
时间:2023-02-09 10:58:27

I've got two UIViews, each of which contains a visual representation of an object. I have three known CGPoints in each UIView which correspond to the same locations on that object. I need to apply a transform to one of those views so those three points line up perfectly with the corresponding points in the other view.


I need to deal with scaling, rotation and translation, i.e. an affine transformation, and I know the math for calculating the parameters for such a translation (see this question). What I DON'T understand is how to actually perform those calculations in Obj-C and plug the correct numbers into CGAffineTrasnformMake. It seems like it should be obvious, but for some reason I think I'm just missing some part of the concept here.


So in short form, given CGPoints (X1a,Y1a), (X2a,Y2a), (X3a,Y3a) in UIView A, and (X1b,Y1b), (X2b,Y2b), (X3b,Y3b) in UIView B, what do I do to get myself a CGAffineTransform I can apply to UIView B? so it lines up with UIView A?

所以在简短形式中,给出UIView A中的CGPoints(X1a,Y1a),(X2a,Y2a),(X3a,Y3a),以及UIView B中的(X1b,Y1b),(X2b,Y2b),(X3b,Y3b),我怎么办才能让自己成为一名CGAffineTransform我可以申请UIView B?它与UIView A排列在一起?

My deployment target, by the way, is iOS 5; I do NOT need to support anything earlier.

顺便说一下,我的部署目标是iOS 5;我不需要先支持任何事情。


1 个解决方案



I need the exact same thing in iOS. Here is what I finally came up with... I know the algebra calculation, but I don't know how to use LAPACK. You need to add Accelerate framework to calculate matrix inverse. Assume you have points p1, p2, p3 in the original UIView, and q1, q2, q3 in the transformed UIView:


CGPoint p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3;

// TODO: initialize points

double A[36];

A[ 0] = p1.x; A[ 1] = p1.y; A[ 2] = 0; A[ 3] = 0; A[ 4] = 1; A[ 5] = 0;
A[ 6] = 0; A[ 7] = 0; A[ 8] = p1.x; A[ 9] = p1.y; A[10] = 0; A[11] = 1;
A[12] = p2.x; A[13] = p2.y; A[14] = 0; A[15] = 0; A[16] = 1; A[17] = 0;
A[18] = 0; A[19] = 0; A[20] = p2.x; A[21] = p2.y; A[22] = 0; A[23] = 1;
A[24] = p3.x; A[25] = p3.y; A[26] = 0; A[27] = 0; A[28] = 1; A[29] = 0;
A[30] = 0; A[31] = 0; A[32] = p3.x; A[33] = p3.y; A[34] = 0; A[35] = 1;

int err = matrix_invert(6, A);
assert(err == 0);

double B[6];

B[0] = q1.x; B[1] = q1.y; B[2] = q2.x; B[3] = q2.y; B[4] = q3.x; B[5] = q3.y;

double M[6];

M[0] = A[ 0] * B[0] + A[ 1] * B[1] + A[ 2] * B[2] + A[ 3] * B[3] + A[ 4] * B[4] + A[ 5] * B[5];
M[1] = A[ 6] * B[0] + A[ 7] * B[1] + A[ 8] * B[2] + A[ 9] * B[3] + A[10] * B[4] + A[11] * B[5];
M[2] = A[12] * B[0] + A[13] * B[1] + A[14] * B[2] + A[15] * B[3] + A[16] * B[4] + A[17] * B[5];
M[3] = A[18] * B[0] + A[19] * B[1] + A[20] * B[2] + A[21] * B[3] + A[22] * B[4] + A[23] * B[5];
M[4] = A[24] * B[0] + A[25] * B[1] + A[26] * B[2] + A[27] * B[3] + A[28] * B[4] + A[29] * B[5];
M[5] = A[30] * B[0] + A[31] * B[1] + A[32] * B[2] + A[33] * B[3] + A[34] * B[4] + A[35] * B[5];

NSLog(@"%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", M[0], M[1], M[2], M[3], M[4], M[5]);

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMake(M[0], M[2], M[1], M[3], M[4], M[5]); // Order is correct... 

