
时间:2023-01-27 13:55:20

I've created a Windows CE 5.0 application which runs on a handheld scanner. The scanner has its own (hardware) keypad and almost all input comes from the scanning unit.

我创建了一个在手持扫描仪上运行的Windows CE 5.0应用程序。扫描仪有自己的(硬件)键盘,几乎所有输入都来自扫描单元。

Unfortunately whenever the text box receiving the scanned characters is focused the input panel appears at the bottom of the screen, blocking almost a third of the screen space.


Is it possible to deactivate it in my form or in the whole application?


2 个解决方案


If you're not doing it manually via the InputPanel control, then I assume you have aygshell in the image and they are being rendered with a WC_SIPPREF control. I'm not certain if you can remove that control manually - I've never tried. There may be an agshell function that will allow you to disable/remove it, or maybe some work with the InputPanel for your app can remove it.

如果你不是通过InputPanel控件手动完成它,那么我假设你在图像中有一个aygshell,它们正在使用WC_SIPPREF控件进行渲染。我不确定你是否可以手动删除该控件 - 我从未尝试过。可能有一个agshell函数,允许您禁用/删除它,或者可能与您的应用程序的InputPanel一起工作可以删除它。

You may also want to see this blog entry for a bit more detail.



That last time I worked with CE was back when it was called pocketpc 2002 (I still have my old iPaq 3870 - one of the first devices with bluetooth and one of the last without wifi), but at that time the simplest way around this was to set the device to use a hand-writing recognition mode that didn't pop up anything. That may or may not be an option for you and things may have improved since then.

我最后一次与CE合作时,它被称为pocketpc 2002(我仍然有我的旧iPaq 3870 - 第一个带有蓝牙的设备之一,而最后一个没有wifi的设备之一),但当时最简单的方法是将设备设置为使用没有弹出任何内容的手写识别模式。这可能是也可能不是你的选择,事情可能会有所改善。


If you're not doing it manually via the InputPanel control, then I assume you have aygshell in the image and they are being rendered with a WC_SIPPREF control. I'm not certain if you can remove that control manually - I've never tried. There may be an agshell function that will allow you to disable/remove it, or maybe some work with the InputPanel for your app can remove it.

如果你不是通过InputPanel控件手动完成它,那么我假设你在图像中有一个aygshell,它们正在使用WC_SIPPREF控件进行渲染。我不确定你是否可以手动删除该控件 - 我从未尝试过。可能有一个agshell函数,允许您禁用/删除它,或者可能与您的应用程序的InputPanel一起工作可以删除它。

You may also want to see this blog entry for a bit more detail.



That last time I worked with CE was back when it was called pocketpc 2002 (I still have my old iPaq 3870 - one of the first devices with bluetooth and one of the last without wifi), but at that time the simplest way around this was to set the device to use a hand-writing recognition mode that didn't pop up anything. That may or may not be an option for you and things may have improved since then.

我最后一次与CE合作时,它被称为pocketpc 2002(我仍然有我的旧iPaq 3870 - 第一个带有蓝牙的设备之一,而最后一个没有wifi的设备之一),但当时最简单的方法是将设备设置为使用没有弹出任何内容的手写识别模式。这可能是也可能不是你的选择,事情可能会有所改善。