UITableViewCell - 如何设置选择剪辑?

时间:2023-01-27 23:16:38

In my app, I have a UITableView and each UITableViewCell utilizes a custom background and style with the following code in the "WillDisplayCell" method:


UIImage *cellBackgroundImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"TableView_Cell_Background_iPhone"];

UIImageView *backgroundImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:cellBackgroundImage     highlightedImage:cellBackgroundImage];

[cell setBackgroundView:backgroundImage];

[backgroundImage release];

The problem is that the PNG I'm using as the background is a rectangle, but the UITableViewCell is a rounded rectangle with a specific layer radius property. When I select a cell, the background overrides the rounded nature of the cell and I get a jarring blue highlighted sharp rectangle. Is there a way to set the selected state corner radius or something along those lines? My only other option if not would be to create a PNG background that fits the rounded rectangle perfectly.



1 个解决方案



I would set the selectionStyle of the cell to UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone, this stops the blue highlight. Then start to do a custom selection job.


You will have to make a custom subclass of UITalbeViewCell. Override setSelected or if that doesn't work user a gesture recognizer or override touchesBegan etc. I have done it once, before, I forget exactly how, if you have trouble let me know and ill look it up.


When you detect that the cell is selected, perhaps create a translucent overlay as a PNG and make it appear when the cell is selected. Alternatively lower the transparency of the background image or add a color mask.




I would set the selectionStyle of the cell to UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone, this stops the blue highlight. Then start to do a custom selection job.


You will have to make a custom subclass of UITalbeViewCell. Override setSelected or if that doesn't work user a gesture recognizer or override touchesBegan etc. I have done it once, before, I forget exactly how, if you have trouble let me know and ill look it up.


When you detect that the cell is selected, perhaps create a translucent overlay as a PNG and make it appear when the cell is selected. Alternatively lower the transparency of the background image or add a color mask.
