
时间:2022-06-17 07:58:06

This is an SQL problem I can't wrap my head around in a simple query Is it possible?


The data set is (letters added for ease of understanding):


Start      End
10:01      10:12     (A)
10:03      10:06     (B)
10:05      10:25     (C)
10:14      10:42     (D)
10:32      10:36     (E)

The desired output is:


PeriodStart   New       ActiveAtEnd    MinActive   MaxActive
09:50         0         0              0           0
10:00         3 (ABC)   2 (AC)         0           3 (ABC)
10:10         1 (D)     2 (CD)         1 (C)       2 (AC or CD)
10:20         0         1 (D)          1 (C)       2 (CD)
10:30         1 (E)     1 (D)          1 (D)       2 (DE)
10:40         0         0              0           1 (D)
10:50         0         0              0           0

So, the query needed is a summary of the first table, calculating the minimum overlapping time periods (Start-End) and the maximum overlapping time periods (Start-End) from the first table within a 10 minute period.

因此,所需的查询是第一个表的摘要,计算10分钟内第一个表中的最小重叠时间段(开始 - 结束)和最大重叠时间段(开始 - 结束)。

'New' is the number of rows with a Start in the summary period. 'ActiveAtEnd' is the number of rows active at the end of the summary period.

“新建”是在摘要期间具有“开始”的行数。 'ActiveAtEnd'是摘要周期结束时活动的行数。

I'm using Oracle, but I'm sure a solution can be adjusted. Stored procedures not allowed - just plain SELECT/INSERT (views are allowed). Its also OK to run one SQL command per 10 minute output (as once populated, that will be how it keeps up to date.

我正在使用Oracle,但我确信可以调整解决方案。不允许存储过程 - 只需简单的SELECT / INSERT(允许视图)。每10分钟输出一次运行一个SQL命令也是可以的(一旦填充,这将是它保持最新的方式。

Thanks for any ideas, including 'not possible' ;-)


4 个解决方案



Assuming you also have (or Create) a table named @Times with one record for each ten minute start time, How about...


   Select T.Start,  
      (Select Count(*) From testTab
       Where Start Between T.Start 
          And DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) New,
      (Select Count(*) From testTab
       Where Start < DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)
          And EndDt > DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) ActiveAtEnd,
      (Select Max(Cnt) From 
          (Select Count(Distinct T.Which) Cnt
           From  (Select Distinct Start
                    From testTab
                    Where Start Between T.Start 
                           And DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)
                    Union Select T.Start 
                    Union Select DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) Z
             Left Join testTab T 
               On Z.Start Between T.Start And T.EndDt
           Group By Z.Start) ZZ ) MaxActive,
      (Select Min(Cnt) From 
           (Select Count(Distinct T.Which) Cnt
            From  (Select Distinct Start
                   From testTab
                   Where Start Between T.Start 
                           And DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)
                   Union Select T.Start                                                         
                   Union Select DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) Z
              Left Join testTab T 
                 On Z.Start Between T.Start And T.EndDt
           Group By Z.Start) ZZ ) MinActive     
   From @Times T

I Created this table in SQL Server as a Table variable, using

我在SQL Server中创建此表作为Table变量,使用

Declare @Times Table (Start datetime Primary key Not Null)
Declare @Start DateTime 
Set @Start = '1 Nov 2008 10:00'
While @Start < '1 Nov 2008 11:00' begin
    Insert @Times(Start) values(@Start)
    Set @Start = DateAdd(minute, 10, @Start) 

If you are using another product, use a temp table instead... but this approach does need a table with one record for each ten minute "period" as a hook to run against...


with the following data, this query generates output as follows:


start                   endDt                   Which
----------------------- ----------------------- -----
2008-11-01 10:01:00.000 2008-11-01 10:12:00.000 A
2008-11-01 10:03:00.000 2008-11-01 10:06:00.000 B
2008-11-01 10:05:00.000 2008-11-01 10:25:00.000 C
2008-11-01 10:14:00.000 2008-11-01 10:42:00.000 D
2008-11-01 10:32:00.000 2008-11-01 10:36:00.000 E
2008-11-01 10:22:00.000 2008-11-01 10:51:00.000 F
2008-11-01 10:22:00.000 2008-11-01 10:23:00.000 G

Start                   New         ActiveAtEnd MaxActive   MinActive
----------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
2008-11-01 10:00:00.000 3           2           3           0
2008-11-01 10:10:00.000 1           2           2           2
2008-11-01 10:20:00.000 2           2           4           2
2008-11-01 10:30:00.000 1           2           3           2
2008-11-01 10:40:00.000 0           1           2           1
2008-11-01 10:50:00.000 0           0           1           0

Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.




