
时间:2023-02-09 15:47:30

HOW do i know when i need to dispose of something? Someone just mention i had several objects in my code that i need to dispose of. I had no idea i needed to dispose anything (this is my first week with C#). How do i know when i need to dispose an object? i was using http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.hashalgorithm.aspx and i do not see any mention of dispose on the page or seen it mention in any other objs i was told i to dispose (by someone on SO).


I know i need to when something inherits IDisposable but HOW do i KNOW when it does inherit it?


8 个解决方案


You should dispose anything that implements IDisposable. Just wrap it on an using:


   using(var some = new Something())
    //use normally


Similar questions here:



An easy way would be to type obj.disp and see if intellisense has a dispose method.



The class implements the interface IDisposable, that means that it has a Dispose method.


Not every class that implements IDisposable requires you to call Dispose, but most of them do. If you see that the class implements IDisposable (or has a Dispose method because it inherits the interface from a base class), you have two choises:


  1. Dig deep in the documentation to find out why the class implements IDisposable, and if you really need to call Dispose.


  2. Just call Dispose.


Either method is safe. If the Dispose method doesn't do anything, the call will be very quick. You can even call Dispose more than once without harm.


Even better then just calling the Dispose method is to use a using block:


using (FileStream s = File.OpenRead(path)) {

At the end bracket of the block the Dispose method is called automatically. The using block is implemented as a try...finally, so the Dispose method is guaranteed to be called even if an exception occurs in the block.

在块的结尾处,自动调用Dispose方法。 using块实现为try ... finally,因此即使块中发生异常,也可以保证调用Dispose方法。


If an class implements IDisposable you should dispose of intances of that class. If it doesn't you don't. In this case HashAlgorithm derives from ICryptoTransform which derives from IDisposable. This means all instance of classes descending from HashAlgorithm must be disposed.



You should dispose of any object that implements the IDisposable interface.


public abstract class HashAlgorithm : ICryptoTransform, 

Anything that has unmanaged resources (DB connections for example) should implement the IDisposable interface.


There are a couple of good reasons for this:


  • You know that the unmanaged resources (which are typically quite scarce) are going to be cleaned up. Usually these will be cleared up in the finalizer anyway, but due to how the GC has to tidy up objects with finalizers this could take a while.
  • 您知道非托管资源(通常非常稀缺)将被清除。通常这些将在终结器中清除,但由于GC必须用终结器整理对象,这可能需要一段时间。

  • If you implement the standard dispose pattern you save the GC a lot of work as it doesn't need to call the finalizer.
  • 如果您实施标准配置模式,则可以节省GC大量工作,因为它不需要调用终结器。


I know i need to when something inherits IDisposable but HOW do i KNOW when it does inherit it?


Assuming you're using Visual Studio. I usually right click on the type, then "Go To Definition". If I see that it, or any of its super classes, implement IDisposable, I make sure I call Dispose on it. This is typically done by wrapping it in a using block as others have mentioned.

假设您正在使用Visual Studio。我通常右键单击类型,然后“转到定义”。如果我看到它或它的任何超级类,实现IDisposable,我确保我在它上面调用Dispose。这通常通过将其包装在使用块中来完成,如其他人所提到的。


"Will the last person to leave the room please turn out the lights?"


An object which implements IDisposable holds the information and impetus necessary to do some "clean-up" operations that should happen "sometime", but which can't happen while the object is still in use. If the object is totally abandoned, those clean-up operations won't happen. The system includes a custodian, with which objects can register when they are created; if an object is abandoned by absolutely everyone but the custodian, the custodian can ask the object to perform its cleanup actions before the custodian too abandons it. Note that for a variety of reasons, the custodian isn't 100% effective at handling abandoned objects. It is thus very desirable that, whenever possible, the last entity to hold a useful reference to an object dispose of it before abandoning the reference.



You should dispose anything that implements IDisposable. Just wrap it on an using:


   using(var some = new Something())
    //use normally


Similar questions here:



An easy way would be to type obj.disp and see if intellisense has a dispose method.



The class implements the interface IDisposable, that means that it has a Dispose method.


Not every class that implements IDisposable requires you to call Dispose, but most of them do. If you see that the class implements IDisposable (or has a Dispose method because it inherits the interface from a base class), you have two choises:


  1. Dig deep in the documentation to find out why the class implements IDisposable, and if you really need to call Dispose.


  2. Just call Dispose.


Either method is safe. If the Dispose method doesn't do anything, the call will be very quick. You can even call Dispose more than once without harm.


Even better then just calling the Dispose method is to use a using block:


using (FileStream s = File.OpenRead(path)) {

At the end bracket of the block the Dispose method is called automatically. The using block is implemented as a try...finally, so the Dispose method is guaranteed to be called even if an exception occurs in the block.

在块的结尾处,自动调用Dispose方法。 using块实现为try ... finally,因此即使块中发生异常,也可以保证调用Dispose方法。


If an class implements IDisposable you should dispose of intances of that class. If it doesn't you don't. In this case HashAlgorithm derives from ICryptoTransform which derives from IDisposable. This means all instance of classes descending from HashAlgorithm must be disposed.



You should dispose of any object that implements the IDisposable interface.


public abstract class HashAlgorithm : ICryptoTransform, 

Anything that has unmanaged resources (DB connections for example) should implement the IDisposable interface.


There are a couple of good reasons for this:


  • You know that the unmanaged resources (which are typically quite scarce) are going to be cleaned up. Usually these will be cleared up in the finalizer anyway, but due to how the GC has to tidy up objects with finalizers this could take a while.
  • 您知道非托管资源(通常非常稀缺)将被清除。通常这些将在终结器中清除,但由于GC必须用终结器整理对象,这可能需要一段时间。

  • If you implement the standard dispose pattern you save the GC a lot of work as it doesn't need to call the finalizer.
  • 如果您实施标准配置模式,则可以节省GC大量工作,因为它不需要调用终结器。


I know i need to when something inherits IDisposable but HOW do i KNOW when it does inherit it?


Assuming you're using Visual Studio. I usually right click on the type, then "Go To Definition". If I see that it, or any of its super classes, implement IDisposable, I make sure I call Dispose on it. This is typically done by wrapping it in a using block as others have mentioned.

假设您正在使用Visual Studio。我通常右键单击类型,然后“转到定义”。如果我看到它或它的任何超级类,实现IDisposable,我确保我在它上面调用Dispose。这通常通过将其包装在使用块中来完成,如其他人所提到的。


"Will the last person to leave the room please turn out the lights?"


An object which implements IDisposable holds the information and impetus necessary to do some "clean-up" operations that should happen "sometime", but which can't happen while the object is still in use. If the object is totally abandoned, those clean-up operations won't happen. The system includes a custodian, with which objects can register when they are created; if an object is abandoned by absolutely everyone but the custodian, the custodian can ask the object to perform its cleanup actions before the custodian too abandons it. Note that for a variety of reasons, the custodian isn't 100% effective at handling abandoned objects. It is thus very desirable that, whenever possible, the last entity to hold a useful reference to an object dispose of it before abandoning the reference.
