Django m2m查询,与模型的m2m关系的不同用户

时间:2022-04-13 08:03:36

I have a model Model with a m2m field :


user = .. fk user
watchers = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name="boardShot_watchers",  null=True)

How do i select all distinct Users involved in this watchers relationship for all my entries of type Model ?


I dont think there is an ORM way to access to intermediary M2M table.



1 个解决方案


Not in your current model. If you want to have explicit access to the joining table, you need to make it part of the Django object model. The docs explain how to do this:


The admin and other django.contrib* components can be configured to treat most fields the same as if they were just model.ManyToMany's. But it will take a little config.

admin和其他django.contrib *组件可以配置为处理大多数字段,就像它们只是model.ManyToMany一样。但它需要一点配置。


Not in your current model. If you want to have explicit access to the joining table, you need to make it part of the Django object model. The docs explain how to do this:


The admin and other django.contrib* components can be configured to treat most fields the same as if they were just model.ManyToMany's. But it will take a little config.

admin和其他django.contrib *组件可以配置为处理大多数字段,就像它们只是model.ManyToMany一样。但它需要一点配置。