微软职位内部推荐-Senior Software Engineer-SDP

时间:2021-01-08 12:07:00


Position: Senior SDE

The R&D of Shared Data Platform at Application and Services Group (ASG) China aims to build a unified data platform encompassing users, advertisers, search engine, and office365. We are able to process and present data in ways that enable easy insights extraction on data sets on ever increasing scales. Through such a platform, we are turning data into much more than they are today.

The Shared Data Platform team provides scalable data services and infrastructure required to acquire and process the huge volumes of data related to Microsoft Applications and Services and present a single version of the truth in a timely and meaningful way. The team’s responsibilities include:

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Infrastructure and data services that present highly scalable online service data to consumers in an open and flexible way that is easy to operate, maintain and troubleshoot

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Cost effective data services that deliver required value while keeping operating costs low enough to make platform profitable

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Maintain and operate all production, SLA bound data services that present a clear, consistent and comprehensive version of the truth

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Timely access to accurate information on application and services. This includes all SLA bound data delivery services to business and engineering partners

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Empower users through integrated and flexible data services

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Empower engineering partners by providing flexible APIs for integrating their algorithms into the platform data pipelines and for consuming data products.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Comply with corporate privacy and security policies

We are looking for a top-notch developer to help advance the state of the art of ASG shared data platform. You will design, implement, and deliver one or more important services and components. You will have the rare opportunity to work on large scale, low latency, robust, distributed, high performing internet scale data processing infrastructure, ranging from data collection/ingestions from cloud scale service deployments, real time streaming data processing, distributed database/data warehousing, and metadata semantic management etc. This is a fun and fast paced environment and a great opportunity to work on something highly strategic to Microsoft. &nbsp

Candidates are expected to have following qualifications:

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Love to design and write great code

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp With great technical passion, &nbsp terrific problem-solving skills, drive for results, and ability to work independently

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Have experienced full product life cycle; managed project development and schedule to a successful shipping

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Good &nbsp communication and collaboration skills

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Fluent in one of the major programming languages: C, C++, C#, or Java

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Significant experiences in one of the following areas: &nbsp large scale internet applications, distributed systems, and storage systems.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Minimum 5 year software development experiences. Bachelor degree in computer science or a related field is required. &nbsp Master or Ph.D. is preferred.

Microsoft is an equal opportunity company and supports workforce diversity.



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