
时间:2023-02-11 16:08:27
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计算机程序员结构和解析》,这门课程视频地址是:http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.001/abelson-sussman-lectures/ 三、 Gatekiller 推荐的资源如下: · How to Design Programs · Graphics Programing Black Book · Real World Haskell · Let Over Lambda · Starting Forth · List of Free Online Python Books · List of Free Online Perl Books · Squeak by Example · C# Essentials · List of Free Online Smalltalk Books · Successful Lisp · Introduction to Functional Programming 四、ani625推荐了一些Linux相关书籍 · The Art of Unix Programming · Advanced Linux Programming by CodeSourcery LLC · Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz(PDF) · Advanced Linux Programming · Secure Programming for Linux and Unix · The Linux Development Platform · Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO · C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3 · Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide by Ori Pomerantz · KDE 2.0 Development · GTK+/Gnome Application Development · GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool · The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide · PHP Essentials · JavaScript Essentials · Visual Basic Essentials 上面这4个推荐,是得票数最高的前4位。下面这些得票数不太高的,从中挑选了一些。 · The Django Book, GNU Free Document License · Mercurial (Hg) book by Bryan O’Sullivan. (Mercurial 是一个分布式版本控制软件) · 37 Signals’ 公司的 “Getting Real” 也提供免费在线阅读。 · Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes 》描述了人工智能领域中的 45个算法。所以这些算法的描述都连贯并完整,确保广大受众可以理解。 这本书也有免费的PDF版,也可以在线免费阅读 · 麻省理工学院关于计算机科学的开源课程:http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/index.htm · Practical Common Lisp(实用Common Lisp 编程)》Sergio Acosta 强烈推荐的,特别适合对Lisp感兴趣的初学者,虽然这本书的纸质版并不免费,但作者Peter Seibel 允许免费在线阅读 【更新:2012-5-17 20:24:19】 下面这部分依然来自 *,不过是另外一个贴子 · 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (这本书有中文版《程序员应该知道的97件事》) · Algorithms and Data-Structures (PDF) · Algorithms (draft) · The Architecture of Open Source Applications · The Art of Unix Programming · Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review · Binary Trees (PDF)< · The Cathedral and the Bazaar · Clever Algorithms · Communicating Sequential Processes (PDF) – Tony Hoare · Compiler Construction (PDF) · Computer Musings (lectures by Donald Knuth) · Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples · Database Fundamentals (PDF) · Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce (PDF) · The Definitive Guide to Building Code Quality · Designing Interfaces by Jennifer Tidwell · Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists · Domain Driven Design Quickly · Don’t Just Roll the Dice · Essentials of Metaheuristics by Sean Luke · Essential Skills for Agile Development · A Field Guide To Genetic Programming · Flow based Programming · Foundations of Computer Science – Al Aho and Jeff Ullman · Foundations of Programming · Getting Real · Getting started with Open source development (PDF) · The Great Tree List Recursion Problem · Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge · How Computers Work · How to Design Programs · How to Think Like a Computer Scientist · How to Write Parallel Programs · How to write Unmaintainable Code · I Am a Bug · An Introduction to the Theory of Computation · Introduction to Functional Programming (class lectures and slides) · Introduction to Information Retrieval · Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? · Learn to Program · Let’s Build a Compiler · Linkers and loaders · Linked List Basics · Linked List Problems · Mathematical Logic – an Introduction(PDF) · Matters Computational · Mining of Massive Datasets · NASA Manager Handbook for Software Development (PDF) · NASA Software Measurement Handbook · Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns · Online Course Materials · OO Design · Operating Systems and Middleware (PDF and LaTeX) · Patterns and Practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0 · Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community (PDF) · Planning Algorithms · PNG: The Definitive Guide · Pointers And Memory · Producing Open Source Software · Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation · Programming Methodology · Programming Pearls · Project Oberon (PDF) · Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture(PDF) · Security Engineering · Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs · Summary of the GoF Design Patterns · The Little Book of Semaphores · The TCP/IP Guide · Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers (PDF, code written in Python) · Type Theory and Functional Programming · Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know (PDF)