DB2时间函数 实现 时间加减

时间:2023-02-28 07:32:28

select current date from sysibm.sysdummy1;  
values current date; 
select current time from sysibm.sysdummy1;  
values current time;  
select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1;  
values current timestamp;  
values current time -current timezone;  
values current timestamp -current timezone;  
values year(current timestamp); 
values month(current timestamp); 
values day(current timestamp); 
values hour(current timestamp); 
values minute(current timestamp); 
values second(current timestamp); 
values microsecond(current timestamp);  
values date(current timestamp);  
values VARCHAR_FORMAT(current TIMESTAMP,'yyyy-mm-dd');  
values char(current date);  
values time(current timestamp);  
values current date+1 year;     
values current date+3 years+2 months +15 days;  
values current time +5 hours -3 minutes +10 seconds;  
values days(current date)- days(date('2010-02-20'));  
values char(current date);  
values char(current time);  
values timestamp('2010-03-09-');  
values timestamp('2010-03-09 22:44:36');  
values date('2010-03-09');  
values date('03/09/2010');  
values time('22:45:27');  
values time('22.45.27');  
values timestampdiff(1,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(2,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(4,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(8,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(16,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(32,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(64,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(128,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));  
values timestampdiff(256,char(current timestamp - timestamp('2010-01-01-00.00.00')));

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