使用Drive API检查文件同步

时间:2023-01-26 22:01:31

How can I check if the file is uploaded to Google Drive using Google Drive Android API? I was looking here but the only file missing is the CheckFileSyncStatusActivity.java which, I guess, does the thing I need.

如何使用Google Drive Android API检查文件是否已上传到Google云端硬盘?我在这里看,但唯一缺少的文件是CheckFileSyncStatusActivity.java,我想,这是我需要的东西。

1 个解决方案



Though its very late to answer but you can make completion events to detect when upload is done to drive. Here is a google link regarding that link




Though its very late to answer but you can make completion events to detect when upload is done to drive. Here is a google link regarding that link
