
时间:2023-02-09 08:48:23

Brief: I'm creating an MVC application in which I need to display a variety of types documents, some containing more author information than others.


What I wanna do: My approach is to have a generic "view document" view, which dynamically displays the document in a format dictated by the shape/type of the object passed to it.


Example: A simple document would be loaded into a SimpleDocumentViewModel, and display as such. However I'd like to load a larger type of document into an ExtendedDocumentViewModel, bringing with it additional information about both the document and the author. The view(s) would then display the appropriate data based on the object it receives.


Where I'm at now: In this vein I've created the following interfaces and classes, but I'm stuck as to how to return/identify the more specific return types in their derived classes.


abstract class BaseDocumentViewModel : DocumentViewModel, IDocumentViewModel
    public int DocumentId { get; set; }
    public string Body { get; set; }
    public IAuthorViewModel Author { get; set; }

class SimpleDocumentViewModel : BaseDocumentViewModel

class ExtendedDocumentViewModel : BaseDocumentViewModel
    public new IAuthorExtendedViewModel Author { get; set; }

interface IAuthorViewModel
    int PersonId { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }

interface IAuthorExtendedViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
    int ExtraData { get; set; }
    int MoreExtraData { get; set; }

Question: So my question is; how best can I get the specific types from the fully implemented classes, or do I need to return the base types and query it all in the view? Or am I off my head and need to go back to the drawing board?




I know that c# doesn't support return type covarience, but hoped that there may be another way of returning/identifying the derived types so that I don't have to query them all in the view.


My current solution would be to always return the base types, and have a separate view for each concrete type that simply casts each object to the correct type, only querying those that could differ. Perhaps this is the best solution end of, but it feels very inelegant.


3 个解决方案



Usually you can do a simple "is" check. So you can have conditional rendering in your views, for example:


@if(Model is ExtendedDocumentViewModel)
  // render ExtendedDocumentViewModel html here

Type checking is usually considered an anti pattern, however I am not sure if there is a much better approach to this problem. If you are using .NET Core you can also check the subclass tag here http://examples.aspnetcore.mvc-controls.com/InputExamples/SubClass .

类型检查通常被认为是一种反模式,但是我不确定是否有更好的方法来解决这个问题。如果您正在使用。net Core,您还可以在这里检查子类标记http://examples.aspnetcore.mvc-controls.com/InputExamples/SubClass。



Possible cleaner option is to just have a signature in the interface called GetView that each document has to implement. This way each document type has their own way of implementing the function and the calling function knows that each document has a function GetView. This method will work well if every document has a unique way of viewing the document. However if some documents share the same way of getting views, then may I suggest creating each View type into their own class and you can assign the views types to each document. I suggest looking into the strategy pattern.


First suggestion:


class SimpleDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      view GetView()
          ... do document specific stuff
          ... return view

class ExtendedDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      int ExtraData { get; set; }
      int MoreExtraData { get; set; }

      view GetView()
          ... do document specific stuff
          ... return view

interface IAuthorViewModel
    view GetView();

Second suggestion:


class SimpleDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      public viewType1 view {get;set;}

      public SimpleDocumentViewModel(viewType1 viewIn,etc...)
          view = viewIn;
      view GetView()
          return view.GetView();

class ExtendedDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      int ExtraData { get; set; }
      int MoreExtraData { get; set; }
      public viewType2 view {get;set;}

      public ExtendedDocumentViewModel(viewType2 viewIn,etc...)
          view = viewIn;
      view GetView()
          return view.GetView(ExtraData,MoreExtraData);

interface IAuthorViewModel
    view GetView();



I may be way off base here, but as I understand your question... why not just throw the return types in an object and pass that to your view?


