
时间:2023-01-27 16:05:29

Say I have an Model which displays as follows.


class Opt(models.Model):
    optID = models.CharField()
    availabiltities = models.ManyToManyField(Available)
    lastdatemodified = models.DateTimeField()

Also, opt_ID is not the primary_key


I want to be able to display all the field with respect to that opt_id in the html template. I have a page which displays all the Opt_id for that model. And each Opt_ID is a link which is supposed to display all the fields as I mentioned before...


In views.py I am currently writing,


def Optschedule(request, opt_id = 1):
   return render_to_response('show.html', {'OptSchedule', Opt.objects.filter(optID=Opt_id)})

In show.html


{% for entries in OptSchedule %}
{% endfor %}

I guess, i am not understanding how do we pass arguments to the view function so that it uses those arguments for the queryset in views.




1 个解决方案



I understood your question, but you're missing some basics of Django


You can pass the arguments to your view in your request, configuring properly your urlconf.


But first, let's use lowercase for function names, as preconized by Python PEP8:

但首先,让我们使用小写的函数名称,由Python PEP8预先规划:

Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.


def opt_schedule(request, opt_id):
    opt_schedule = Opt.objects.get(id=opt_id)
    return render_to_response('show.html', {'OptSchedule': opt_schedule})

You're passing opt_id to your view, and this opt_id came from your urlconf, suppose:


(r'^show/(\d+)/$', opt_schedule),

this urlconf says that you're passing a decimal integer for your view opt_schedule, besides the request object. When you call www.example.com/show/1/, the view opt_schedule is called and receive request object and the decimal 1. Inside your view function, you're querying for Opt object that have the id (or pk) = 1, and passes it to your context with the name 'OptSchedule'

这个urlconf说除了请求对象之外,你还为视图opt_schedule传递了一个十进制整数。当您调用www.example.com/show/1/时,将调用视图opt_schedule并接收请求对象和小数1.在查看函数内,您要查询具有id(或pk)= 1的Opt对象,并将其传递给您的上下文,名称为“OptSchedule”

Now you can access your object attributes in your template, like:


{{ OptSchedule.lastdatemodified }}



I understood your question, but you're missing some basics of Django


You can pass the arguments to your view in your request, configuring properly your urlconf.


But first, let's use lowercase for function names, as preconized by Python PEP8:

但首先,让我们使用小写的函数名称,由Python PEP8预先规划:

Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.


def opt_schedule(request, opt_id):
    opt_schedule = Opt.objects.get(id=opt_id)
    return render_to_response('show.html', {'OptSchedule': opt_schedule})

You're passing opt_id to your view, and this opt_id came from your urlconf, suppose:


(r'^show/(\d+)/$', opt_schedule),

this urlconf says that you're passing a decimal integer for your view opt_schedule, besides the request object. When you call www.example.com/show/1/, the view opt_schedule is called and receive request object and the decimal 1. Inside your view function, you're querying for Opt object that have the id (or pk) = 1, and passes it to your context with the name 'OptSchedule'

这个urlconf说除了请求对象之外,你还为视图opt_schedule传递了一个十进制整数。当您调用www.example.com/show/1/时,将调用视图opt_schedule并接收请求对象和小数1.在查看函数内,您要查询具有id(或pk)= 1的Opt对象,并将其传递给您的上下文,名称为“OptSchedule”

Now you can access your object attributes in your template, like:


{{ OptSchedule.lastdatemodified }}