I'm struggling with the ActiveAtEnd value, but the others are OK.


This is for MySQL:


set @active:=0;

  sum( if( score=1, 1, 0)) New, 
  if( max(ab) > max(aa), max(ab), max(aa)) MaxActive, 
  if( min( ab ) < min( aa ), min(ab), min(aa)) MinActive  
from  (
          @active ab, 
          @active:=@active+score aa 
        from (
                 from_unixtime( floor( unix_timestamp(start)/600) * 600) period, 
                 start etime, 
                 +1 score 
               from ev  
               union all
               select from_unixtime( floor( unix_timestamp(end)/600) * 600) period, 
                 end etime, 
                 -1 score
               from ev 
             ) event order by etime
      ) as temp 
group by period;

The innermost selection breaks the original table into a set of events - with a score of +1 for a start-event, and -1 for an end event. union all is used so that duplicate events are allowed.

最里面的选择将原始表分成一组事件 - 开始事件的得分为+1,结束事件的得分为-1。使用union all以便允许重复事件。

The next inner selection runs a variable across the score values - @active holds a count of the number of active intervals at each time point. Both the value of @active before and after the current count is added is selected: I do not know how portable this is.

下一个内部选择在分数值上运行变量 - @active保存每个时间点的活动间隔数。选择添加当前计数之前和之后的@active值:我不知道这是多么便携。

The outermost selection accumulates the results for each period. 'New' is the sum of '+1' scores, MaxActive and MinActive must both take the value of active before (ab) and active after (aa) into account.

最外面的选择累积每个时期的结果。 “新”是“+1”分数的总和,MaxActive和MinActive必须同时考虑(a)之前的活动值和(aa)之后的活动值。

Here are sample results:


| period              | New  | MaxActive | MinActive |
| 2008-11-19 10:00:00 |    3 |         3 |         0 |
| 2008-11-19 10:10:00 |    1 |         2 |         1 |
| 2008-11-19 10:20:00 |    0 |         2 |         1 |
| 2008-11-19 10:30:00 |    1 |         2 |         1 |
| 2008-11-19 10:40:00 |    0 |         1 |         0 |



The New and ActiveAtEnd are fairly straightforward (assuming the the period's start and end being stored in temporary variables):


select  @periodStart PeriodStart
, @periodEnd PeriodEnd 
, n.[new]
, ae.ActiveAtEnd
from (
select  count(*) [new] 
from    @times 
where   [start] >= @periodStart
and [start] < @PeriodEnd 
) n 
cross join 
select  count(*) [ActiveAtEnd] 
from    @times
where   [start] < @PeriodEnd 
and [end] >= @PeriodEnd 
) ae

The Max and Min Actives are harder. You can presume a minute's granularity, so you would need to explode out active period at that granularity to be able to probe into each slice.

Max和Min Actives更难。您可以设定一分钟的粒度,因此您需要以该粒度分解活动期以便能够探测每个切片。

I'm not sure that that's possible in a single query.




The only way that I have ever been able to solve this sort of problem has been to get the count of 'start' for each one minute period. You then get the maximum (or minimum) for the 10 minute group. I have not been able to apply a set based approach.




Assuming you also have (or Create) a table named @Times with one record for each ten minute start time, How about...


   Select T.Start,  
      (Select Count(*) From testTab
       Where Start Between T.Start 
          And DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) New,
      (Select Count(*) From testTab
       Where Start < DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)
          And EndDt > DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) ActiveAtEnd,
      (Select Max(Cnt) From 
          (Select Count(Distinct T.Which) Cnt
           From  (Select Distinct Start
                    From testTab
                    Where Start Between T.Start 
                           And DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)
                    Union Select T.Start 
                    Union Select DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) Z
             Left Join testTab T 
               On Z.Start Between T.Start And T.EndDt
           Group By Z.Start) ZZ ) MaxActive,
      (Select Min(Cnt) From 
           (Select Count(Distinct T.Which) Cnt
            From  (Select Distinct Start
                   From testTab
                   Where Start Between T.Start 
                           And DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)
                   Union Select T.Start                                                         
                   Union Select DateAdd(minute, 10, T.Start)) Z
              Left Join testTab T 
                 On Z.Start Between T.Start And T.EndDt
           Group By Z.Start) ZZ ) MinActive     
   From @Times T

