string handler){ // Note: this is being fired from a method

时间:2022-06-21 07:34:07


但是很不幸的,Reflection.EventInfo.GetRaiseMethod要领始终返回null。这是因为,C#编译器在编译并措置惩罚惩罚由event关键字界说的事件时,,根柢不会去孕育产生有关RaiseMethod的元数据信息,因此GetRaiseMethod根柢无法获得事件触发后的措置惩罚惩罚要领。Thottam R. Sriram 在其Using SetRaiseMethod and GetRaiseMethod and invoking the method dynamically 一文中简要介绍了这个问题,并通过Reflection.Emit相关的要领来手动生成RaiseMethod,最后使用通例的GetRaiseMethod来实现事件触发后的要领挪用。这种做法对照繁杂。


public event EventHandler<EventArgs> MyEventToBeFired; public void FireEvent(Guid instanceId, string handler) { // Note: this is being fired from a method with in the same class that defined the event (i.e. "this"). EventArgs e = new EventArgs(instanceId); MulticastDelegate eventDelagate = (MulticastDelegate)this .GetType() .GetField(handler, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .GetValue(this); Delegate[] delegates = eventDelagate.GetInvocationList(); foreach (Delegate dlg in delegates) { dlg.Method.Invoke( dlg.Target, new object[] { this, e } ); } } FireEvent(new Guid(), "MyEventToBeFired");