
时间:2021-03-03 11:34:52

一、i2c_driver, i2c_client, i2c_adapter, i2c_algorithm 这4个数据结构的作用及关系

1.i2c_adapter 与 i2c_algorithm

i2c_adapter 对应物理上一个适配器,而i2c_algorithm对应一套通信算法。



i2c_algorithm中关键函数是 master_xfer(),用于产生I2C访问周期的需要的信号,以i2c_msg为单位。


* struct i2c_msg - an I2C transaction segment beginning with START

* @addr: Slave address, either seven or ten bits. When this is a ten

* bit address, I2C_M_TEN must be set in @flags and the adapter

* must support I2C_FUNC_10BIT_ADDR.

* @flags: I2C_M_RD is handled by all adapters. No other flags may be

* provided unless the adapter exported the relevant I2C_FUNC_*

* flags through i2c_check_functionality().

* @len: Number of data bytes in @buf being read from or written to the

* I2C slave address. For read transactions where I2C_M_RECV_LEN

* is set, the caller guarantees that this buffer can hold up to

* 32 bytes in addition to the initial length byte sent by the

* slave (plus, if used, the SMBus PEC); and this value will be

* incremented by the number of block data bytes received.

* @buf: The buffer into which data is read, or from which it's written.


* An i2c_msg is the low level representation of one segment of an I2C

* transaction. It is visible to drivers in the @i2c_transfer() procedure,

* to userspace from i2c-dev, and to I2C adapter drivers through the

* @i2c_adapter.@master_xfer() method.


* Except when I2C "protocol mangling" is used, all I2C adapters implement

* the standard rules for I2C transactions. Each transaction begins with a

* START. That is followed by the slave address, and a bit encoding read

* versus write. Then follow all the data bytes, possibly including a byte

* with SMBus PEC. The transfer terminates with a NAK, or when all those

* bytes have been transferred and ACKed. If this is the last message in a

* group, it is followed by a STOP. Otherwise it is followed by the next

* @i2c_msg transaction segment, beginning with a (repeated) START.


* Alternatively, when the adapter supports I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING then

* passing certain @flags may have changed those standard protocol behaviors.

* Those flags are only for use with broken/nonconforming slaves, and with

* adapters which are known to support the specific mangling options they

* need (one or more of IGNORE_NAK, NO_RD_ACK, NOSTART, and REV_DIR_ADDR).


struct i2c_msg {

__u16 addr; /* slave address */ //设备地址

__u16 flags;

#define I2C_M_TEN 0x0010 /* this is a ten bit chip address */

#define I2C_M_RD 0x0001 /* read data, from slave to master */

#define I2C_M_NOSTART 0x4000 /* if I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING */



#define I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK 0x0800 /* if I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING */

#define I2C_M_RECV_LEN 0x0400 /* length will be first received byte */

__u16 len; /* msg length */

__u8 *buf; /* pointer to msg data */ //消息数据


2. i2c_driver and i2c_client.




i2c_driver的attach_adapter()函数被运行时,i2c_adapter()会探测物理设备,当确定一个client存在时,把该client使用的i2c_client数据结构的adapter指针指向对应的i2c_adapter, driver指针指向i2c_driver,并会调用i2c_adapter的client_register()函数。


3.i2c_adapter 与 i2c_client

i2c_adapter 与 i2c_client 关系相当于适配器和设备的关系,i2c_client 依附于 i2c_adapter.

一个适配器可以连接多个I2C设备,所以一个 i2c_adapter 可以被多个 i2c_client 依附。

i2c_adapter 中有依附于它的 i2c_client 的链表。


1.写I2C适配器的驱动: 探测、初始化I2C适配器(如申请I2C的I/O地址,中断号)、驱动I2C适配器在硬件上产生各种信号,及处理I2C中断等。



4.实现I2C设备驱动的文件操作接口: 即实现具体设备yyy的 yyy_read(),yyy_write(),yyy_ioctl().

