
时间:2023-01-23 18:16:02

I have implemented in a playground a GreetingDelegate protocol with a function sayHi (hypothetically)and a class Data that conforms with said protocol.


I also have a class named Class that has a delegate that conforms to the GreetingDelegate, another sayHi function, and a function that determines if who shall respond to sayHi.


If Class doesn't have a delegate triggers his own version of the sayHi function but if the delegate exists triggers the delegate's version of the function.


protocol GreetingDelegate {
  func sayHi(name: String) -> String

class Class {
  var delegate: GreetingDelegate?

  func sayHi(name: String) -> String {
    return "Hello, \(name)"

  func target() -> Any {
    if let delegate = delegate {
      return delegate
    return self

class Data: GreetingDelegate {

  func sayHi(name: String) -> String {
    return "Hi, \(name)"

let classInstance = Class()


let dataInstance = Data()

classInstance.delegate = dataInstance


The strange part is when I call the target function before assigning any delegate it return nil when it should return itself. Really would appreciate help on this problem.


I attach a picture of the results of the playground if it be any help.在函数中返回self会让我快速无效




When I change the return type of target() to AnyObject it doesn't return nil but it doesn't accept delegate as a return result.


2 个解决方案



It's returning {nil} because that's what all of the variables belonging to that instance of Class are (because delegate is an optional, it defaults to nil). If you add another variable, such as


var num: Int = 1

to the class, it will return {nil, 1} instead. So it is returning the object - not the class name, but basically a summary of its data members.

在课堂上,它将返回{nil,1}。所以它返回对象 - 而不是类名,但基本上是它的数据成员的摘要。



In the first case calling target function before setting the delegate returning self instance with its delegate value as nil. {nil} means instance with delegate value is uninitialised.

在第一种情况下,在设置委托返回自我实例之前调用目标函数,其委托值为nil。 {nil}表示委托值未初始化的实例。

In the second case calling target function after setting the delegate returning self instance with its delegate value as Data object. {Data} means with delegate value is set with a Data object.

在第二种情况下调用目标函数后,设置委托返回自我实例,其委托值为Data对象。 {Data}表示委托值是使用Data对象设置的。



It's returning {nil} because that's what all of the variables belonging to that instance of Class are (because delegate is an optional, it defaults to nil). If you add another variable, such as


var num: Int = 1

to the class, it will return {nil, 1} instead. So it is returning the object - not the class name, but basically a summary of its data members.

在课堂上,它将返回{nil,1}。所以它返回对象 - 而不是类名,但基本上是它的数据成员的摘要。



In the first case calling target function before setting the delegate returning self instance with its delegate value as nil. {nil} means instance with delegate value is uninitialised.

在第一种情况下,在设置委托返回自我实例之前调用目标函数,其委托值为nil。 {nil}表示委托值未初始化的实例。

In the second case calling target function after setting the delegate returning self instance with its delegate value as Data object. {Data} means with delegate value is set with a Data object.

在第二种情况下调用目标函数后,设置委托返回自我实例,其委托值为Data对象。 {Data}表示委托值是使用Data对象设置的。