Struts - 从JAR-Files加载结果模板(如JSP)

时间:2021-10-13 13:41:03

How can I define it in the struts framework, when I would like to load templates (JSP, ZUL etc.) from different JAR-Files?


1 个解决方案



As far as I understand there should be no additional configuration as soon as all your JARs are accessible from struts jar (usually if they are in WEB-IN/lib) and property set up in web.xml (may be required for non-JSP templates).

据我所知,只要所有JAR都可以从struts jar访问(通常是在WEB-IN / lib中),并且在web.xml中设置属性(非JSP可能需要),就不应该有其他配置。模板)。



As far as I understand there should be no additional configuration as soon as all your JARs are accessible from struts jar (usually if they are in WEB-IN/lib) and property set up in web.xml (may be required for non-JSP templates).

据我所知,只要所有JAR都可以从struts jar访问(通常是在WEB-IN / lib中),并且在web.xml中设置属性(非JSP可能需要),就不应该有其他配置。模板)。