You could look at the desired method and use reflection to pull out whatever info you want. Modify this and the object class hold whatever you want it to.


public class DiscoverInternalClass
    public List<InternalClassObject> FindClassMethods(Type type)
        List<InternalClassObject> MethodList = new List<InternalClassObject>();

        MethodInfo[] methodInfo = type.GetMethods();

        foreach (MethodInfo m in methodInfo)
            List<string> propTypeList = new List<string>();
            List<string> propNameList = new List<string>();

            string returntype = m.ReturnType.ToString();

            foreach (var x in m.GetParameters())

            InternalClassObject ICO = new InternalClassObject(c.Name, propNameList, propTypeList);
        return MethodList;

he object class could be something like this or modify it however you want:


public class InternalClassObject
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<string> ParameterNameList { get; set; }
    public List<string> ParameterList { get; set; }

    public InternalClassObject(string iName,List<string> iParameterNameList, List<string> iParameterList)
        Name = iName;
        ParameterNameList = iParameterNameList;
        ParameterList = iParameterList;

You could call the method like this with the desired class.


public static List<InternalClassObject> MethodList = new List<InternalClassObject>();

DiscoverInternalClass newDiscover= new DiscoverInternalClass();
MethodList = newDiscover.FindClassMethods(typeof(ExtendedDocumentViewModel));

Now you can have your GetView build based on what is in MethodList


Hope this helps!




Usually you can do a simple "is" check. So you can have conditional rendering in your views, for example:


@if(Model is ExtendedDocumentViewModel)
  // render ExtendedDocumentViewModel html here

Type checking is usually considered an anti pattern, however I am not sure if there is a much better approach to this problem. If you are using .NET Core you can also check the subclass tag here http://examples.aspnetcore.mvc-controls.com/InputExamples/SubClass .

类型检查通常被认为是一种反模式,但是我不确定是否有更好的方法来解决这个问题。如果您正在使用。net Core,您还可以在这里检查子类标记http://examples.aspnetcore.mvc-controls.com/InputExamples/SubClass。



Possible cleaner option is to just have a signature in the interface called GetView that each document has to implement. This way each document type has their own way of implementing the function and the calling function knows that each document has a function GetView. This method will work well if every document has a unique way of viewing the document. However if some documents share the same way of getting views, then may I suggest creating each View type into their own class and you can assign the views types to each document. I suggest looking into the strategy pattern.


First suggestion:


class SimpleDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      view GetView()
          ... do document specific stuff
          ... return view

class ExtendedDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      int ExtraData { get; set; }
      int MoreExtraData { get; set; }

      view GetView()
          ... do document specific stuff
          ... return view

interface IAuthorViewModel
    view GetView();

Second suggestion:


class SimpleDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      public viewType1 view {get;set;}

      public SimpleDocumentViewModel(viewType1 viewIn,etc...)
          view = viewIn;
      view GetView()
          return view.GetView();

class ExtendedDocumentViewModel : IAuthorViewModel
      int ExtraData { get; set; }
      int MoreExtraData { get; set; }
      public viewType2 view {get;set;}

      public ExtendedDocumentViewModel(viewType2 viewIn,etc...)
          view = viewIn;
      view GetView()
          return view.GetView(ExtraData,MoreExtraData);

interface IAuthorViewModel
    view GetView();



I may be way off base here, but as I understand your question... why not just throw the return types in an object and pass that to your view?


You could look at the desired method and use reflection to pull out whatever info you want. Modify this and the object class hold whatever you want it to.


public class DiscoverInternalClass
    public List<InternalClassObject> FindClassMethods(Type type)
        List<InternalClassObject> MethodList = new List<InternalClassObject>();

        MethodInfo[] methodInfo = type.GetMethods();

        foreach (MethodInfo m in methodInfo)
            List<string> propTypeList = new List<string>();
            List<string> propNameList = new List<string>();

            string returntype = m.ReturnType.ToString();

            foreach (var x in m.GetParameters())

            InternalClassObject ICO = new InternalClassObject(c.Name, propNameList, propTypeList);
        return MethodList;

he object class could be something like this or modify it however you want:


public class InternalClassObject
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<string> ParameterNameList { get; set; }
    public List<string> ParameterList { get; set; }

    public InternalClassObject(string iName,List<string> iParameterNameList, List<string> iParameterList)
        Name = iName;
        ParameterNameList = iParameterNameList;
        ParameterList = iParameterList;

You could call the method like this with the desired class.


public static List<InternalClassObject> MethodList = new List<InternalClassObject>();

DiscoverInternalClass newDiscover= new DiscoverInternalClass();
MethodList = newDiscover.FindClassMethods(typeof(ExtendedDocumentViewModel));

Now you can have your GetView build based on what is in MethodList


Hope this helps!
