
时间:2023-01-24 11:28:23

What I really want to do is check if the same file exists before or after uploading the file, is there a efficient way to do it?


Well, that's it!


Edit: Actually it doesn't matter if its after or before, as long as it can detect dups.


6 个解决方案


You can't check before uploading the file.
Once it's uploaded you could compare the file sizes then the MD5s of the files to check if they are the same.



EDIT: Sorry didn't realize you said BEFORE... What you could do is use AJAX to query the server before the upload button is enabled.



function CreateRequest()
var xmlhttp = false;

if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
    try {
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } catch (e) {

if (!xmlhttp && window.createRequest) {
    try {
        xmlhttp = window.createRequest();
    } catch (e) {

    alert("Could not create XmlHttpRequest. Browser does not support.");

return xmlhttp;

function validate()
    xmlhttp = CreateRequest();
    xmlhttp.open( "GET", "checkfile.php?file=" + document.getElementById('upload').value );
    xmlhttp.send( false );
    if( xmlhttp.responseText == "YES" )
        alert( "File already exists" );
        document.getElementById('go').disabled = false;


<input id="upload" type="file" name="upload" onchange="validate()"/>
<input name="Reset" type="submit" disabled=disabled id="go" value="Go"/>


$file = basename( $_GET['file'] );
if( file_exists( "uploads/$file" ) )
    echo "YES";
    echo "NO";


You cannot do that without using AJAX or flash, because PHP is responsible for the upload itself and your script starts at the point where the file has already been uploaded. I'll add the appropriate tags to your answer so someone can help you



You only have few choice :


  • If you want to know before the user upload, you ask him the md5 sum of the file, then server-side you check if there already is a file (really user friendly).
  • 如果你想在用户上传前知道,你问他md5文件的总和,然后服务器端你检查是否已经有文件(真的用户友好)。

  • If your file has a unique name, you ask the name of the file before uploading (user friendly too)
  • 如果您的文件具有唯一的名称,则在上传之前询问文件的名称(用户友好)

  • You can't before the user uploaded the file (not really what you want...)
  • 你不能在用户上传文件之前(不是你想要的......)

Pick the one you prefer !



Checking before uploading is, as others have pointed out before, not possible. But once the file is uploaded, you should compare the MD5 hash of the files.


Instead of calculating the MD5 hash of a file over and over again, you could consider keeping a little database in which you cache the results. That should be more performant.



There is an even better solution for this.


If you just need to find out if two files are identical, comparing file hashes can be inefficient, especially on large files. There's no reason to read two whole files and do all the math if the second byte of each file is different. If you don't need to store the hash value for later use, there may not be a need to calculate the hash value just to compare files.


A much faster solution can be found here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.md5-file.php#94494


To be 100% sure, you could still do the md5_file method afterwards.



You can't check before uploading the file.
Once it's uploaded you could compare the file sizes then the MD5s of the files to check if they are the same.



EDIT: Sorry didn't realize you said BEFORE... What you could do is use AJAX to query the server before the upload button is enabled.



function CreateRequest()
var xmlhttp = false;

if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
    try {
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } catch (e) {

if (!xmlhttp && window.createRequest) {
    try {
        xmlhttp = window.createRequest();
    } catch (e) {

    alert("Could not create XmlHttpRequest. Browser does not support.");

return xmlhttp;

function validate()
    xmlhttp = CreateRequest();
    xmlhttp.open( "GET", "checkfile.php?file=" + document.getElementById('upload').value );
    xmlhttp.send( false );
    if( xmlhttp.responseText == "YES" )
        alert( "File already exists" );
        document.getElementById('go').disabled = false;


<input id="upload" type="file" name="upload" onchange="validate()"/>
<input name="Reset" type="submit" disabled=disabled id="go" value="Go"/>


$file = basename( $_GET['file'] );
if( file_exists( "uploads/$file" ) )
    echo "YES";
    echo "NO";


You cannot do that without using AJAX or flash, because PHP is responsible for the upload itself and your script starts at the point where the file has already been uploaded. I'll add the appropriate tags to your answer so someone can help you



You only have few choice :


  • If you want to know before the user upload, you ask him the md5 sum of the file, then server-side you check if there already is a file (really user friendly).
  • 如果你想在用户上传前知道,你问他md5文件的总和,然后服务器端你检查是否已经有文件(真的用户友好)。

  • If your file has a unique name, you ask the name of the file before uploading (user friendly too)
  • 如果您的文件具有唯一的名称,则在上传之前询问文件的名称(用户友好)

  • You can't before the user uploaded the file (not really what you want...)
  • 你不能在用户上传文件之前(不是你想要的......)

Pick the one you prefer !



Checking before uploading is, as others have pointed out before, not possible. But once the file is uploaded, you should compare the MD5 hash of the files.


Instead of calculating the MD5 hash of a file over and over again, you could consider keeping a little database in which you cache the results. That should be more performant.



There is an even better solution for this.


If you just need to find out if two files are identical, comparing file hashes can be inefficient, especially on large files. There's no reason to read two whole files and do all the math if the second byte of each file is different. If you don't need to store the hash value for later use, there may not be a need to calculate the hash value just to compare files.


A much faster solution can be found here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.md5-file.php#94494


To be 100% sure, you could still do the md5_file method afterwards.
