
时间:2022-05-10 05:45:02

I am having some issues performing action clicks on jqPlot items, and I am hoping someone else can shed some light on what is going wrong.


I have a barchart rendered with jqPlot, which attach a click event handler to (on jqPlot chart) using the following code:


$.jqplot.eventListenerHooks.push(['jqplotClick', myClickHandler]);

myClickHandler looks like this:


function myClickHandler(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
  alert('you have triggered click action');

My intention is that by using this simple jqPlot implementation, the alert action will be triggered when a click is delivered on the area inside the chart, including the bar chart item. This works perfectly in any desktop browsers (IE6/7/8/9, Chrome, Safari).

我的意图是通过使用这个简单的jqPlot实现,当在图表内的区域(包括条形图项目)上传递点击时,将触发警报操作。这适用于任何桌面浏览器(IE6 / 7/8/9,Chrome,Safari)。

The issue I am having, however, is that when I access the site using iPhone/iPad, everything is rendered perfectly except that the click action specified above behaves strangely.

然而,我遇到的问题是,当我使用iPhone / iPad访问网站时,除了上面指定的点击操作表现异常外,所有内容都完美呈现。

If I try touching on any bar chart item, it does not alert 'you have triggered click action' - as if nothing is happening.

如果我尝试触摸任何条形图项目,它不会提示“您已触发点击操作” - 就像没有发生任何事情一样。

However, when I tried to click (touch) the empty space of the chart, the alert message fires normally.


Any ideas?

3 个解决方案



$.jqplot.eventListenerHooks.push(['jqplotClick', myClickHandler]);

This call will attach onClick handler to the whole event canvas. (This event canvas is with the size of the plot and should be ABOVE all other canvases to work - meaning that you might need to manually modify it's z-index to make things work). What I think is happening in your case is this:

此调用将onClick处理程序附加到整个事件画布。 (此事件画布具有绘图的大小,并且应该在所有其他画布上方工作 - 这意味着您可能需要手动修改它的z-index以使其工作)。我认为你的情况是这样的:

  1. You are attaching "myClickHandler" method to the event canvas. It will be fired every time event canvas is clicked, no matter where - over the series or over the background of the plot.

    您正在将“myClickHandler”方法附加到事件画布。每次点击事件画布时都会触发它,无论在哪里 - 在系列上或在剧情的背景上。

  2. In the case with barchart renderer this event canvas is below the series canvas (either it is created before series canvas, or it has lower z-index). Solution would be to manually increase the z-index of the event canvas AFTER chart was created. After this it will be on top and click events will be handled correctly.


  3. Remember, this click event will fired on every click over the plot, no matter where. Solution would be to filter the execution of the "myClickHandler" method like this:



function myClickHandler(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
    if (isClickEventOverTheSeries(gridpos)) {
        alert('you have triggered click action');

In this example gridpos is array which contains 2 points - x and y coordinates of the click event. "isClickEventOverTheSeries" method is function which checks if under this coordinates there is series drawn. I'm not sure how to achieve this with BarChart renderer - I never used it, but with the line render there is a method which checks it...

在此示例中,gridpos是包含2个点的数组 - click事件的x和y坐标。 “isClickEventOverTheSeries”方法是检查在此坐标下是否有系列绘制的函数。我不知道如何使用BarChart渲染器实现这一点 - 我从未使用它,但是使用线渲染有一种方法可以检查它...

Hope this helps




I don't know about jqplot, but generally, there's much more going on in-between mousedown and click events on touch devices. There's a greater chance of "loosing" the click before the click event itself eventually fires. mousedown, or in your case 'jqplotMouseDown`, might be a better bet for you.

我不知道jqplot,但一般来说,触摸设备上的mousedown和click事件之间会有更多的事情发生。在点击事件本身最终触发之前,更有可能“松开”点击。 mousedown,或者在你的情况下'jqplotMouseDown`,对你来说可能是更好的选择。



You should be able to sort out this problem by doing exactly as @PriorityMark suggests i.e. by setting, explicitly, the value of z-index on the jqplot-event-canvas.


The way it might be done is shown, for example, in this answer where the problem was of a similar nature. There after my initial changes, i.e. sending of the jqplot-overlayCanvas-canvas behind the jqplot-series-canvas I forgot to put the jqplot-event-canvas in front.




$.jqplot.eventListenerHooks.push(['jqplotClick', myClickHandler]);

This call will attach onClick handler to the whole event canvas. (This event canvas is with the size of the plot and should be ABOVE all other canvases to work - meaning that you might need to manually modify it's z-index to make things work). What I think is happening in your case is this:

此调用将onClick处理程序附加到整个事件画布。 (此事件画布具有绘图的大小,并且应该在所有其他画布上方工作 - 这意味着您可能需要手动修改它的z-index以使其工作)。我认为你的情况是这样的:

  1. You are attaching "myClickHandler" method to the event canvas. It will be fired every time event canvas is clicked, no matter where - over the series or over the background of the plot.

    您正在将“myClickHandler”方法附加到事件画布。每次点击事件画布时都会触发它,无论在哪里 - 在系列上或在剧情的背景上。

  2. In the case with barchart renderer this event canvas is below the series canvas (either it is created before series canvas, or it has lower z-index). Solution would be to manually increase the z-index of the event canvas AFTER chart was created. After this it will be on top and click events will be handled correctly.


  3. Remember, this click event will fired on every click over the plot, no matter where. Solution would be to filter the execution of the "myClickHandler" method like this:



function myClickHandler(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) {
    if (isClickEventOverTheSeries(gridpos)) {
        alert('you have triggered click action');

In this example gridpos is array which contains 2 points - x and y coordinates of the click event. "isClickEventOverTheSeries" method is function which checks if under this coordinates there is series drawn. I'm not sure how to achieve this with BarChart renderer - I never used it, but with the line render there is a method which checks it...

在此示例中,gridpos是包含2个点的数组 - click事件的x和y坐标。 “isClickEventOverTheSeries”方法是检查在此坐标下是否有系列绘制的函数。我不知道如何使用BarChart渲染器实现这一点 - 我从未使用它,但是使用线渲染有一种方法可以检查它...

Hope this helps




I don't know about jqplot, but generally, there's much more going on in-between mousedown and click events on touch devices. There's a greater chance of "loosing" the click before the click event itself eventually fires. mousedown, or in your case 'jqplotMouseDown`, might be a better bet for you.

我不知道jqplot,但一般来说,触摸设备上的mousedown和click事件之间会有更多的事情发生。在点击事件本身最终触发之前,更有可能“松开”点击。 mousedown,或者在你的情况下'jqplotMouseDown`,对你来说可能是更好的选择。



You should be able to sort out this problem by doing exactly as @PriorityMark suggests i.e. by setting, explicitly, the value of z-index on the jqplot-event-canvas.


The way it might be done is shown, for example, in this answer where the problem was of a similar nature. There after my initial changes, i.e. sending of the jqplot-overlayCanvas-canvas behind the jqplot-series-canvas I forgot to put the jqplot-event-canvas in front.
