
时间:2023-01-24 08:21:36

I am looking to use the Django-Scheduler package in my Django project but am finding it difficult to understand how to actually implement the calendar so that it can be seen on the actual website. My website is meant to be a timetable scheduling system where users can login and use and edit there own timetable/calendar. I have already implemented the login and registrastion using django registration redux. I have also already installed django-scheduler using pip and have edited my projects settings like so:


INSTALLED_APPS += ('schedule',)

add to



This is explained on the github page for django-scheduler. I have read through the documentation but am still not sure as to how to have a usable calendar on the page the user is sent to after logging in.


Could someone please explain to me as to how I can achieve this. What do I put in my projects url.py file for django-scheduler like eg the url for django-calendarium,


url(r'^calendar/', include('calendarium.urls')),

Do I have to create new templates etc.


Hope somebody can help ! Thanks


1 个解决方案



this will serve you


url(r'^calendar/', include('schedule.urls')),

if you still to know more about the url, views, models and config of schedule check https://github.com/llazzaro/django-scheduler/tree/develop/schedule and https://github.com/llazzaro/django-scheduler/tree/develop/schedule/urls.py for

如果您还想了解更多关于日程的url、视图、模型和配置的信息,请查看https://github.com/llazzaro/django调度器/ tree/develope/schedule以及https://github.com/llazzaro/django调度器/tree/develop/schedule/urls.py



this will serve you


url(r'^calendar/', include('schedule.urls')),

if you still to know more about the url, views, models and config of schedule check https://github.com/llazzaro/django-scheduler/tree/develop/schedule and https://github.com/llazzaro/django-scheduler/tree/develop/schedule/urls.py for

如果您还想了解更多关于日程的url、视图、模型和配置的信息,请查看https://github.com/llazzaro/django调度器/ tree/develope/schedule以及https://github.com/llazzaro/django调度器/tree/develop/schedule/urls.py