
时间:2023-01-19 09:56:49

I'm developing jaxws annotated webservice and I'm deploying it to axis2 (1.5.1) running at tomcat (6.0.20) in a folder named 'servicejars'. So far so good. But it is undeployable to the SimpleAxis2Server to make junit tests. Deploying as service archive (.aar) doesn't run for jaxws webservice as discussed here https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-4611.

我正在开发jaxws注释的webservice,我正在将它部署到运行在tomcat(6.0.20)的名为'servicejars'的文件夹中的axis2(1.5.1)。到现在为止还挺好。但是,SimpleAxis2Server无法进行junit测试。部署为服务存档(.aar)不适用于jaxws webservice,如https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-4611所述。

How to make junit for jaxws service with axis2? Any suggestions?


2 个解决方案



Your description contains two problems.


First problem is that bug. If your web services cannot be deployed at all and no client can call them, you have to find a workaround! I cannot help with that part.


The second problem is finding the right junit test strategy. My advice is the following: if you can avoid it, don't call real web services with junit tests on the client side. Find a way to call your annotated methods from junit tests sitting on the server side. Your unit tests will be more efficient and won't depend on a jaxws client.




I've solved my problem. I use the onboard solution of java6 (Endpoint.publish(..)) to publish the webservice from within junit. It is very easy.




Your description contains two problems.


First problem is that bug. If your web services cannot be deployed at all and no client can call them, you have to find a workaround! I cannot help with that part.


The second problem is finding the right junit test strategy. My advice is the following: if you can avoid it, don't call real web services with junit tests on the client side. Find a way to call your annotated methods from junit tests sitting on the server side. Your unit tests will be more efficient and won't depend on a jaxws client.




I've solved my problem. I use the onboard solution of java6 (Endpoint.publish(..)) to publish the webservice from within junit. It is very easy.
