
时间:2023-01-27 11:16:38

I have an existing Podfile that specifies one framework. I want to add another, using CocoaPods.


At this point, I have modified the existing Podfile (using Xcode) to specify the new framework. Following instructions in the accepted answer to this question, I get this response in Terminal


[!] You cannot run CocoaPods as root. (CLAide::Help)

Can someone please put me on the right track, hopefully with simple step by step instructions for my simple brain? I've only used Terminal once before, when I installed CocoaPods and my existing framework, a process for which I successfully followed the tutorial here, but it was intended for creating the Podfile from scratch.


Many thanks!

2 个解决方案


A) Make sure you're putting the 2nd pod on a new line


B) Make sure terminal is in the directory of your podfile. Just open terminal, type:


cd (path/to/podfile)

You can get the path easily by dragging in the file from finder into the terminal window.



I deleted, then pasted (from the GitHub repository) the line in the Podfile for the new dependency, then did pod install again. CocoaPods took it from there and reinstalled the existing pod plus the new one.

我删除了,然后粘贴(从GitHub存储库)Podfile中新的依赖项的行,然后再次安装pod。 CocoaPods从那里拿走了它并重新安装了现有的pod和新的pod。

Go figure--I can't explain it. The spelling was identical...

去图 - 我无法解释。拼写相同......


A) Make sure you're putting the 2nd pod on a new line


B) Make sure terminal is in the directory of your podfile. Just open terminal, type:


cd (path/to/podfile)

You can get the path easily by dragging in the file from finder into the terminal window.



I deleted, then pasted (from the GitHub repository) the line in the Podfile for the new dependency, then did pod install again. CocoaPods took it from there and reinstalled the existing pod plus the new one.

我删除了,然后粘贴(从GitHub存储库)Podfile中新的依赖项的行,然后再次安装pod。 CocoaPods从那里拿走了它并重新安装了现有的pod和新的pod。

Go figure--I can't explain it. The spelling was identical...

去图 - 我无法解释。拼写相同......