OpenGL extension specification (from

时间:2023-02-18 19:33:55

Shader read/write/atomic into UAV global memory (need manual sync)

Render to Texture

Depth Texture for "Shadow Casting", "Image-based render" or "Displacement Mapping"

 This extension defines a new depth texture format.  An important
application of depth texture images is shadow casting, but separating
this from the shadow extension allows for the potential use of depth
textures in other applications such as image-based rendering or
displacement mapping. This extension does not define new depth-texture
environment functions, such as filtering or applying the depth values
computed from a texture, but leaves this to other extensions, such as
the shadow extension.

Float format to Color buffer and Depth buffer

Texture swizzle:

Classic OpenGL texture formats conflate texture storage and
interpretation, and assume that textures represent color. In
modern applications, a significant quantity of textures don't
represent color, but rather data like shadow maps, normal maps,
page tables, occlusion data, etc.. For the latter class of data,
calling the data "RGBA" is just a convenient mapping of what the
data is onto the current model, but isn't an accurate reflection
of the reality of the data. The existing texture formats provide an almost orthogonal set of
data types, sizes, and number of components, but the mappings of
this storage into what the shader or fixed-function pipeline
fetches is very much non-orthogonal. Previous extensions have
added some of the most demanded missing formats, but the problem
has not been solved once and for all. This extension provides a mechanism to swizzle the components
of a texture before they are applied according to the texture
environment in fixed-function or as they are returned to the

   Traditional OpenGL includes fixed-function blending that combines source
colors with the existing content of a render buffer in a variety of ways.
A number of extensions have enhanced this functionality by adding further
sources of blending weights and methods to combine them. However, the inputs
to the fixed-function blending units are constrained to a source color (as
output from fragment shading), destination color (as the current content
of the frame buffer) or constants that may be used in their place. This extension adds new blending functions whereby a fragment shader may
output two colors, one of which is treated as the source color, and the
other used as a blending factor for either source or destination colors.
Furthermore, this extension increases orthogonality by allowing the
SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE function to be used as the destination weight.

    This extension introduces the concept of "sync objects". Sync
objects are a synchronization primitive - a representation of events
whose completion status can be tested or waited upon. One specific
type of sync object, the "fence sync object", is supported in this
extension, and additional types can easily be added in the future. Fence sync objects have corresponding fences, which are inserted
into the OpenGL command stream at the time the sync object is
created. A sync object can be queried for a given condition. The
only condition supported for fence sync objects is completion of the
corresponding fence command. Fence completion allows applications to
request a partial Finish, wherein all commands prior to the fence
will be forced to complete before control is returned to the calling
process. These new mechanisms allow for synchronization between the host CPU
and the GPU, which may be accessing the same resources (typically
memory), as well as between multiple GL contexts bound to multiple
threads in the host CPU.

    Recent advances in application complexity and a desire for higher
resolutions have pushed texture sizes up considerably. Often, the amount
of physical memory available to a graphics processor is a limiting factor
in the performance of texture-heavy applications. Once the available
physical memory is exhausted, paging may occur bringing performance down
considerably - or worse, the application may fail. Nevertheless, the amount
of address space available to the graphics processor has increased to the
point where many gigabytes - or even terabytes of address space may be
usable even though that amount of physical memory is not present. This extension allows the separation of the graphics processor's address
space (reservation) from the requirement that all textures must be
physically backed (commitment). This exposes a limited form of
virtualization for textures. Use cases include sparse (or partially
resident) textures, texture paging, on-demand and delayed loading of
texture assets and application controlled level of detail.

    This extension provides support for two new types of "multisample
textures" - two-dimensional and two-dimensional array - as well as
mechanisms to fetch a specific sample from such a texture in a shader,
and to attach such textures to FBOs for rendering. This extension also includes the following functionality, first described
in NV_explicit_multisample: * A query in the API to query the location of samples within the pixel * An explicit control for the multisample sample mask to augment the
control provided by SampleCoverage

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