
时间:2023-01-24 15:15:42

I am currently working on a workspace with 2 projects. One project does not depend on the other. They are separate entities.


However a previous developer has implemented new features on the one project and I now need to implement the same features on the other project.


However the classes that he has implemented in the one project import other classes. These classes are not currently in the project I am working on.


What is the best way to share these classes across the 2 projects. I don't really want to copy the files over because that would making supporting the 2 projects harder. I.e - We would have to update both projects at the same time and is much more prone to a mistake.

在两个项目中分享这些课程的最佳方式是什么。我真的不想复制文件,因为这会使得支持2个项目更加困难。即 - 我们必须同时更新这两个项目,更容易出错。

Also when you do copy files from one project to the other (clicking copy) I am having a lot of issues with my project conflicting with the other project. Here is a question I asked about this issue: Xcode: Copy files from one Project to another in same workspace


Is there an elegant way to share these files across the two projects?


Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案


If you work with Git, take a look on submodule



If you work with Git, take a look on submodule
