
时间:2023-01-26 21:24:34

I want to know what is the current url of active tab in running firefox instance from python module. Does FireFox have any API for this and does python know to work with it?

我想知道从python模块运行firefox实例时活动选项卡的当前url是什么。 FireFox有没有这方面的API,python知道可以使用吗?

3 个解决方案


The most convenient way maybe insatll a firefox extension to open up a tcp service, then you can exchange info with firefox.


mozrepl can set up a telnet service, you can call js-like command to get info.


With telnetscript (http: //code.activestate.com/recipes/152043/), you can write:


import telnetscript

script = """rve
w content.location.href;
ru repl>
w repl.quit()

conn = telnetscript.telnetscript( '', {}, 4242 )
ret = conn.RunScript( script.split( '\n' )).split( '\n' )
print ret[-2][6:]


If on windows you can use win32com


import win32clipboard
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shell.AppActivate('Some Application Title')

Then use shell.SendKeys to do a ctrl+l and a ctrl+c

然后用shell.SendKeys做一个ctrl + l和一个ctrl + c

Then read the string in the clipboard.


It's horkey though it will work, alternatly you can use something like AutoIt an compile the code to an exe that you can work with.


Hope this helps.



There is also a webbrowser module in python, but it seems to only allow you to open new windows/tabs.

python中还有一个webbrowser模块,但似乎只允许你打开新的windows / tabs。


The most convenient way maybe insatll a firefox extension to open up a tcp service, then you can exchange info with firefox.


mozrepl can set up a telnet service, you can call js-like command to get info.


With telnetscript (http: //code.activestate.com/recipes/152043/), you can write:


import telnetscript

script = """rve
w content.location.href;
ru repl>
w repl.quit()

conn = telnetscript.telnetscript( '', {}, 4242 )
ret = conn.RunScript( script.split( '\n' )).split( '\n' )
print ret[-2][6:]


If on windows you can use win32com


import win32clipboard
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shell.AppActivate('Some Application Title')

Then use shell.SendKeys to do a ctrl+l and a ctrl+c

然后用shell.SendKeys做一个ctrl + l和一个ctrl + c

Then read the string in the clipboard.


It's horkey though it will work, alternatly you can use something like AutoIt an compile the code to an exe that you can work with.


Hope this helps.



There is also a webbrowser module in python, but it seems to only allow you to open new windows/tabs.

python中还有一个webbrowser模块,但似乎只允许你打开新的windows / tabs。