
时间:2023-02-06 10:41:56

I've just started with Python and this is my first 'own' program. I've explained (to the best of my ability) what I intend my program to achieve. Since I'm new, I'd appreciate any syntax/performance improvement suggestions you may have.


        Search through a target movies directory and filter movie titles
        to search IMDb for movie ratings. After fetching, append ratings
        to corresponding movie files/folders in the directory.

        File names are in one of the following formats:
        1. P.S. I Love You.mkv
        2. P.S. I Love You (2010).mp4
        3. P.S. I Love You (2010) [1080p].avi

        Ideally, this program fetched the movie ratings and adds it to
        the end of the file name (just before the extension). The query,
        in this case, would be http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=P.S.+I+Love+You

        Ideally, the file in the directory would be renamed to one of the
        1. P.S. I Love You (7.1).mkv
        2. P.S. I Love You (2010) (7.1).mp4
        3. P.S. I Love You (2010) [1080p] (7.1).avi

    import os, json, urllib.request, re

    # Query related constants
    base_uri = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?"
    query_title = "t="

    basepath = "E:/Movies"

    # Fetch movie rating from omdbapi.com
    # Example JSON response: http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=insurgent
    def getRating(movie_title):
        # json_response = urllib.urlopen(base_uri + query_title + movie_title)
        # movie_data = json.loads(json_response.read())
        with urllib.request.urlopen(base_uri + query_title + movie_title) as url:
            movie_data = url.read()
        return movie_data['imdbRating']

    # Checks if parameter file name already has a rating.
    # Movie ratings are
    def hasRating(filename):
        pattern = re.compile('\([0-9].[0-9]\)')
        if pattern.search(filename) is not None:
            return True
        return False

    # Get the movie title by stripping out excess information such as the
    # year released or video definition
    def getMovieTitle(filename):
        if '(' not in filename is False:
            return filename.split('(')[0]
        elif'[' not in filename is False:
            return filename.split('[')[0]
        return os.path.splitext(basepath + filename)[:-1]

    def main():
        for file in os.listdir(basepath):
            if hasRating(file) is False:
                movie_title = getMovieTitle(file)
                file_ext = os.path.splitext(basepath + file)[-1:]
                movie_rating = getRating(movie_title)
                formatted_rating = ' (' + movie_rating + ')'
                file_no_ext = os.path.splitext(basepath + file)[:-1]

                os.rename(file, file_no_ext + ' ' + formatted_rating + file_ext)

    if __name__ == '__main__':

I've tried to fix everything I can so far but I keep arriving at the same error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "renamer.py", line 65, in <module>
  File "renamer.py", line 58, in main
    movie_rating = getRating(movie_title)
  File "renamer.py", line 33, in getRating
    with urllib.request.urlopen(base_uri + query_title + movie_title) as url:
TypeError: Can't convert 'tuple' object to str implicitly

Please let me know what a TypeError is, why it occurs, and what I can do to fix it.


Coming from Java, the simplicity of Python is kind of overwhelming but refreshing at the same time. Anyway, thanks in advance for your input!


1 个解决方案



In your case getMovieTitle returns a tuple if no if condition is true. So movie_title is a tuple and getRating can't handle that ("adding" of strings and tuples results in a TypeError exception).


Returning the last element of a list is done by [-1]. What you expect to use from os.path.splitext is the first part, so use index 0.


return os.path.splitext(basepath + filename)[:-1]

turn this line to


return os.path.splitext(basepath + filename)[0]

Second, you're accessing movie_data which is a string after reading with url.read() by movie_data['imdbRating']. What you most probably want is to decode the result (which is json) and then access the element:

其次,您正在通过movie_data ['imdbRating']读取url.read()后访问movie_data,这是一个字符串。你最想要的是解码结果(这是json),然后访问元素:

with urllib.request.urlopen(base_uri + query_title + movie_title) as url:
    movie_data = json.loads(url.read())['imdbRating']

This works as long 'imdbRating' is a key in the root dictionary.




In your case getMovieTitle returns a tuple if no if condition is true. So movie_title is a tuple and getRating can't handle that ("adding" of strings and tuples results in a TypeError exception).


Returning the last element of a list is done by [-1]. What you expect to use from os.path.splitext is the first part, so use index 0.


return os.path.splitext(basepath + filename)[:-1]

turn this line to


return os.path.splitext(basepath + filename)[0]

Second, you're accessing movie_data which is a string after reading with url.read() by movie_data['imdbRating']. What you most probably want is to decode the result (which is json) and then access the element:

其次,您正在通过movie_data ['imdbRating']读取url.read()后访问movie_data,这是一个字符串。你最想要的是解码结果(这是json),然后访问元素:

with urllib.request.urlopen(base_uri + query_title + movie_title) as url:
    movie_data = json.loads(url.read())['imdbRating']

This works as long 'imdbRating' is a key in the root dictionary.
