Rails + Apache +乘客+ EC2 Linux AMI“来自应用程序的不完整响应”

时间:2023-01-26 11:41:10

I am getting served "Incomplete Response From Application" on a fresh install of Apache 2 + Rails 4 + Phusion Passenger. I followed the instructions found here, but as I am no sysadmin, I really was operating mostly blind. At first, when I checked the logs, I was missing a javascript runtime environment. I am guessing passenger is written in JS or something like that, not sure why I would need it, so I added gem 'execjs' to the gemfile and installed nodejs on my linux AMI using sudo yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel The only other deviations I took from that guide were that I changed the default DocumentRoot and Directory in my httpd.conf as I have no server name yet for a vhost. Thanks for your time!

我得到了“来自应用程序的不完全响应”,在新安装Apache 2 + Rails 4 + Phusion乘客。我遵从了这里的指示,但由于我不是系统管理员,我的操作基本上是盲目的。首先,当我检查日志时,我缺少一个javascript运行时环境。我猜旅客用JS之类的,不知道为什么我需要它,所以我添加了宝石的execjs gemfile和安装在我的linux nodejs AMI使用sudo yum安装nodejs npm——enablerepo = epel唯一其他偏差我从指导是我改变了默认DocumentRoot httpd和目录。因为我还没有服务器名,所以没有主机名。谢谢你的时间!

Someone on SO referenced this as a solution:


Enter your app root
run: rake secret
copy the output
go to /yourapp/config/secrets.yml
set the production secret_key_base

This causes the entire app to not respond.


1 个解决方案



It turns out I had the security group not accepting any connections except from my machine on the RDS database for production.




It turns out I had the security group not accepting any connections except from my machine on the RDS database for production.
