在Django / Python for Twilio中访问DateCreated和DateUpdated

时间:2022-06-10 11:43:12

Here's my first post! I'm working with a python web app that is recording phone calls. I am able to access client.recordings.uri, but I'm not able to access recordings.datecreated or dateupdated in my code.


{% for recording in recordings %}
    <li><a href="{{ recording.uri }}.mp3">{{ recording.datecreated }} {{ recording.duration }} sec.</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

.uri and .duration are valid python attributes, does anyone know how to call the DateCreated attribute? Is it possible with the python module?


1 个解决方案



{% for recording in recordings %}
   <a href="{{ recording.uri }}.mp3">
    {{ recording.date_created }} {{ recording.duration }} sec.
{% endfor %}

You'll need to add an underscore between datecreated. You can find a list of all attributes on the recording object here.




{% for recording in recordings %}
   <a href="{{ recording.uri }}.mp3">
    {{ recording.date_created }} {{ recording.duration }} sec.
{% endfor %}

You'll need to add an underscore between datecreated. You can find a list of all attributes on the recording object here.
