
时间:2023-01-12 12:42:04

I have a large data frame (~200,000 rows) that contains X-Y coordinates, e.g.:


points <- data.frame(X = c(1,3,2,5,4), Y = c(4,3,2,2,1))

And another large data frame (~1,000,000 rows) that contains the corner cells of a spatial (rectangular) grid, e.g.:


MINX <- rep(0.5:5.5,6)
MINY <- rep(0.5:5.5,each=6)
grid <- data.frame(GridID = 1:36, MINX, MINY, MAXX = MINX+1, MAXY = MINY+1)

I would like to add a column to the "points" data frame that identified the ID of the grid the point is located in:


X Y GridID
1 4     19
3 3     15
2 2      8
5 2     11
4 1      4

I can think of several ways to do this, using loops, using combinations of apply and match, even pulling out some big spatial gun from sp or maptools. But all are prohibitively slow. I have a hunch there's some data.table() one liner that could pull this off in reasonable time. Do any gurus have an idea?


(For the record, this is how I got the grid cell ID's above:


pt.minx <- apply(points,1, 
             function(foo) max(unique(grid)$MINX[unique(grid)$MINX < foo[1]]))
pt.miny <- apply(points,1, 
             function(foo) max(unique(grid)$MINY[unique(grid)$MINY < foo[2]]))
with(grid, GridID[match(pt.minx+1i*pt.miny, MINX + 1i*MINY)])

I can't tell from here whether it's slick or hideous - either way the apply function is way too slow for the complete data frame.)


2 个解决方案



You just need two merges with rolling:


grid = data.table(grid, key = 'MINX')
points = data.table(points, key = 'X')

# first merge to find correct MAXX
intermediate = grid[points, roll = Inf][, list(MAXX, X = MINX, Y)]

# now merge by Y
setkey(intermediate, MAXX, Y)
setkey(grid, MAXX, MINY)
grid[intermediate, roll = Inf][, list(X, Y = MINY, GridID)]
#   X Y GridID
#1: 1 4     19
#2: 2 2      8
#3: 3 3     15
#4: 4 1      4
#5: 5 2     11



Doing it the SQL[df] way:


sqldf("select X, Y, GridID from grid, pts
       where MINX < X and X < MAXX and MINY < Y and Y < MAXY")

Expanding on @Roland's comment, you can use findInterval here:


MINX <- MINY <- 0.5:5.5
x <- findInterval(pts$X, MINX)
y <- findInterval(pts$Y, MINY)
grid$GridID[match(MINX[x]+1i*MINY[y], grid$MINX+1i*grid$MINY)]

Nice trick to coerce to complex for 2-dimensional matching, btw.




You just need two merges with rolling:


grid = data.table(grid, key = 'MINX')
points = data.table(points, key = 'X')

# first merge to find correct MAXX
intermediate = grid[points, roll = Inf][, list(MAXX, X = MINX, Y)]

# now merge by Y
setkey(intermediate, MAXX, Y)
setkey(grid, MAXX, MINY)
grid[intermediate, roll = Inf][, list(X, Y = MINY, GridID)]
#   X Y GridID
#1: 1 4     19
#2: 2 2      8
#3: 3 3     15
#4: 4 1      4
#5: 5 2     11



Doing it the SQL[df] way:


sqldf("select X, Y, GridID from grid, pts
       where MINX < X and X < MAXX and MINY < Y and Y < MAXY")

Expanding on @Roland's comment, you can use findInterval here:


MINX <- MINY <- 0.5:5.5
x <- findInterval(pts$X, MINX)
y <- findInterval(pts$Y, MINY)
grid$GridID[match(MINX[x]+1i*MINY[y], grid$MINX+1i*grid$MINY)]

Nice trick to coerce to complex for 2-dimensional matching, btw.
