 16:09:29

Summary: Where can I find a reference to SQL Server file version numbers?

简介:在哪里可以找到对SQL Server文件版本号的引用?

Background: I'm moving a corporate website from a Win2003 Server with an install of SqlServer 2000 to a WinServer 2008 box with SqlServer 2008. I did the standard T-SQL "CREATE DATABASE" followed by "RESTORE DATABASE" commands and my database file imported, but I got a lot of info in the process I don't understand:

背景:我正在将一个企业网站从安装了SqlServer 2000的Win2003服务器移动到带有SqlServer 2008的WinServer 2008盒子。我做了标准的T-SQL“CREATE DATABASE”,接着是“RESTORE DATABASE”命令和我的数据库文件导入,但我在这个过程中得到了很多信息,我不明白:

Processed 141992 pages for database 'WebsiteMain', file 'WebsiteMain' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'WebsiteMain', file 'WebsiteMain_log' on file 1.
Converting database 'WebsiteMain' from version 539 to the current version 655.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 539 to version 551.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 551 to version 552.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 552 to version 611.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 611 to version 621.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 621 to version 622.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 622 to version 625.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 625 to version 626.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 626 to version 627.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 627 to version 628.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 628 to version 629.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 629 to version 630.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 630 to version 631.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 631 to version 632.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 632 to version 633.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 633 to version 634.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 634 to version 635.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 635 to version 636.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 636 to version 637.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 637 to version 638.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 638 to version 639.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 639 to version 640.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 640 to version 641.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 641 to version 642.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 642 to version 643.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 643 to version 644.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 644 to version 645.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 645 to version 646.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 646 to version 647.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 647 to version 648.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 648 to version 649.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 649 to version 650.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 650 to version 651.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 651 to version 652.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 652 to version 653.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 653 to version 654.
Database 'WebsiteMain' running the upgrade step from version 654 to version 655.
RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 141994 pages in 141.262 seconds (7.852 MB/sec).

I can only presume the version numbers refer to something of significance inside of SqlServer, but I'm having trouble believing that there have been that many releases/patches/upgrades to SqlServer since 2000. Moreover, I don't recall ever seeing SQL Server version numbers expressed in three digits in the ranges indicated.

我只能假设版本号指的是SqlServer内部的一些重要内容,但我很难相信自2000年以来已经有很多版本/补丁/升级到SqlServer。而且,我不记得曾经看过SQL Server在所示范围内以三位数表示的版本号。

5 个解决方案



Jonathan Kehayias in his blog quotes the following version numbers:

Jonathan Kehayias在他的博客中引用了以下版本号:

SQL Server 7.0 databases have version number 515 SQL Server 2000 databases have version number 539 SQL Server 2005 databases have version number 611/612 SQL Server 2008 databases have version number 655

SQL Server 7.0数据库的版本号为515 SQL Server 2000数据库的版本号为539 SQL Server 2005数据库的版本号为611/612 SQL Server 2008数据库的版本号为655

Jonathan's blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jonathan_kehayias/archive/2009/07/28/database-version-vs-database-compatibility-level.aspx




According to Paul Randal , who should know, this is the physical version number of the database. See the first question in this TechNet magazine link

根据Paul Randal的说法,他应该知道,这是数据库的物理版本号。请参阅本TechNet杂志链接中的第一个问题



you can get similar info by running


DBCC DBINFO('databasename')

I'm still looking for a definitive list though........




It's not unreasonable to say there are 110 differences between the SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2000 database formats.

说SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2000数据库格式之间存在110个差异并不是没有道理的。



Just out of interest why did you create the database? Couldn’t you simply restore it?




If you want to query SQL to have a list of your current databases with file version and compatibility level, here is how:


SELECT name, version, cmptlevel, filename FROM master.sys.sysdatabases



Jonathan Kehayias in his blog quotes the following version numbers:

Jonathan Kehayias在他的博客中引用了以下版本号:

SQL Server 7.0 databases have version number 515 SQL Server 2000 databases have version number 539 SQL Server 2005 databases have version number 611/612 SQL Server 2008 databases have version number 655

SQL Server 7.0数据库的版本号为515 SQL Server 2000数据库的版本号为539 SQL Server 2005数据库的版本号为611/612 SQL Server 2008数据库的版本号为655

Jonathan's blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jonathan_kehayias/archive/2009/07/28/database-version-vs-database-compatibility-level.aspx




According to Paul Randal , who should know, this is the physical version number of the database. See the first question in this TechNet magazine link

根据Paul Randal的说法,他应该知道,这是数据库的物理版本号。请参阅本TechNet杂志链接中的第一个问题



you can get similar info by running


DBCC DBINFO('databasename')

I'm still looking for a definitive list though........




It's not unreasonable to say there are 110 differences between the SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2000 database formats.

说SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2000数据库格式之间存在110个差异并不是没有道理的。



Just out of interest why did you create the database? Couldn’t you simply restore it?




If you want to query SQL to have a list of your current databases with file version and compatibility level, here is how:


SELECT name, version, cmptlevel, filename FROM master.sys.sysdatabases