I Created this table in SQL Server as a Table variable, using

我在SQL Server中创建此表作为Table变量,使用

Declare @Times Table (Start datetime Primary key Not Null)
Declare @Start DateTime 
Set @Start = '1 Nov 2008 10:00'
While @Start < '1 Nov 2008 11:00' begin
    Insert @Times(Start) values(@Start)
    Set @Start = DateAdd(minute, 10, @Start) 

If you are using another product, use a temp table instead... but this approach does need a table with one record for each ten minute "period" as a hook to run against...


with the following data, this query generates output as follows:


start                   endDt                   Which
----------------------- ----------------------- -----
2008-11-01 10:01:00.000 2008-11-01 10:12:00.000 A
2008-11-01 10:03:00.000 2008-11-01 10:06:00.000 B
2008-11-01 10:05:00.000 2008-11-01 10:25:00.000 C
2008-11-01 10:14:00.000 2008-11-01 10:42:00.000 D
2008-11-01 10:32:00.000 2008-11-01 10:36:00.000 E
2008-11-01 10:22:00.000 2008-11-01 10:51:00.000 F
2008-11-01 10:22:00.000 2008-11-01 10:23:00.000 G

Start                   New         ActiveAtEnd MaxActive   MinActive
----------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
2008-11-01 10:00:00.000 3           2           3           0
2008-11-01 10:10:00.000 1           2           2           2
2008-11-01 10:20:00.000 2           2           4           2
2008-11-01 10:30:00.000 1           2           3           2
2008-11-01 10:40:00.000 0           1           2           1
2008-11-01 10:50:00.000 0           0           1           0

Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.




I'm struggling with the ActiveAtEnd value, but the others are OK.


This is for MySQL:


set @active:=0;

  sum( if( score=1, 1, 0)) New, 
  if( max(ab) > max(aa), max(ab), max(aa)) MaxActive, 
  if( min( ab ) < min( aa ), min(ab), min(aa)) MinActive  
from  (
          @active ab, 
          @active:=@active+score aa 
        from (
                 from_unixtime( floor( unix_timestamp(start)/600) * 600) period, 
                 start etime, 
                 +1 score 
               from ev  
               union all
               select from_unixtime( floor( unix_timestamp(end)/600) * 600) period, 
                 end etime, 
                 -1 score
               from ev 
             ) event order by etime
      ) as temp 
group by period;

The innermost selection breaks the original table into a set of events - with a score of +1 for a start-event, and -1 for an end event. union all is used so that duplicate events are allowed.

最里面的选择将原始表分成一组事件 - 开始事件的得分为+1,结束事件的得分为-1。使用union all以便允许重复事件。

The next inner selection runs a variable across the score values - @active holds a count of the number of active intervals at each time point. Both the value of @active before and after the current count is added is selected: I do not know how portable this is.

下一个内部选择在分数值上运行变量 - @active保存每个时间点的活动间隔数。选择添加当前计数之前和之后的@active值:我不知道这是多么便携。

The outermost selection accumulates the results for each period. 'New' is the sum of '+1' scores, MaxActive and MinActive must both take the value of active before (ab) and active after (aa) into account.

最外面的选择累积每个时期的结果。 “新”是“+1”分数的总和,MaxActive和MinActive必须同时考虑(a)之前的活动值和(aa)之后的活动值。

Here are sample results:


| period              | New  | MaxActive | MinActive |
| 2008-11-19 10:00:00 |    3 |         3 |         0 |
| 2008-11-19 10:10:00 |    1 |         2 |         1 |
| 2008-11-19 10:20:00 |    0 |         2 |         1 |
| 2008-11-19 10:30:00 |    1 |         2 |         1 |
| 2008-11-19 10:40:00 |    0 |         1 |         0 |



The New and ActiveAtEnd are fairly straightforward (assuming the the period's start and end being stored in temporary variables):


select  @periodStart PeriodStart
, @periodEnd PeriodEnd 
, n.[new]
, ae.ActiveAtEnd
from (
select  count(*) [new] 
from    @times 
where   [start] >= @periodStart
and [start] < @PeriodEnd 
) n 
cross join 
select  count(*) [ActiveAtEnd] 
from    @times
where   [start] < @PeriodEnd 
and [end] >= @PeriodEnd 
) ae

The Max and Min Actives are harder. You can presume a minute's granularity, so you would need to explode out active period at that granularity to be able to probe into each slice.

Max和Min Actives更难。您可以设定一分钟的粒度,因此您需要以该粒度分解活动期以便能够探测每个切片。

I'm not sure that that's possible in a single query.




The only way that I have ever been able to solve this sort of problem has been to get the count of 'start' for each one minute period. You then get the maximum (or minimum) for the 10 minute group. I have not been able to apply a set based approach.
