
时间:2023-02-05 09:02:11

I have this shortcut in my vimrc:


map cmt :!start TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:"%" /closeonend:3 <CR>

map cmt:!start TortoiseProc.exe / command:commit / path:“%”/ closeonend:3

What this does is whenever I press 'cmt', vim will open the commit dialog for the file I'm currently editing with vim.


What I'd like to do is write this command in such a way that if I put a number in front of it, it will open the commit dialog for the n-th level directory.


Example to make things clearer:


Let's say I have this file structure project/logs/access.log. If I'm editing access.log and

假设我有这个文件结构项目/ logs / access.log。如果我正在编辑access.log和

  • press 'cmt' - I should get the dialog for committing access.log;
  • 按'cmt' - 我应该得到提交access.log的对话框;
  • press '1cmt' - I should get the dialog for committing the logs directory;
  • 按'1cmt' - 我应该得到提交日志目录的对话框;
  • press '2cmt' - I should get the dialog for committing the project directory;
  • 按'2cmt' - 我应该得到提交项目目录的对话框;

... and so on.

... 等等。

Note: I'm using gvim on Windows 7

注意:我在Windows 7上使用gvim

Hopefully someone can help me with this. Thanks.


1 个解决方案



I've implemented the desired functionality in the following function. It takes two arguments: a path to the file to start from, and a number of levels to go up. Then it cuts the specified number of tailing path components, and builds up the command to run (according to your example). Then it runs the command and checks exit code returned by shell after execution. If an error has occurred, error message together with command output are shown.


function! TortoiseCommitDialog(path, count)
    let pat = '[/\\]\@<=\%([^/\\]\+[/\\]\?\)\{' . a:count . '}$'
    let path = substitute(a:path, pat, '', '')
    let cmd = 'TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit ' .
    \   '/path:' . shellescape(path) . ' /closeonend:3'
    let out = system(cmd)
    if v:shell_error
        echoerr 'Failed to run Tortoise commit dialog'
        echo out

To use this function during editing, I recommend to define a command (because it can handle arguments unlike mapping) like this:


command! -count Cmt call TortoiseCommitDialog(expand('%:p'), <count>)

Because of -count flag you can run the command with count two ways: :3Cmt and :Cmt 3 (or even without space: :Cmt3).

由于-count标志,您可以通过两种方式运行命令:: 3Cmt和:Cmt 3(甚至没有空格:: Cmt3)。



I've implemented the desired functionality in the following function. It takes two arguments: a path to the file to start from, and a number of levels to go up. Then it cuts the specified number of tailing path components, and builds up the command to run (according to your example). Then it runs the command and checks exit code returned by shell after execution. If an error has occurred, error message together with command output are shown.


function! TortoiseCommitDialog(path, count)
    let pat = '[/\\]\@<=\%([^/\\]\+[/\\]\?\)\{' . a:count . '}$'
    let path = substitute(a:path, pat, '', '')
    let cmd = 'TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit ' .
    \   '/path:' . shellescape(path) . ' /closeonend:3'
    let out = system(cmd)
    if v:shell_error
        echoerr 'Failed to run Tortoise commit dialog'
        echo out

To use this function during editing, I recommend to define a command (because it can handle arguments unlike mapping) like this:


command! -count Cmt call TortoiseCommitDialog(expand('%:p'), <count>)

Because of -count flag you can run the command with count two ways: :3Cmt and :Cmt 3 (or even without space: :Cmt3).

由于-count标志,您可以通过两种方式运行命令:: 3Cmt和:Cmt 3(甚至没有空格:: Cmt3)。