微软职位内部推荐-Sr SDE for Win Apps Ecosystem

时间:2021-12-19 09:01:39


Job posting title: Senior Software Design Engineer

Location: China, Beijing

Level: 63

Division: Operations System Group Engineering

Group Overview

OSG is delivering flagship products in Microsoft. China is a second largest economy in the world. With over one billion mobile subscribers, China has become the largest and most dynamic mobile market in the world, and the PC population in China also nurtures great business opportunities.

We are forming a new team in China, OSG China Engineering team, focusing on delivering China-market specific Windows features and products across different form factors on PC/Phone/Tablet to succeed more broadly in China.

Roles & Responsibilities

We are looking for a strong software design engineer in application ecosystem and services team. The engineer is responsible for:

• Independently design, implement and maintain technical solutions (apps, server modules, and/or service providers) in high quality to meet business needs.

• Analyze feedback from end users and dev community, and come up with innovative solutions to address user needs.

• Work with peers, PM and partners to ensure the task with highest priority are carried out, align with partners.

• contribute to the establishment of fast release cycle and high quality engineering culture


• Love to design and write great code

• Significant experiences in Windows apps and ecosystem

• With great technical passion, terrific problem-solving skills, drive for results, and ability to work independently

• Good communication and collaboration skills, able to influence peers and partners

• Fluent in one of the major programming languages: C#, C, C++, or Java

• Minimum 7 year software development experiences, with multiple release cycles.

• Dev Lead, Technical Lead and management experience is a big plus.

This position is based in Beijing (China), one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Come to experience the Chinese culture, explosive growth, great shopping and amazing food. The city is very international and easy to live in. -- Join us today!

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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