
时间:2022-10-02 16:10:10

I prefer to create custom views for all my view controllers. And I define it in code by using weak references for custom views like this:


#import "MyViewController.h"
#import "MyCustomView.h"

@interface MyViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) MyCustomView *customView;

@implementation MyViewController
- (void) loadView
    MyCustomView *view = [MyCustomView new];
    self.view = view;
    self.customView = view;

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // work with custom view
    self.customView.tableView.delegate = self;


Is this the correct use of weak references? Will the application crash or leak, or will there be other problems?


3 个解决方案



In this case weak is fine. You assign your CustomView to self.view which is defined in the UIViewController header as


@property(nonatomic,retain) UIView *view;

so the view property has a retaining reference.


There is a possibility that your view and customView could get out of sync - so I would be tempted to define customView as readonly and implement the getter as

您的视图和customView可能会失去同步 - 所以我很想将customView定义为只读并将getter实现为

- (CustomView *)customView
  return (id)self.view;



As you can see in the documentation of UIViewController the view controller's view property has a strong reference to the view. So the custom view object will be retained as long as you don't set the view property to something else. In short, your method works.




As you create the instance from within this controller programatically, you should use a strong reference to set the ownership clearly to this controller.


In the event that you create the view object in IB or soryboard respectively, then a weak reference to the related IBOutlet would do.




In this case weak is fine. You assign your CustomView to self.view which is defined in the UIViewController header as


@property(nonatomic,retain) UIView *view;

so the view property has a retaining reference.


There is a possibility that your view and customView could get out of sync - so I would be tempted to define customView as readonly and implement the getter as

您的视图和customView可能会失去同步 - 所以我很想将customView定义为只读并将getter实现为

- (CustomView *)customView
  return (id)self.view;



As you can see in the documentation of UIViewController the view controller's view property has a strong reference to the view. So the custom view object will be retained as long as you don't set the view property to something else. In short, your method works.




As you create the instance from within this controller programatically, you should use a strong reference to set the ownership clearly to this controller.


In the event that you create the view object in IB or soryboard respectively, then a weak reference to the related IBOutlet would do.