Here is the definition of matrix_inverse, it's a C function. It's modified from another SO answer:


#import <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int matrix_invert(long N, double *matrix) {

    long error=0;
    long *pivot = malloc(N*N*sizeof(long));
    double *workspace = malloc(N*sizeof(double));

    dgetrf_(&N, &N, matrix, &N, pivot, &error);

    if (error != 0) {
        // NSLog(@"Error 1");
        return error;

    dgetri_(&N, matrix, &N, pivot, workspace, &N, &error);

    if (error != 0) {
        // NSLog(@"Error 2");
        return error;

    return error;

Here is the source code on github, I might refactor it into a function taking NSArray of CGPoints later.


If you have more than 3 points, you need to solve by least square fit. Matrix inverse can do , but is not numerical stable (results can be off a lot), I might also add this solution into the gist later. The correct way is using Singular Value Decomposition, which I don't know how to do with LAPACK.




I need the exact same thing in iOS. Here is what I finally came up with... I know the algebra calculation, but I don't know how to use LAPACK. You need to add Accelerate framework to calculate matrix inverse. Assume you have points p1, p2, p3 in the original UIView, and q1, q2, q3 in the transformed UIView:


CGPoint p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3;

// TODO: initialize points

double A[36];

A[ 0] = p1.x; A[ 1] = p1.y; A[ 2] = 0; A[ 3] = 0; A[ 4] = 1; A[ 5] = 0;
A[ 6] = 0; A[ 7] = 0; A[ 8] = p1.x; A[ 9] = p1.y; A[10] = 0; A[11] = 1;
A[12] = p2.x; A[13] = p2.y; A[14] = 0; A[15] = 0; A[16] = 1; A[17] = 0;
A[18] = 0; A[19] = 0; A[20] = p2.x; A[21] = p2.y; A[22] = 0; A[23] = 1;
A[24] = p3.x; A[25] = p3.y; A[26] = 0; A[27] = 0; A[28] = 1; A[29] = 0;
A[30] = 0; A[31] = 0; A[32] = p3.x; A[33] = p3.y; A[34] = 0; A[35] = 1;

int err = matrix_invert(6, A);
assert(err == 0);

double B[6];

B[0] = q1.x; B[1] = q1.y; B[2] = q2.x; B[3] = q2.y; B[4] = q3.x; B[5] = q3.y;

double M[6];

M[0] = A[ 0] * B[0] + A[ 1] * B[1] + A[ 2] * B[2] + A[ 3] * B[3] + A[ 4] * B[4] + A[ 5] * B[5];
M[1] = A[ 6] * B[0] + A[ 7] * B[1] + A[ 8] * B[2] + A[ 9] * B[3] + A[10] * B[4] + A[11] * B[5];
M[2] = A[12] * B[0] + A[13] * B[1] + A[14] * B[2] + A[15] * B[3] + A[16] * B[4] + A[17] * B[5];
M[3] = A[18] * B[0] + A[19] * B[1] + A[20] * B[2] + A[21] * B[3] + A[22] * B[4] + A[23] * B[5];
M[4] = A[24] * B[0] + A[25] * B[1] + A[26] * B[2] + A[27] * B[3] + A[28] * B[4] + A[29] * B[5];
M[5] = A[30] * B[0] + A[31] * B[1] + A[32] * B[2] + A[33] * B[3] + A[34] * B[4] + A[35] * B[5];

NSLog(@"%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", M[0], M[1], M[2], M[3], M[4], M[5]);

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMake(M[0], M[2], M[1], M[3], M[4], M[5]); // Order is correct... 

Here is the definition of matrix_inverse, it's a C function. It's modified from another SO answer:


#import <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int matrix_invert(long N, double *matrix) {

    long error=0;
    long *pivot = malloc(N*N*sizeof(long));
    double *workspace = malloc(N*sizeof(double));

    dgetrf_(&N, &N, matrix, &N, pivot, &error);

    if (error != 0) {
        // NSLog(@"Error 1");
        return error;

    dgetri_(&N, matrix, &N, pivot, workspace, &N, &error);

    if (error != 0) {
        // NSLog(@"Error 2");
        return error;

    return error;

Here is the source code on github, I might refactor it into a function taking NSArray of CGPoints later.


If you have more than 3 points, you need to solve by least square fit. Matrix inverse can do , but is not numerical stable (results can be off a lot), I might also add this solution into the gist later. The correct way is using Singular Value Decomposition, which I don't know how to do with LAPACK.
