
时间:2023-02-05 12:18:35

I have 2 eclipse plugins that I am building; let's call them plugin A and plugin B...

我正在构建2个eclipse插件;让我们称他们为插件A​​和插件B ...

Plugin A requires a license to run and Plugin B is free to the world. I have created an extension point in Plugin B to which Plugin A contributes (and in some cases overrides) data. I would like to find a way to disregard that data in plugin B if plugin A is not licensed (without have to check to see if the plugin can start).


Is there such a mechanism in eclipse that allows me to accomplish such a feat? My current workaround is to check to see if the plugin is started (via the Bundle) and if it isn't attempt to start it. If the plugin A is unlicensed I throw an exception in the start() method.


3 个解决方案


Shouldn't A check its license itself and not-override/not-contribute any data (or override with providing identical data) if it is not licensed? Why place the burden of license checking on B when essentially B doesn't care (as it's free).


I'd opt for A to start in a limited mode if the license is not found. You might also - as jamesh suggested - want to give the user the opportunity to provide the license, e.g. with an additional A-UI plugin informing the user about the missing license and offering to license.

如果找不到许可证,我会选择A以限制模式启动。您也可以 - 正如jamesh建议的那样 - 希望为用户提供提供许可证的机会,例如:使用额外的A-UI插件通知用户缺少许可证并提供许可证。



So, you are writing two plugins.


Plugin B has an extension point. If the user has the bundle for Plugin A, and the license, then plugin A should contribute extensions to the EP in plugin B.



OSGi's security model is largely built atop the default Java Permissions and SecurityManager. There is a discussion in this presentation from Apache Felix. I expect it would be possible to build a licensing scheme around this.

OSGi的安全模型主要是在默认的Java Permissions和SecurityManager之上构建的。 Apache Felix在本演示文稿中进行了讨论。我希望围绕这个建立一个许可方案是可能的。

You're workaround sounds like it could work, however, there are a couple of concerns:


  • stopping a bundle from starting may prevent any services being registered, but will it effect a change in the extension registry? i.e. those extensions registered using plugin.xml. I would guess that DS services would be ok, but I'd have to try it.
  • 阻止启动捆绑包可能会阻止任何服务被注册,但它是否会影响扩展注册表的更改?即使用plugin.xml注册的那些扩展。我猜DS服务没问题,但我必须尝试一下。

  • stopping the bundle may not be enough - can it be started again later on? I would probably want it UNINSTALLED.
  • 停止捆绑可能还不够 - 以后可以再次启动吗?我可能希望它没有安装。

  • an unlicensed bundle is an opportunity telling the user about licensing. So, how do you tell the user that the bundle was not licensed, and won't be able to be used, and btw, here's how you license it.
  • 未经许可的捆绑包是告诉用户许可的机会。那么,你如何告诉用户该捆绑包没有被许可,并且将无法使用,顺便说一下,这是你如何许可它。

So far you haven't said anything about how the license is to be implemented. I'm guessing you'll go for a LicenseService, or even perhaps a singleton.


Do report back what you find.



One possible solution I can think of is that you contribute a class from plugin A to Plugin B. Then, when plugin B reads the contribution items, it can try to create an instance of this class.


The class, from plugin A, can then throw some exception in the constructor if it is not licensed. This will tell plugin B that the information from plugin A can be disregarded.


A possible implementation in plugin B can look like this:


    IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = registry.getExtensionPoint("mypoint");
    IConfigurationElement[] elements = extensionPoint.getConfigurationElements();
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      try {
        // ..... Read any other items you need....
      catch(LicenceException e){
        // Plugin is invalid, do not use


Shouldn't A check its license itself and not-override/not-contribute any data (or override with providing identical data) if it is not licensed? Why place the burden of license checking on B when essentially B doesn't care (as it's free).


I'd opt for A to start in a limited mode if the license is not found. You might also - as jamesh suggested - want to give the user the opportunity to provide the license, e.g. with an additional A-UI plugin informing the user about the missing license and offering to license.

如果找不到许可证,我会选择A以限制模式启动。您也可以 - 正如jamesh建议的那样 - 希望为用户提供提供许可证的机会,例如:使用额外的A-UI插件通知用户缺少许可证并提供许可证。



So, you are writing two plugins.


Plugin B has an extension point. If the user has the bundle for Plugin A, and the license, then plugin A should contribute extensions to the EP in plugin B.



OSGi's security model is largely built atop the default Java Permissions and SecurityManager. There is a discussion in this presentation from Apache Felix. I expect it would be possible to build a licensing scheme around this.

OSGi的安全模型主要是在默认的Java Permissions和SecurityManager之上构建的。 Apache Felix在本演示文稿中进行了讨论。我希望围绕这个建立一个许可方案是可能的。

You're workaround sounds like it could work, however, there are a couple of concerns:


  • stopping a bundle from starting may prevent any services being registered, but will it effect a change in the extension registry? i.e. those extensions registered using plugin.xml. I would guess that DS services would be ok, but I'd have to try it.
  • 阻止启动捆绑包可能会阻止任何服务被注册,但它是否会影响扩展注册表的更改?即使用plugin.xml注册的那些扩展。我猜DS服务没问题,但我必须尝试一下。

  • stopping the bundle may not be enough - can it be started again later on? I would probably want it UNINSTALLED.
  • 停止捆绑可能还不够 - 以后可以再次启动吗?我可能希望它没有安装。

  • an unlicensed bundle is an opportunity telling the user about licensing. So, how do you tell the user that the bundle was not licensed, and won't be able to be used, and btw, here's how you license it.
  • 未经许可的捆绑包是告诉用户许可的机会。那么,你如何告诉用户该捆绑包没有被许可,并且将无法使用,顺便说一下,这是你如何许可它。

So far you haven't said anything about how the license is to be implemented. I'm guessing you'll go for a LicenseService, or even perhaps a singleton.


Do report back what you find.



One possible solution I can think of is that you contribute a class from plugin A to Plugin B. Then, when plugin B reads the contribution items, it can try to create an instance of this class.


The class, from plugin A, can then throw some exception in the constructor if it is not licensed. This will tell plugin B that the information from plugin A can be disregarded.


A possible implementation in plugin B can look like this:


    IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = registry.getExtensionPoint("mypoint");
    IConfigurationElement[] elements = extensionPoint.getConfigurationElements();
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      try {
        // ..... Read any other items you need....
      catch(LicenceException e){
        // Plugin is invalid, do not use