
时间:2022-03-06 08:23:52

For those of us who use standard shared hosting packages, such as GoDaddy or Network Solutions, how do you handle datetime conversions when your hosting server (PHP) and MySQL server are in different time zones?

对于我们这些使用标准共享主机软件包的用户,例如GoDaddy或Network Solutions,当您的托管服务器(PHP)和MySQL服务器位于不同的时区时,如何处理日期时间转换?

Also, does anybody have some best practice advice for determining what time zone a visitor to your site is in and manipulating a datetime variable appropriately?


5 个解决方案



As of PHP 5.1.0 you can use date_default_timezone_set() function to set the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script.

从PHP 5.1.0开始,您可以使用date_default_timezone_set()函数来设置脚本中所有日期/时间函数使用的默认时区。

For MySql (quoted from MySQL Server Time Zone Support page)


Before MySQL 4.1.3, the server operates only in the system time zone set at startup. Beginning with MySQL 4.1.3, the server maintains several time zone settings, some of which can be modified at runtime.

在MySQL 4.1.3之前,服务器仅在启动时设置的系统时区中运行。从MySQL 4.1.3开始,服务器维护多个时区设置,其中一些可以在运行时修改。

Of interest to you is per-connection setting of the time zones, which you would use at the beginning of your scripts


SET timezone = 'Europe/London';

As for detecting the client timezone setting, you could use a bit of JavaScript to get and save that information to a cookie, and use it on subsequent page reads, to calculate the proper timezone.


//Returns the offset (time difference) between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 
//and local time of Date object, in minutes.
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); 
document.cookie = 'timezoneOffset=' + escape(offset);

Or you could offer users the chioce to set their time zones themselves.




Store everything as UTC. You can do conversions at the client level, or on the server side using client settings.


php - date

php - 约会

mysql - utc-timestamp

mysql - utc-timestamp



RE the answer from Željko Živković, timezone descriptors like 'Europe/London' only work if the mySQL admin has added the timezone tables to the system, and keeps them updated.


Otherwise you are limited to numeric offsets like '-4:00'. Fortunately the php date('P') format provides it (as of 5.1.3)


So in say an app config file you might have


define('TZ', 'US/Pacific');
if (defined('TZ') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
    $mdb2->exec("SET SESSION time_zone = " . $mdb2->quote(date('P')));

This means PHP and mySQL will agree on what timezone offset to use.


Always use TIMESTAMP for storing time values. The column is actually stored as UNIX_TIME (epoch) but implicitly converted from current time_zone offset when written, and back when read.


If you want to display times for users in other time zones, then instead of a global define(), set their given timezone in the above. TIMESTAMP values will be automatically converted by mySQL by the time your app sees the result set (which sometimes can be a problem, if you need to actually know the original timezone of the event too then it needs to be in another column)


and as far as, "why not just store all times as int's", that does lose you the ability to compare and validate dates, and means you always have to convert to date representation at the app level (and is hard on the eyes when you are looking at the data directly - quick, what happened at 1254369600?)

而且,“为什么不把所有时间都存储为int”,这确实使你失去了比较和验证日期的能力,这意味着你总是必须在应用程序级别转换为日期表示(并且当时很难看到你正在直接查看数据 - 快速,1254369600发生了什么?)



I save all my dates as a bigint due to having had issues with the dateTime type before. I save the result of the time() PHP function into it, now they count as being in the same timezone :)




In php set timezone by in the php.ini file: ini_set("date.timezone", "America/Los_Angeles");

在php设置时区中的php.ini文件:ini_set(“date.timezone”,“America / Los_Angeles”);

or in particular page you can do like: date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles");

或者你可以这样做的特定页面:date_default_timezone_set(“America / Los_Angeles”);

In mysql you can do like: SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Los_Angeles';

在mysql中你可以这样做:SET GLOBAL time_zone ='America / Los_Angeles';



As of PHP 5.1.0 you can use date_default_timezone_set() function to set the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script.

从PHP 5.1.0开始,您可以使用date_default_timezone_set()函数来设置脚本中所有日期/时间函数使用的默认时区。

For MySql (quoted from MySQL Server Time Zone Support page)


Before MySQL 4.1.3, the server operates only in the system time zone set at startup. Beginning with MySQL 4.1.3, the server maintains several time zone settings, some of which can be modified at runtime.

在MySQL 4.1.3之前,服务器仅在启动时设置的系统时区中运行。从MySQL 4.1.3开始,服务器维护多个时区设置,其中一些可以在运行时修改。

Of interest to you is per-connection setting of the time zones, which you would use at the beginning of your scripts


SET timezone = 'Europe/London';

As for detecting the client timezone setting, you could use a bit of JavaScript to get and save that information to a cookie, and use it on subsequent page reads, to calculate the proper timezone.


//Returns the offset (time difference) between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 
//and local time of Date object, in minutes.
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); 
document.cookie = 'timezoneOffset=' + escape(offset);

Or you could offer users the chioce to set their time zones themselves.




Store everything as UTC. You can do conversions at the client level, or on the server side using client settings.


php - date

php - 约会

mysql - utc-timestamp

mysql - utc-timestamp



RE the answer from Željko Živković, timezone descriptors like 'Europe/London' only work if the mySQL admin has added the timezone tables to the system, and keeps them updated.


Otherwise you are limited to numeric offsets like '-4:00'. Fortunately the php date('P') format provides it (as of 5.1.3)


So in say an app config file you might have


define('TZ', 'US/Pacific');
if (defined('TZ') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
    $mdb2->exec("SET SESSION time_zone = " . $mdb2->quote(date('P')));

This means PHP and mySQL will agree on what timezone offset to use.


Always use TIMESTAMP for storing time values. The column is actually stored as UNIX_TIME (epoch) but implicitly converted from current time_zone offset when written, and back when read.


If you want to display times for users in other time zones, then instead of a global define(), set their given timezone in the above. TIMESTAMP values will be automatically converted by mySQL by the time your app sees the result set (which sometimes can be a problem, if you need to actually know the original timezone of the event too then it needs to be in another column)


and as far as, "why not just store all times as int's", that does lose you the ability to compare and validate dates, and means you always have to convert to date representation at the app level (and is hard on the eyes when you are looking at the data directly - quick, what happened at 1254369600?)

而且,“为什么不把所有时间都存储为int”,这确实使你失去了比较和验证日期的能力,这意味着你总是必须在应用程序级别转换为日期表示(并且当时很难看到你正在直接查看数据 - 快速,1254369600发生了什么?)



I save all my dates as a bigint due to having had issues with the dateTime type before. I save the result of the time() PHP function into it, now they count as being in the same timezone :)




In php set timezone by in the php.ini file: ini_set("date.timezone", "America/Los_Angeles");

在php设置时区中的php.ini文件:ini_set(“date.timezone”,“America / Los_Angeles”);

or in particular page you can do like: date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles");

或者你可以这样做的特定页面:date_default_timezone_set(“America / Los_Angeles”);

In mysql you can do like: SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Los_Angeles';

在mysql中你可以这样做:SET GLOBAL time_zone ='America / Los_Angeles';